-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

China buys U.S. satellite data to target Taiwan
By Bill Gertz

     China's military is covertly buying U.S. commercial satellite
photographs of Taiwan that U.S. intelligence officials say will be used to
target the island with the mainland's growing arsenal of cruise and ballistic
missiles. Top Stories
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     Satellite photographs of most of the island are being purchased by China
through a South Korean company, U.S. intelligence officials say.
     The purchase of high-resolution satellite photographs is a new
development indicating that China's military is increasing the accuracy of
its ballistic missiles targeted at Taiwan and is developing a new land-attack
cruise missile, the officials said, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
     Disclosure of the missile-targeting reports comes amid recent signs of a
thaw in relations between China and Taiwan, which China considers a renegade
     President Bush is set to visit China beginning Feb. 21 for talks
expected to include discussions of U.S. arms sales and military support for
Taiwan, which Beijing opposes.
     In May, China test-fired a new cruise missile that was part of a program
to deploy a land-attack cruise missile, Beijing's answer to the U.S.
Tomahawk. A second test was conducted in August.
     The land-attack cruise missile is guided by an on board computer
programed to fly close to the ground and requires detailed terrain mapping
data to reach its target. U.S. intelligence officials believe the satellite
photographs are for such terrain mapping.
     Larry Wortzel, a specialist on the Chinese military at the Heritage
Foundation, said Beijing's purchase of satellite imagery of Taiwan is
     "Despite the talk by China's communist leaders about seeking a peaceful
resolution in the Taiwan Strait, the People's Liberation Army is methodically
preparing for the use of ballsitic missiles and terrain and contour-modeling
[tercom] cruise missiles to attack the democratic nation on Taiwan in order
to bring it under communist rule," Mr. Wortzel said.
     "As President Bush prepares for his trip to China, he should be told
that when PRC leaders make oral commitments to do one thing, but act secretly
to do another, it is impossible to accept their promises to stop
proliferation or their calls for 'world peace and stability.'"
     Xie Feng, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy, said he was unaware of
the satellite photograph purchases. On the question of Taiwan, Mr. Xie said
China seeks "peaceful reunification" but has both "the determination and
ability" to stop Taiwan's "independence."
     The new Chinese cruise missile is estimated to have the capability of
carrying a warhead weighing 1,100 pounds with a range that is not known, U.S.
officials said. Most long-range cruise missiles can fly at least 500 miles,
with U.S. cruise missiles having ranges up to several thousand miles.
     China also is increasing the accuracy of its short-range ballistic
missiles deployed opposite Taiwan. Some 350 CSS-6 and CSS-7 missiles have
been fielded within range of Taiwan in the past several years, increasing
     John Pike, director of GlobalSecurity.org and a specialist on satellite
imagery, said China has no satellite that can produce high-resolution
     Mr. Pike said U.S. companies are not legally prohibited from selling
commercial photographs to China and that images are not covered by export
     "This sort of imagery is fundamental for attack planning," Mr. Pike
said. "It's the basis for any sort of targeting work for missile targeting,
for any airborne assault planning they might be doing. You really could not
think about doing serious military planning without this sort of imagery."
     U.S. officials did not identify the South Korean company that was buying
the photographs on behalf of China. However, the purchase is being carried
out through Space Imaging's South Korean affiliate in Seoul.
     CIA and White House National Security Council spokesmen declined to
     Mark Brender, a Space Imaging spokesman, said, "Like many American
companies, we would like to grow the Asian market."
     "We have regional affilliates in Seoul and Tokyo," he said. "Those
affiliates are expanding their business in China, and we require them to
comply with all U.S. laws and regulations."
     Space Imaging operates the Ikonos satellite that is capable of taking
pictures any place on Earth and producing images sharp enough to see objects
larger than about 3 feet.
     Defense officials said China's military buildup opposite Taiwan is
continuing. Last year, the largest war games in years were held opposite the
     Adm. Dennis Blair, commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific, said in a
speech last month that China and North Korea are two places in the region
where "the threat of aggression plays a significant role."
     "China retains the threat of force if Taiwan does not meet certain
conditions," Adm. Blair said. "It is deploying missiles and modernizing its
armed forces with the stated purpose of intimidating Taiwan."
     The statements drew a harsh rebuke from the official newspaper of the
Chinese military. "The arguments about 'threats from China' can never
intimidate China," the newspaper PLA Daily stated Jan. 21.
     China will pursue reuniting Taiwan on Beijing's terms "and will never
rule out the possibility of using force if necessary," it said.
     Three days later, Chinese Vice Prime Minister Qian Qichen gave a speech
on Taiwan that was viewed by observers as one of the more conciliatory
statements by the communist government in years.
     Mr. Qian said that "although the two sides are not unified, both sides
should actively create conditions and strive to reduce contradictions,
improve relations between the two sides and break through the political
     He did not repeat Beijing's oft-stated position that China will use
military force to reunite Taiwan if efforts at peaceful reunification fail.

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