-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

New terror attack on US 'within a year'
By Pamela Hess
Pentagon correspondent
Published 2/6/2002 7:39 PM

WASHINGTON, Feb. 6 (UPI) -- The director of the CIA warned a Senate panel
Wednesday that the al Qaida network would strike again at the United States
and that the war on terror is far from over.

"We assess that al Qaida and other terrorist groups will continue to plan to
attack this country and interests abroad," CIA Director George Tenet told the
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. "Al Qaida leaders are still at large
and are working to reconstitute the organization and resume its terrorist
operations ... al Qaida has not yet been destroyed."

Defense Intelligence Agency chief Vice Adm. Thomas Wilson provided more
details in written testimony, stating that he is worried a new massive attack
against the United States or its interests abroad could occur during the next
12 months and singled out Colombia, the Philippines, or Indonesia as
potential centers for planning violence against U.S. citizens or interests.

"We must continue to be vigilant and never assume that we have 'won the war'.
We will be most vulnerable when the threat appears to have diminished,
security measures are relaxed, and we return to 'normal,'" Wilson wrote.

"Terrorists work on their own timeline and are patient. They are content to
wait for the right opportunity -- even if it takes years -- to increase their
chances of success."

Tenet defended the CIA against stiff questioning from senators about the
agency's performance against terrorism and specifically its failure to
prevent the Sept. 11 attacks, when 3,000 people were killed by a series of
coordinated suicide hijackings.

The agency, he said, had thwarted several possible attacks on U.S. interests
overseas last summer, but had no inkling that al Qaida was plotting the
terror attacks on New York and Washington.

"We never had the texture that said this is the date, the time and the place"
of the attack, Tenet told the committee. "We welcome the committee's review
of our record on terrorism ... We're proud of that record. It is a record of
discipline strategy focus and action," Tenet said.

"I have to tell you that when you do this every day the shock was where the
attack occurred but not that the attack occurred," he said. "Where did the
secret for the planning reside? Probably in the head of three or four people.
At the end of the day all you can do is try to steal that secret..."

"Intelligence will never give you 100 percent predictive capability on
terrorist threats and terrorist events," Tenet said. "We know that they will
hurt us again. We have to minimize their ability to do so, because there is
no such thing as perfect security in this business."

Tenet said intelligence alone could not protect the country; security
procedures must be in place at airports, embassies and other places to
minimize risk.

"When the information isn't available we need to make sure our backside is
protected," he said.

"We know they will hurt us again, we have to minimize" their ability to do
so, he said, adding that nearly 1,000 members of the al Qaida terrorist
organization have been arrested worldwide since Sept. 11.

But despite this, and the additional disruption caused by the four-month war
in Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden's terror organization remains the major
threat to the United States, Wilson said.

"The al Qaida network has not been eliminated and it retains the potential
for reconstitution," he said. "Many key officials and operatives remain and
new personalities have already begun to emerge. Some operations that were
already planned could be easily completed."

But Wilson said the intense attacks on al Qaida training camps had a
devastating effect on the organization.

"What was removed in Afghanistan for al Qaida was in essence their Fort
Bragg, their Fort Irwin. ... It was truly military-style training that was
ongoing ... It is difficult to establish the scale and the complexity of that
kind of operation," he said.

"We knew about the training centers for years. The difference now is we did
something about it," added Carl Ford, assistant secretary of state for
intelligence, who also testified to the committee. "If somebody some place
else tries to build a training center, my expectation is they won't be there
very long."

Dale Watson, FBI assistant director for counter-terrorism and
counterintelligence, told the committee that 13 of the 19 hijackers came into
the United States only a few months before the attacks, and none had contacts
with anyone on terrorism watch lists.

"We had no information about them, intelligence-wise, through no one's fault,
that's how they did it," Watson said.

Tenet would not specify in open session whether he believes Osama bin Laden
is dead, but readily offered that he believes Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed
Omar is alive.

Bin Laden has no identified successor that could rally his forces as
effectively if he is killed or captured, Wilson said, but warned that could
cause the organization to splinter into different groups with different

Wilson said for the near-term terrorists will likely favor easily fashioned
or bought conventional weapons but said the psychological and economic impact
of last fall's anthrax attack has not gone unnoticed.

"More than two dozen states or non-state groups either have or have an
interest in acquiring chemical weapons, and there are a dozen countries
believed to have biological warfare programs," he said.

Tenet agreed.

"The (biological warfare) piece of this seems to be more advanced than
anything else," he said.

Wilson also warned that within a decade U.S. citizens or military personnel
may be attacked with "volumetric weapons," a massive, fuel-rich slow burning
weapon that creates so much overpressure it does more damage to structures
and even dug-in personnel. Less than a year ago, Wilson told the committee in
testimony that it would be 15 years before that weapon fell into enemy hands.

"Several countries (are) openly advertising it for sale," he said.

Ford, assistant secretary of state for intelligence, complained that budget
cuts have decimated the State Department's ability to collect unclassified
intelligence from overseas.

More than money, however, is keeping experienced people to analyze
intelligence and spot trends and suspicious activities.

"What I couldn't have gotten by without were my people, my experts people who
have been on the job 25, 30 years ... You can't replace them with 10 rookies
... Over the next five to seven years we're losing a good portion of our

Tenet said within three years 30 percent to 40 percent of the men and women
of CIA will have been there five years or less.

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