-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Arafat's million-martyr march
Tells his faithful 'we will make the lives of the infidels hell'



© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

Israel Television Channel One broadcast today Palestinian leader Yasser
Arafat addressing a crowd in Ramallah with the promise that they would take
Jerusalem soon and "we will make the lives of the infidels hell."

He then led them in the chant "millions of martyrs marching to Jerusalem."

This latest hard-line rhetoric stands in stark contrast to Arafat's
peacemaker image as cultivated in the West with an opinion piece in last
Sunday's New York Times.

Last week, the official Palestinian Authority newspaper Al Hayat Al Jadida
referred to America as the enemy.

"America from the start did not deserve the role of sponsor but that of the
enemy," said one editorial. "What is the U.S. position if not an attempt to
ignite the fire of civil war in the Palestinian arena, to provide cover for
Israeli crimes, to ensconce the stages of comprehensive violence in the
region and to threaten stability? … Washington supports Jewish
fundamentalists, dictatorships and fascist states, sponsors rotten
governments, is the source of authority for Mafias. …"

A sermon broadcast on the Voice of Palestine radio station last week
reaffirmed America's role as an enemy of the Palestinians.

"O Muslims … the soldiers of Islam will continue the battle that has been
going on throughout history between faith and infidelity [heresy]. … In spite
of everything, Muslims and Islam will be victorious and Palestine and the Al
Aksa Mosque will return. … When the nation stops compromising on its clear
and inalienable right, derived from Divine law, and isn't satisfied anywhere
but in Palestine – all of it – which will be the country of Islam, and
Palestine in its entirety will be the land of the front line, the blessed
country, over which Allah's angels will flap their wings. … And the Islamic
nation will go … to the land of the prophet's ascent [Palestine] and will
enter it through Allah's victory, which Allah will give to his worshippers.
This will happen when the nation believes in Allah its creator and prays to
him, and not, as some people say, that the only thing left for the Arabs to
do is beg for charity from America the enemy of nations. Woe for this shame.

"The victory and liberation are close. … I tell the criminals these are not
false prophesies but divine and indisputable facts. …"

These fierce statements came just days before Arafat's carefully crafted
opinion piece in last Sunday's New York Times, in which he claimed he is
still working toward peace with the Israelis and pleading with America for
intervention on his behalf. Two new video documentaries produced in France
using footage from Palestinian television and other sources suggest he is
employing a strategy of saying one thing while doing another.

"Israel and the War of Images" and "The Trojan Horse," both produced in
France with English and French dubbing and subtitles show Arafat and his
spokesmen, clerics and negotiators revealing that peace negotiations with
Israel are part of a strategy leading ultimately and inevitably to the
destruction of the Jewish state.

The video documentaries include clips from 1994 through 1999 of the top
Palestinian spokesmen all candidly explaining this strategy to Arabic
audiences. All of the comments were made after the signing of the Oslo
Accords in which Arafat pledged to renounce violence against Israel and to
promote mutual respect between the negotiating parties.

"All these elements will push us continuously toward our goals," explains
Nabil Sha'ath, Arafat's chief negotiator, in 1999. "We still haven't lost
hope (of achieving the ultimate objectives.) We are not waiving our rights.
Who told you we are waiving our rights? On the contrary, we demand more. We
have moved from demanding limited autonomy, and later we said we would not
accept less than an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital. Have our
expectations decreased. No, they have increased."

Arafat himself explains the ploy in a 1994 speech in South Africa.

"I don't consider the agreement any more than the agreement which was signed
by our prophet Mohammad and the Qurayish," he said.

Mohammad signed a peace agreement with the Qurayish Jews who lived in Mecca,
until his Islamic warriors were strong enough to conquer them.

Over and over again, Palestinian leaders explain that their ultimate goals
remain a Palestine from "the sea to the river" – meaning from the Jordan to
the Mediterranean.

The documentaries, which are now being distributed in the U.S. exclusively
through WorldNetDaily's online store, ShopNetDaily, also show Arafat calling
for jihad and total victory over Israel, his spokesmen denying the reality of
the Jewish Holocaust, the training of Arab children as young as 4 years old
in commando-style warfare and the indoctrination of the young in martyrdom.

The documentaries combine these powerful images and words with confrontations
never before seen between reporters questioning Arafat on his deliberate use
of children in his uprising or "intifada" against Israel.

"Can you prove it?" he demands. "Can you prove it?"

Palestinian children are shown getting summer camp demonstrations in
assassination techniques and firearms training.

The children explain themselves what they are taught – that the Jews are the
enemy and must be killed.

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