funny how you didn't reprint much of the article. it is actually pretty cool, or gruesome depending how you look at it. all that this group were doing is promoting the idea of accepting homosexuals for what they are and not to be scared of them or to treat them like freaks or as evil. it is only promoting the idea that they may have a valid choice and are making it and that sexual orientation does not make you a monster (mostly anyway).
the one thing it is not doing is promoting homosexuality or recruiting to "maintain lifestyle". it is distasteful that campaigning/educating against persecuting *something people do* can be twisted to mean promoting *something people do*
and you put your children in real danger with this dull attitude. because groups like NAMBLA focus their campaigns in the reverse, using the same idea, to claim that they are fighting against the  persecution of *something*  to further the promotion of their cause, when in fact, at the end of the day- all they are is fucking perverts who ought to be tortured to death (speaking as a liberal, of course) and should not be able to exploit the law in such a way. but it is the "church's" misplaced targettting of homosexuals that encourages this to happen. cause, really, who cares what orientation my son has when he grows up- as long as he is never in danger from a paedophile.
interesting last line that you sign off on archie. tell me, which set of which god's laws do you live by? how far do you take it? how selective are you of which rules to obey? i only ask because there seems to be reams of them and i was wondering which of them can be left out. which laws are only for jews and which should christians obey?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 3:34 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Schools sued over pro-homosexual skits [California]

Schools sued over pro-homosexual skits
Parents' orders to opt-out kids from 'Cootie Shots' overlooked

By Diana Lynne
© 2002

The Pacific Justice Institute recently filed a lawsuit, on behalf of parents, against the Novato Unified School District in Novato, Calif., for authorizing pro-homosexual assemblies without any prior notice or parental consent.

The suit alleges the parents' fundamental constitutional and civil rights to direct the upbringing of their children and the free exercise of religion were violated.

"This is the beginning of a litigation campaign to defend the rights of parents," declares Brad Dacus, president of the nonprofit legal defense organization specializing in the defense of religious freedom, parental rights and other civil liberties.


PARENTS!  It's your responsibility to know what the Socialists are teaching your child.
The Dilemma:
The maintenance of the homosexuals lifestyle, and its continuance by recruiting practices, DEMANDS its ACCEPTANCE by the heterosexuals.
To accede to those demands heterosexuals would be violating God's laws.

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