-Caveat Lector-


Bush counts on the war without end
Thomas Walkom

THE WAR against terrorism is a brilliant construct. It may not have
been started by George W. Bush, but it certainly works to his

It has provided oomph to the sagging U.S. economy and a new raison
d'être for the alliance of politicos, defence contractors and
security specialists who make up what former U.S. president Dwight
Eisenhower christened the military-industrial complex.

What makes this war so superior, in political terms, is its
vagueness. Since the terrorist, by definition, can be anyone — the
man in the next apartment, the person lurking on the subway platform —
 we can never be sure who the enemy is.

More important, we can never know when we've won. As a result, this
war has the capacity to go on forever. It will be called off only
when those in charge choose to do so. And why would they?

Thanks to the war, Bush has been transformed from a figure of fun
into a national icon. Before Sept. 11, the U.S. president was viewed
as a slightly moronic frat boy — mocked even on prime-time
television. The very legitimacy of his election was in question.

Now the frat boy is a war president, every patriotic American's
commander-in-chief. Those who mock Bush now — those who even dare
criticize him — do so at their peril.

For Bush, an end to the war against terrorism could spell political
disaster. Look what happened to his father. George Bush Sr. was an
immensely popular president when he was waging war against Iraq. But
as soon as the fighting stopped, his ratings tumbled. Without war to
focus their attention, Americans remembered why they disliked the
elder Bush and threw him out of the White House.

By contrast, Bush Jr. has discovered the perfect way to avoid his
father's fate — war without end. The war against terror can go on
indefinitely because, unlike the Gulf War, or World War II or even
the Cold War, it involves no measurable criteria of success.

Is Afghanistan defeated and its former Taliban government in chains?
No matter, says U.S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Afghanistan
is small potatoes, the Taliban mere tools. The terrorists, we are
told, live on. They are everywhere, part of the international
conspiracy known as Al Qaeda.

Yet even Al Qaeda escapes definition. Each time its alleged leaders
are identified, we are warned that more are hiding in the shadows.
And whenever the world's attention flags, a new discovery is made. A
notebook found in a bombed-out house in Kabul proves that Al Qaeda is
planning a nuclear attack. A videotape found in Singapore
demonstrates that Al Qaeda is preparing another terror bombing.

Luckily for us, these fanatic anti-modernists make plenty of videos.
They video each other plotting, video attack plans, video their
dinner parties, then leave the videos lying about.

Luckily also, they write down many of their schemes in English. In
November, for instance, journalists searching through a Kabul home
said to be an Al Qaeda training centre found hand-printed plans, in
English, on how to manufacture a multi-million-dollar, homemade
stealth bomber.

Other reporters found jars of "foul smelling liquids" and notebooks
filled with equations, all of which were taken as evidence of an Al
Qaeda germ warfare factory.

Even when the New York Times reported that the most well-publicized
find — plans for the manufacture of a homemade nuclear bomb — had
probably been cribbed from a hoax website, the thunder of fear and
condemnation continued.

Not since novelist Ian Fleming invented SPECTRE, the shadowy force of
evil dedicated to eliminating 007 agent James Bond, has the world's
imagination been seized in quite the same way. Is there a rebellion
in the Philippines? Al Qaeda is responsible. A plot in Malaysia? Al
Qaeda again.

Like Fleming's SPECTRE, Al Qaeda has access to unlimited funds. Its
leaders, like the villains of Bond movies, live in vast underground
complexes staffed by fanatical minions.

Even the occasional intervention of reality has no effect. In
Afghanistan, the underground complexes turn out to be cramped,
primitive caves rather than sumptuous subterranean cities. No matter.
All it proves is that the real Al Qaeda headquarters are somewhere
else — perhaps Yemen or Somalia.

In George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, the enemy of the state is
personified in Emmanuel Goldstein. Goldstein is the Osama bin Laden
figure of the novel, an elusive figure who is never seen, never
captured but believed by all patriotic citizens of Oceania (Orwell's
fictitious state, an amalgamation of North America and Europe) to be
an evil genius bent on their destruction.

Since Goldstein is never captured, Oceania's battle against him must
never cease. Sometime it wages war on one country said to be aiding
the nefarious Goldstein, sometimes on another. The battleground may
change but the war never ends. It cannot. The government's very
existence depends upon it.

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