-Caveat Lector-


Top-Secret Weapons Testing?

Strange light-events have been reported over many remote parts of Australia
in recent times. With the meteor theory ruled out, could these energy bursts
and beams be part of some classified Tesla-style weapons program?


Part 2


Whilst researching the 1993 Banjawarn fireball-explosion-earthquake
incident, I became aware of an entirely different spectrum of bizarre, non-
fireball-related light phenomena events reportedly being observed in our
skies by very reliable Western Australian bush observers (such as those who
described the fireballs over the town of Tom Price). In common with the
fireball events, these events were rarely, if ever, being reported in the press
and do not appear to have been commented upon by our scientific
community. These events vary in style, but nearly all involve essentially static
atmospheric light- emission events that have apparently never been reported
or observed before the 1980s, have been reported rarely post-1985, but now
have an increasing event periodicity in post-1993 years.

One such event type commonly reported consists of massive high-energy
five-to-ten-second bursts of blue-white light seen in the night-time skies of the
upper atmosphere. Such events have been reported in WA by many
observers including meteor experts and amateur astronomers who are
categorically certain that these are not transient light bursts due to single
meteors or multiple meteor showers.

Normally, no massive object or moving light source is seen in association
with these events. However, the massive blue-white light energy emissions
are at times quite similar in power output to those very bright, blue-white light
flash events often reported occurring in conjunction with fireballs and their
'explosion' (as described in Part 1 of this article series).

Similar events involving massive blue-white light burst emissions have also
been reported as occurring at ground level. For example, one October 1994
incident that was seen from Minara station (50 kilometres east of Leonora in
the Eastern Goldfields of WA) possibly involved a night-time UFO landing
and small beings with torches combing around the station buildings. The
exotic, brilliant blue-white flare was observed at ground level as the alleged
alien spacecraft accelerated off the nearby Minara airstrip. The light from this
flash lit up the entirely dark station buildings in a brilliant and "beautiful" blue-
grey glow silhouette.

Another 1996 night-time incident was observed near Rocky Gully in the south-
west of WA and was described as a very scary event where massive blue-
white streamers of arcing electricity issued from the forest floor into the
atmosphere, creating an intense, violent, blue-white glow (and an attendant
"electrical noise") that was visible for miles-"like someone with a giant arc
welder". This event persisted for at least several minutes. The observers fled
the area in fear for their lives, phased out by the apparently enormous energy
involved in the event.

These massive energy bursts of high-altitude, blue-white light and/or ground-
level electrical arcs are reasonably common and I have about 100 such
documented events in the WA database. Publicity from my first NEXUS
article has resulted in three similar events-one of them from eastern Victoria-
being reported to me. I am unaware of any such similar events being
reported historically in the literature anywhere on planet Earth-except as
referred to below in connection with circa-1900 high-frequency, high-voltage
EM wave experiments by Nikola Tesla.

Other exotic events involve post-1993 night-time and daytime observations of
golden-orange or silver-blue-white beams or cylinders of energy propagating
vertically downward from high altitude and hitting the Earth's surface-with no
noise or surface damage and no thunderstorm activity reported-usually in
isolated outback areas.

Another style of light-energy emission event being observed involves orange-
red- coloured forms hanging statically in the night sky. Commonly pencil-
beam-shaped (vertical or at 45 degrees), but including rare spherical forms,
this style of event has been reported since about 1985, with an apparent
increase since about 1990 but with many more sightings reported since
1993. Some 100 such events have been reported.

Luckily, in this case, an alert amateur meteor astronomer, experienced in
night-time astrophotography, has captured one such case on film. John
Goldsmith photographed this beam from his home in Bedfordale (east of
Fremantle in the Darling Ranges) at about 9.50 pm on 24 May 1990. John's
photographs are shown on the following pages.

I took a compass reading (at the spot indicated by John Goldsmith near his
telescope observing platform) across the trees as visible in photos 2-4. The
bearing was about 262-263 degrees magnetic (local deviation is a degree
or less as is the compass and reconstruction accuracy). The beam bearing is
on a direct line to the "prohibited" area of the Fremantle Garden Island Naval

This "island", or promontory, is riddled with underground installations from
World War II when it was used as a submarine base by the US Navy/British
Royal Navy/Royal Australian Navy. The southern end of Garden Island is
occupied by HMAS Stirling-our current submarine base-where most of the
Australian Collins Class subs are to be based. Naval yards are also present
under the beam bearing on the mainland.

Although we cannot deduce the exact range of the beam, it has to be fairly
close to the observer as it is in front of the clouds and lights up some of them.
It is therefore a good bet that this beam was hanging above, or very close to,
the Garden Island naval facility.

John Goldsmith had come out of his house that night to do some
astronomical telescope work. He saw the orange beam hanging vertically in
the sky and raced back inside for his camera. Being used to capturing
transient meteorite events, he knew exactly how to set up the photo. He used
400 ASA film on settings of 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 120 seconds and 120
seconds for photos 1 to 4 respectively.

John stated that the beam lit up some clouds and was not as bright as the
images captured on film-probably due to light capture in the exposure time,
or perhaps his recall of the intensity is a bit out. The beam did not appear to
move around or change much over the five to six minutes that it was in view,
but John was concentrating hard on the camera.

A video reconstruction utilising his four photos, each registered on the same
bright stars, demonstrates that, indeed, the beam location is entirely static
over the duration of the event. Finally, after about five to six minutes, the
beam just faded away to nothing. There was no sound event.

The stars are seen to move over the exposure time, and possibly the centre
of orange light intensity changes a bit, downwards along the beam. The
overall beam light energy varies up and down in intensity from photo to photo-
possibly due to the varying film exposure times or variations in the beam's
actual light-emission intensity.

On the original colour photos one can see beside the orange beam a band of
weaker red lines, then blue lines, then an even weaker band of red lines, and
then blue lines again, as follows (to the left of the major beam): O RRR BBB
rrr bbb, and so on. Note that similar spectra also exist to the right side of the
beam. The spectral lines are distributed either side of the major orange
beam across a considerable width of sky-at least twice the length of the
visible beam length and possibly more. These photos also suggest that a
'ghost' basal tail of the central major beam goes much lower, possibly to
ground level.

The photos were taken in the dark at about 9.50 pm (sunset here in WA on
24 May 1990 was at about 5.30 pm). Note that the near-vertical white line on
the left hand side of image no. 2 is an original film glitch and not an event of
the time.

It was originally suggested that this beam was an effect created by a ground-
based laser, but checks by atmospheric scientists who employ such devices
in Australia and the USA have completely discounted such a theory. One
major problem is that the light-form appears well up in the atmosphere and is
not connected to any ground-based laser. Another problem is the large width
of the beam when compared to normal pencil-thick laser probes which are
normally only visible within two kilometres of the beam. In addition, there are
harmonic spectral lines visible across the image.

Another suggestion was that the beam is a searchlight, yet it cannot be a
normal searchlight as it appears at high altitude with no connection from
ground level. It also has no conical section diverging upwards, and it has
exotic parallel harmonic spectral lines.

In 1991 a Japanese astronomy magazine published an article with a very
poor black/white version of the photo, suggesting the main beam was
caused by refraction of ships' lights by a horizontal layer of different density
air. If so, why has this effect not been previously documented anywhere over
the world's oceans?

I now have many eyewitness accounts of such vertical orange beams seen at
night over land over the past two years here in WA. These land locations are
generally uninhabited and have no light sources (such as searchlights, etc.)
for refraction by air layers as suggested by the Japanese magazine.

One 1996 Brisbane beam event report was very significant as the observers
saw very-high-voltage, blue-white discharge streamers issuing from their
house wall-mounted mains power box as an orange beam hovered nearby in
the sky. Members of another household reported their power box hummed
violently as the orange beam hovered some distance away in the sky.

This data confirms the probability that Tesla-style longitudinal scalar EM
potentials were involved in this Brisbane event (and therefore were possibly
present during the other beam events), probably created by a remote Tesla
EM transmitter and issuing from local space-time 'vacuum' at the standing
wave target node, i.e., the beam location.

One quite feasible explanation for the orange beams is that they are due to
electromagnetic 'holograms' of light-energy being emitted from invisible but
concentrated slugs of EM standing waves. Such waves may be of natural
(e.g. Earth stress lights), human or alien origin, but all involving multiple scalar
EM wave interference.

The massive, high-altitude, blue-white light energy flashes are possibly due to
Tesla EM wave emission coupling briefly with the upper atmosphere,
whereas the ground-level flashes are possibly due to the operation of a Tesla
Magnifying Transmitter (located either in Australia or overseas) that is
transmitting EM energy through the planet to the antipodean target site where
electrical arc energy is being violently released.

None of the reported events involving either blue-white light energy flashes or
orange-red beams or spheres occurred during or near any kind of electrical
storm or unsettled weather pattern. There is a possibility of some unknown
natural phenomenon electrically charging selected Earth fault plane systems
across WA, thence creating huge "Earth stress lights" hanging above
selected energy concentrations.

Solar charged-particle output, coupling in some peculiar style with the Earth's
ionosphere/surface, is a further possibility, but this implies that there has
been a very significant recent change in the Earth-Sol electromagnetic and/or
electrostatic equilibrium.

Such powerful and localised exotic light events, occurring in large numbers
and in such a relatively short time-span of a few years, have never been
previously reported from WA, or anywhere else on planet Earth, in
documented scientific history.

However, on occasion, isolated single high-energy (Earth stress light?)
events have been reported; e.g., in Eastern Tibet in 1947, prior to the Red
Chinese invasion, a large earthquake struck this border area and was
followed by huge, high-power, orange-red glows of spherical light-forms
which hung for days over the eastern sky. Buddhist monks reported that
these apparitions were visible from Lhasa and they considered them at the
time to be very evil omens (and correctly so!).

These Australian events are very high-power events and should not
mistakenly be compared with the average, isolated and very rare, low-power
"Earth stress light" and/or "min-min light" reports as occasionally observed
near seismically active earthquake zones and only rarely reported in
historical literature.

The concentrated high energies involved in the recent Australian fireball and
associated events and in the exotic static light events, as well as their
increasing event periodicities, suggest a non-natural origin, or possibly a
rapidly evolving natural system of unknown type.

At this time, scalar EM wave interference is the preferred physics
mechanism for the formation of both fireballs and their associated
phenomena as well as the exotic static light emission events.

Alien UFO activities cannot be completely discounted, but they do not fit the
available human intelligence pattern which strongly points to Earth-based
technological activity.


During my early research enquiries in 1995 into the "Banjawarn Bang" of 28
May 1993, Australia's ABC radio broadcast a news item from the USA
referring to US Senator Sam Nunn who was chairman of a US Senate Inquiry
into the "Japanese Aum Sect and Weapons of Mass Destruction". Nunn was
reported to have stated that the Senate inquiry team had evidence that the
Aum Supreme Truth (Aum Shinrikyo) sect had attempted to purchase nuclear
weapons from the Russians and had also attempted to develop same from
their own scientific laboratory base-and had probably succeeded. I became
worried that, since the 28 May 1993 Goldfields event did have characteristics
similar to a nuclear blast, possibly these Aum sect loonies had indeed
acquired nuclear weapons and some sort of pulse jet (i.e., Nazi V1 type
cruise missile) delivery system.

I contacted Dan Gelber, chief counsel of the US Senate inquiry, and told him
of my data and research. His agitated response was: "Please express
airpack everything that you have to us asap-at our expense." I complied with
his request, and also spoke to him and his assistant several times more on
the phone.

I now believe that, although the energies involved in the Banjawarn event
were of nuclear-bomb power level, the explosion was not of nuclear but of
scalar EM technology origin.


In an early telephone call, Dan Gelber informed me that the US had found
evidence that in 1992 the Aum sect had sent a research team to study at the
Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Their objective was to get
data on Tesla's electromagnetic wave transmission technology, as related to
an earthquake-inducing weapons system. Gelber, being a lawyer, did not
seem to understand much about this weapons system, but discussed it 'in
passing' as evidence for the Aum sect's deep desire to obtain exotic new
weapons systems with potential for mass destruction-such as nuclear
bombs, nerve gas technology, etc.

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was the scientific genius who singlehandedly
invented modern AC electrical rotating fields and electrical generators,
motors, plus radio (Marconi apparently stole Tesla's ideas whilst apprenticed
at Tesla's New York laboratory) and a host of other electrical and
electromagnetic devices. Most of the foundations of modern 20th century
electrical civilisation is due to Tesla's pioneering work in the period 1880-

As it happens, I have a large library of Tesla's works and many books written
about him. Tesla's electromagnetics and his understanding of physics have
always intrigued me and I have spent many hours pouring over his patents,
attempting to visualise the circuits and his understanding.

I was greatly intrigued by Gelber's comments and pondered over their
possible significance, if any, to the Banjawarn events of 28 May 1993. I
began to reread my Tesla library, searching for any possibly relevant


I found references to Tesla constructing a vibrating mechanical oscillator with
a perfect periodicity that he used to 'ping' the Earth. He also tried it out on his
laboratory building structure and found that when it received a return signal of
longitudinal (i.e., scalar) seismic or sound wave energy it added a new
impulse "ping" to the return. After a few minutes this wave reinforcement built
to such a level that harmonic oscillatory forces created local ground
earthquakes and/or began to vibrate the target building to pieces. Tesla built
this device to provide a mechanical analogy to his EM wave research and to
help him visualise the system dynamics.

Tesla describes taking a sledgehammer to one of his first devices, as this
was the only method capable of stopping the rapid collapse of his laboratory
and nearby buildings which were all vibrating increasingly violently and in
sympathy with the mechanical oscillator's seismic wave packets.

There were vague references in the literature to Tesla's mechanical
telegeodynamics theories coupled to suggestions that he could create the
same seismic effects with EM "Tesla waves", as produced by his
"Magnifying Energy Transmitter"-a giant Tesla coil linked to a special circuit
design and a large, spherically shaped 'aerial'.

Tesla utilised these "Tesla waves"-longitudinal (scalar) EM waves (like sound
waves) of pure electrostatic potential with no 'E' (electrical) or 'H' (magnetic)
transverse vibrational fields. He certainly proved that he could transmit usable
electrical energy in very large quantities, without any wires and with only
minor energy losses, via his EM Magnifying Energy Transmitter. He claimed
that he was bouncing these Tesla waves through the Earth's core to the
antipodes and back to the transmitter (Tx) site. A relatively small, 10 kW-
generator energy supply of just a few horsepower would rapidly allow the
buildup by resonance of millions of horsepower in the coil circuits of this
Magnifying Energy Transmitter device.

Sheets of man-made lightning and blue-white electrical streamers would arc
out of the circuit to Earth grounding points, or from the top spherical aerial
system. Locals, many miles away from Tesla's Colorado Springs laboratory,
complained of experiencing sparks and blue-white streamers of electrical
energy issuing from power lines, generators, electric motors, etc., and even
from the soles of their boots to the ground.

Tesla had previously demonstrated that fire and flames can be exactly
reproduced by very-high-tension, high-frequency, electrostatic potential
waves (in fact, that is all a fire is when considered in physics)-dimensions
higher than the standard 'burning of, say, carbon in oxygen' philosophy of
atomic molecular chemistry.

In his patent for the EM Magnifying Energy Transmitter, Tesla mentions that it
can transmit electrostatic potential energy to the planetary antipodes, or
create a grid of standing waves and nodes of pure electrostatic potential
energy across the entire planet. He provides a method for steering the
antipodean target site by utilising two or more waves of differing frequency
and amplitude from two or more widely separated Tx sites.

It is important to realise that he was not transmitting standard Hertzian waves
which vibrate transversely to the string direction in normal 3D space with a
constant rate of time flow-as in standard HF radio transmission. Lord Kelvin
of the London Royal Society of Physics once had a serious argument with
Tesla at a scientific meeting in New York as Kelvin considered transverse
vibrational 'E'- and 'H'-field Hertzian waves to be the only form of EM wave

However, when invited to Tesla's laboratory, Kelvin was astounded to see by
experimental demonstration that Tesla was indeed creating longitudinal
vibrational or scalar EM waves of pure electrostatic potential-or, as Tesla
called them, non-Hertzian radiations. Kelvin then apologised in public and
confirmed the existence and nature of the new Tesla wave.

Recent private research in the USA has demonstrated that Tesla wavescan
propagate in 'n'-dimensional space and may be engineered to operate in a
non-linear time dimension at any speed from zero to infinite (not being limited
to 'c', the speed of light).

Several Tesla waves sent from different transmitters may also be engineered
to combine by interferometry to produce an EM slug of very-high-level
infolded or contained energy, with any desired light emission shape, colour
and intensity. This slug of EM energy may be moved around the planet at will-
visibly or invisibly). The contained energy may be released by a further
specific transmission. The EM slug can be moved into the Earth, through the
air or into the sea. If 'detonated' in the Earth, an earthquake is the result. In a
building or a city, a violent explosion of pseudo nuclear style is the result
(even up to nuclear force levels).


In his later years Tesla claimed that he could produce a "death ray", with a
range of hundreds of miles, which would be useful against aircraft. Tesla also
stated that another of his inventions would allow entire cities to be devastated
by explosive EM transmissions across intercontinental distances, to
anywhere on the planet, with no defence possible; and that EM "Tesla
shields", produced by the same new device, could defend an entire country
or a city against aircraft and shells.

He certainly made several public announcements about the "death-ray" and
"city-buster" EM weapons systems in the 1920s and 1930s, but no details of
techniques have survived in the public domain to my knowledge.

In 1924 a plethora of "death ray" and "anti-aircraft ray" stories appeared in
the New York Times. The Western Australian Kalgoorlie Miner newspaper
also published stories on these inventions during the 1920s.

Various inventions were linked to scientists from several nations, e.g.,
Grindell H. Mathews (UK), Dr T. F. Wall (USA), Herr Wolle (Germany), and
Grammachikoff (USSR) (as revealed by belligerent statements by Trotsky).
Details of the technology allegedly employed by these systems are currently
unavailable in the Western literature.

An Australian inventor of such a "death-ray" device, Charles Sidney Way,
was found dead-shot through the heart under mysterious circumstances-on
the promenade of an English seaside resort in late 1937.

News stories were also published in the USA about Tesla's "death ray"
inventions in 1924, 1934 and, finally, in 1938.

The 1938 press releases stated that Tesla would employ 50 million volts in a
new form of ray wave, only one-hundred-millionth of a centimetre in diameter,
based upon an entirely new principle of physics that produced a great
repelling force. Tesla stated that this device could melt any engine and that
there was no defence against it. It could travel through interstellar space
faster than light and, if aimed at the Moon, it would turn a spot on the surface
into incandescence.

It would appear that Tesla was referring to something vaguely similar to
modern concepts of laser or particle beam weapons, but possibly utilising
micro-wave EM transmissions of enormous power, travelling at speeds
greater than 'c', the velocity of light. In actual fact, physicists call waves with
dimensions of one-hundred-millionth of a centimetre (i.e., 10-9 metres) X-
rays, but the size mentioned by Tesla is also quite close to the arbitrary
boundary designated for even smaller radiations-defined as gamma rays.

To achieve such wave-packet velocities of greater than 'c' was thought to be
impossible in Einsteinian Western physics-until the recent redevelopment of
new ideas in physics concerning the theoretical relativistic hyperspace
transmission of scalar EM waves-or Tesla waves.

It is also now known that longitudinal scalar EM waves do indeed produce a
great repelling force on the atomic nucleus, bypassing the outer electron
shells and directly engineering or interfering with the components of the

Tesla was not known to make idle statements, but some of his ideas were so
incredible and beyond the 'ken' of so many other physics peers that
mainstream academics commonly just ignored his work. Only in recent years
have some brave souls come out with experimental and theoretical studies
that confirm the brilliance of this amazingly practical and innovative mind.
Most modern Western university physicists simply ignore Tesla's work. Only
Eastern European and Russian universities normally include a study of
Tesla's work in their curricula.

As early as 1914, Tesla predicted the electrical control of atmospheric
moisture, and he gave some thought to how this 'weather control' could be
achieved using his magnifying transmitter. He implied that it would be
possible even to affect the Sun's EM fields and output, or certainly modify its
effects upon the Earth, by means of EM Tesla wave transmitters.

Tesla suggested a means for lighting the ionosphere by EM waves to
produce a dull white glow-to turn night into day and make sea and air
navigation safer. This apparently magical thesis would work along the lines of
an analogy between the rarefied upper atmosphere or ionosphere and a
standard evacuated fluorescent tube: both can be lit up by a Tesla coil
radiating Tesla waves, without any wires having to be used.

Tesla believed that nuclear radiation from specific isotopes, such as radium
or uranium, was not just the result of atomic nucleus instability, but that the
decay was caused by interaction of the nucleus with a special ray emanating
throughout the universe. He stated that it would be possible to engineer EM
"shielding" to stop the rays and hence terminate the action of nuclear
disintegration, and that therefore, presumably, it would be possible to
generate concentrations of such rays and stimulate the nucleus into explosive
or rapid general transmutation.

Tesla's radiation and other theories, as well as more recent theoretical
studies by US physicist Tom Bearden, have enabled a full elucidation of the
reasons for a series of quite bizarre activities associated with the Japanese
Aum Supreme Truth sect at Banjawarn station, Western Australia, during
1993, and demonstrated the sect's close connection to the Banjawarn
fireballs, explosion and mini-Tunguska earthquake events.

As research into the "Banjawarn Bang" has progressed, an entire collection
of bizarre events and coincidences has begun to unravel-but you will have to
wait for Part 3 for that...

The next article in this series will cover intelligence on the Japanese Aum
sect as regards their interest in EM weapons and their activities in Australia.
It will also summarise the known physics and effects of modern scalar EM
weapons systems, including their wave-transmission health effects on human
and other life-forms, and will detail a variety of recent Earth history events
where such weapons are believed to have been employed by Russian,
Japanese and covert US power groups.

Note: Any person seeing, or having seen, exotic "meteor fireballs", or
knowing anything about same or exotic EM weapons systems, is invited to
contribute to this research project by telephoning the author on +61 (0)9 525
5999 (after 10.00 am WA time = gmt + 8 hours), faxing on +61 (0)9 525
5944, or e-mailing on E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] About the Author: Harry
Mason, BSc, MSc, MAIMM, MIMM, FGS., is a UK-born geologist/
geophysicist, resident in Perth, Western Australia. His 30-year career in
mineral exploration has had him stationed all over the world, including
Alaska, India, Norway, Mexico, Morocco, Sudan and UK. He has extensive
field experience in geo-recce, geological mapping,
geophysics/geochemistry, prospecting, remote-sensing/computer imaging
technologies, and seismic and electromagnetic studies. He specialises in
the geology and resource exploration of WA's Eastern Goldfields. Lately he
has been devoting his time and expertise to researching mysterious
Australian outback phenomena of natural and man-made origins.

"In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace and the most prosperous 
economy in our
history, to a nation plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being 
transformed before
our very eyes."


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