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x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
The Bigger Picture

Govt endorses kill for fun by US Afghan troops! SICK!

In one of the clearest indications yet that the most foul, despicable,
anti-Christian, devil-worshipping mass-murdering maggot-ridden demons
have utterly taken over the US federal government, AND ALSO much -- if
not ALL -- of the mass media information outlets and sources which
publish and broadcast in this nation, one of our HIGHLY-respected
readers who posts frequently on American Patriot  Friends Network,
reports that in a recent CNN video clip depicting US "security" forces
on the grounds in Afghanistan, one of the ALLEGED" US combatants
constantly indicated that he just couldn't WAIT ti KILL some real,
living, and surely INNOCENT, defenseless and helpless, human beings IN

TOP_VIEW recipient Terry Anderson (no relation to Bob) tells us she and
her 19-year-old son recently watched CNN in shock and disgust, as some
psychotic murdering pig in a US military uniform let it be known loud
and clear that he was just ACHING to slaughter some innocent people,
QUICK! And this, clearly, with the FULL ENDORSEMENT of the US military
high command, the blood-sucking Satanist filth in the White House, and
also their ghoulish, degenerate, slaved-out accomplices working for CNN
and other mass media FedGov/NWO mouthpieces.

broadcasting, and SO was her SON.

Thank GOD, decent people and true Patriots can see through what kind of
sick, demonic, degenerate and unconscionable indoctrinations,
manipulations  and mind-games are being directed against the American
people now, by the arch-traitor Satanist global gangsters of the Bush
International Crime/War Empire and their mind-controlling
"info-tainment" mass-media accomplices!

= = = = = = = =
Subject: something I saw on the news
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 16:37:04 -0700
From: "Terry Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The other evening real late my son Daniel and I had the news on CNN, and
they were in Afghanistan doing a piece on snipers.....they were
interviewing what they said was "our" sniper outfit there.

These were young GI's in the piece -- two of them. One outranked the

The higher-ranking (young man) was saying that they were not friends,
they did not make friends in that section of military service. (I didn't
get that.)

My son Daniel said of the(higher-ranking) one that he was an ACTOR... I
really didn't give it much thought until he said that, but this kid was
either really arrogant or he was indeed an actor. He had his lines down
pat and every move as well. His facial expressions etc.

The other kid they were asking questions of didn't give me that
impression; but they were remarking that neither one had killed anyone

The one boy remarked with a big smile that he really wanted to know how
it felt to kill someone. Kinda giggling like a kid that was about to
have sex for the first time........

Dan and I just looked at each other and Dan said "oh God Mom that is

I was really shocked by the whole thing. It was really weird to see two
boys talking about wanting to see someone get blown away for the sake of
blowing them away.......whoooopie.. Geeeeeeze.

I am glad my son got to see that. I haven't seen the piece again since
but if I do and if I can find text of it I will get it in a letter.

I had to tell you about this. It was shocking. I would have hated to
have seen one of my boys talking that way.

As a parent that is not what you want to see come out of your child's
mouth or mind.

I'm really proud of my Son Daniel.....he can see this stuff and it
sickens him. He has hope yet!!!!



"..It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." Samuel Adams
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