-Caveat Lector-


Posted February 5th, 2002 1:00 PM
The Real Reason the Forum Bigwigs Are Here: The Swiss Didn’t Want the
Global Retreat
by Ron Feemster

In November, the World Economic Forum announced with great fanfare
that it would hold its annual meeting at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel to
show solidarity with New York. That may, in fact, be why it came here
last week. But that doesn't begin to explain what drove the annual
gathering of multi- millionaire CEOs and politicians out of
Switzerland in the first place.

The Forum fled because it failed to manage the political and
financial problems triggered by demonstrations the past two years.
Rampaging anarchists scored a major victory in Davos in 2001. They
disrupted the Forum's placid marriage to the sleepy ski resort, which
had hosted the annual meeting for 31 years. Davos, first famous as
the setting for Thomas Mann's Magic Mountain, is not like Seattle or
Genoa, cities that might lose a battle to protesters but never have
to see them again. Davos is home to the World Economic Forum. If the
Forum can't keep the peace, it has to go elsewhere.

"It's just too small a town for big demonstrations," says Hans Klaus, spokesman for 
the Swiss Justice and Police Ministry. "We haven't found a good way to let all of 
those people in there at once."

Demonstrators show up, like it or not. Crowds took to the streets here and in Zurich 
last weekend to protest the Forum's role in globalization. In Zurich, police arrested 
54 protesters Friday night, and disturbances cause
d $180,000 in property damage, according to published reports.

Dealing with demonstrators is expensive. Security costs for a meeting in Davos have 
exploded from $175,000 in 1998 to an estimated $6 million to $9 million this year, 
according to Klaus. Convincing the provincial governme
nt of Graubünden to swallow its 62 percent share of the tab was tough. But parceling 
out the security tasks proved to be even more difficult. Well aware that a large, 
violent demonstration in Davos could spell the end of
the Forum, Swiss authorities turned back protesters before they reached the meeting in 
2001. This strategy moved the security problems to neighboring cities and sowed the 
seeds of Davos's political undoing.

Protesters were not allowed into Davos last year because, in 2000, they had attacked a 
McDonald's and smashed shop windows along the main street of town. In 2001, the 
authorities created "Fortress Davos," and blocked road
s and searched trains on Saturday, the traditional demonstration day. Forced to turn 
back, about 1000 protesters regrouped in Zurich, where they burned automobiles and 
battled police water cannons. Ironically, Zurich's ri
ot police were 90 miles away in Davos and had to be helicoptered back. Zurich 
residents and businesses blamed their police for dedicating local resources to the 
rich visitors in the mountains, and then failing to keep ord
er at home. Davos's security woes had become a national problem.

A national police problem in Switzerland becomes a nightmare overnight. Each of the 
country's 26 cantons (provinces) has an independent police force, as do most cities 
and towns. Most of these forces are tiny by American
standards. The city of Zurich (pop. 300,000) has 2000 uniformed officers. The canton 
of Zurich (pop. 1.2 million) employs another 2000 officers. These are the largest 
forces in a country of 7.2 million people. The police
contingent that boarded helicopters to quell the Zurich riot numbered fewer than 50 
officers. (This year, the NYPD dedicated 4000 officers to protect the Forum, freezing 
a three-block zone around the Waldorf-Astoria.)

To police the Forum, each of the 26 cantons must send a few officers to the meeting, 
as almost all have done in the past. But after the unrest in Zurich, no canton wanted 
to be caught short if anti-Forum demonstrations sp
read across the nation. Zurich refused to send officers with experience in quelling 
demonstrations. At most, Zurich police would stand by, waiting to be choppered in if 
it were clear that Zurich remained peaceful. Similar
ly bitter negotiations with other cantons began in June, and they were still going on 
in October, when the Forum was forced to commit to Davos or find a new home.

"Money was not the biggest problem," says Pascal Couchepin, the Swiss minister of 
economic affairs. "Finding money in Switzerland is easier than finding police 

In the meantime, terrorists attacked the World Trade Center, which altered the Forum's 
agenda as certainly as it changed the global political climate. Klaus Schwab, the 
founder and head of the Forum, was in New York on Se
ptember 11, meeting with Rabbi Arthur Schneier of the Park East Synagogue when the 
planes struck. After Schwab returned to Geneva, the off-season headquarters of the 
Forum, he and his staff tore up plans for a meeting on
the impending global recession and rewrote the program based on a new and insecure 

As Charles McLean, communications director for the Forum, tells the story, Schwab was 
toying early on with the idea of moving the 2002 meeting to New York. "He just brought 
it up as an idle remark in a meeting, but no one
 took it very seriously," McLean recalls. Meanwhile, on October 1, the Forum sent out 
2500 invitations to the meeting in Davos. The negotiations about costs and security 
continued. The Forum agreed to pay for relocating p
olice officers, which would have come to about 20 percent of the total bill, according 
to McLean. (He notes that the Forum did not save money by coming to New York.) The 
Swiss federal government committed $1.9 million to
protect visiting heads of state and dignitaries. Asked about the ongoing security 
negotiations, McLean recalls them as "background noise." He says Swiss federal 
authorities assured the Forum that security questions could
be solved in time for the meeting.

That noise may have been a faint buzz in Geneva, but in Zurich and Graubünden, the 
canton that hosts the Forum, it was deafening. Esther Maurer, the Zurich police chief, 
a Social Democrat who is also a city councilmember
standing for re-election on March 3, continued to balk at sending officers to Davos 
unless two conditions were met. First, the officers must not be needed in Zurich. 
Second, the Forum would have to change its format to be
come friendlier to demonstrators. Those seeking dialogue should be offered the 
opportunity to join the discussion, rather than being shut out, Maurer said.

Late in October, the Forum dispatched two board members to New York to pitch Mayor 
Giuliani on holding the meeting here. McLean recalls: "The mayor looked at his 
advisers and asked, 'Does anybody think this is a bad idea?
' " On November 7, Klaus Schwab held a press conference at the Waldorf announcing the 
Forum's "solidarity" with New York.

When the Forum announced that it would leave Switzerland, negotiations took on renewed 
urgency. The parties agreed to bring the meeting back to Davos in 2003. Esther 
Maurer's conditions were met. The Swiss government and
the Forum endowed a foundation called In the Spirit of Davos, which aims to 
"institutionalize a dialogue with demonstrators," according to Economic Affairs 
Minister Couchepin. Swiss Justice and Police Minister Ruth Metzle
r-Arnold called a meeting of the 26 provincial police departments, and the security 
costs were redistributed.

But major questions remain for the demonstrators. They have succeeded, so far, in 
rocking the foundation of the World Economic Forum. Do they want to join the party? Or 
will the Forum be driven out of Davos forever?

Read more of the Voice's coverage of the anti-globalization protests outside the World 
Economic Forum at the Waldorf-Astoria.

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