-Caveat Lector-


August 5, 2000

The Boiling Frog

By Gary dean benKeith

of the House of Reeder

The water is nice; in fact, it’s perfect.  That’s the way it begins.  And the
frog is so content.  If the water was hotter or colder, it would be less than
perfect, but it’s just right.  The frog feels like he is in heaven.  The
water rises one degree, but the frog is so caught up in his comfort zone, oh
happy day, that one degree is not even noticed.  Then it rises another
degree, one tenth at a time, but the rise is timed with such precision that
the difference is not even noticed.  Oh happy day.  The frog is all caught up
in this happy day; oh what a happy day it is.  The frog does not notice the
gradual increase of one-tenth of a degree at a time.  Oh happy day.

The frog is a lot like you—if you’re not aware what is happening to you every
day.  But the temperature is rising.  But if you look back just a little, you
remember a time when everywhere you went, the traffic wasn’t cut down to one
lane because of construction; and taxes weren’t nearly as high—and you had a
name that was not stored in Edgar’s database.  Edgar?  Never mind; if you
don’t know him, it would take too long to explain.  But you do remember when
you could go through the grocery line without needing a “rebate card” to get
your groceries at the same price as those people who filled out the
questionnaire.  You remember the questionnaire (is that even lawful?)—the one
that required your social security and drivers license numbers.  Did you
think about where the information was going?  Or did you naively not think?
Did you notice the day the clerks stopped saying, “thank you,” because it’s
printed on your receipt?  Were you like the frog, content in water that rises
gently toward a boiling point?  Ask yourself how many times you’ve questioned
the little things of every day life.

Did you know you were signing a contract even before you could write, just by
being born in the United States?  And you thought you were supposed to be of
legal age to sign a contract.  Right?  Same thing with your social security
number:  Do you realize how socially secure that number made you?  And you
couldn’t wait to get your drivers license before you were sixteen, so you
could drive.  Wow!  But it sort of stung, like a bee, when you got your first
paycheck, and $37.10 was taken out by the government.  You thought the
government was all for you, like it was your servant.  But when everyone said
it was okay, you went along with the theft, not realizing that a fraud had
been perpetrated against you and everyone else way back a few years after the
turn of the twentieth century at a place called Jekyll Island.  So pretty
soon, heck, it was just the way things were.  Death and taxes are things you
can’t change.  Right?  You just didn’t notice the temperature rising little
by little.  Oh happy Day.

But wait a minute.  Now it’s been 46 years, and you have paid the government
$193,892 just in social security; but they are only giving you back $872.12 a
month.  If you had put all that money in a guaranteed savings account that
compounded quarterly, you would have had over one million dollars growing,
which would have allowed you to spend $80,000 a year for the rest of your
life—even if you lived to be 102…  Now you’re worried you might outlive your

How did this happen?  How did you end up working so hard for so long for so

Let’s go back to the frog.  Look at him; the water is beginning to steam and
he’s still languorously floating in the pot.  Why?  Because there was a time
when his world of water was just perfect, and he trusted his environment
without question.  If a big rock had splashed into the pot, he would have
scrambled for safety, but the only thing that happened was the subtle rise in
the temperature, not a sudden change.  The gradual conditioning the frog
underwent blinded him to the truth of his state of existence.  And so has it
been with you.  But stop and think for just five minutes—if you have five
minutes in an entire day to stop and think.  Remember when things weren’t so
hectic and complicated.  Remember when you could leave your keys in your car
while you were shopping, and think nothing of it.  And if you had insurance,
it was to protect against the damage of a collision, which certainly didn’t
cost you one-tenth of your monthly income.  And remember the old “party
line?”  Where you got to listen in on every one else; twelve of you all on
the same line.  And you prayed right out there in public, saying “God bless
America.”  Remember when you knew all your neighbors and you had the time to
stop and take an interest in what they were doing?  Mrs. Teague borrowed
sugar from your mom, and she borrowed butter from Mrs. Teague; and when
payment was made, a little extra was given, just out of kindness.  Oh happy

But you may not remember those days, since it was 30 to 40 years ago,
depending on which area of the country you grew up in.  Personally, I
remember living right up the street from a congressman who went on to become
the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the whole United States of
America; and the mayor and police chief were my pals.  And the pastor of my
church loaned me his canary yellow Mercury convertible for my honeymoon.  Oh
happy day.  I also remember when things began to change.  First it was Mr. J.
Edgar Hoover and then McCarthy; and after that the race riots started.  Then
came the nightmare.  In November of 1963, I saw the assassination of John F.
Kennedy.  To me, all of this was like a rock splashing in the frog’s pot.  No
it was worse; it was like a hailstorm of creators.  Almost over night, things
moved from peace to pandemonium; and there were so many distractions, it was
all I could do to work and go to school and raise a family and write books
and protest the invasion of the body snatchers.  That’s what it seemed like.

Theresa was a really sweet girl in high school; and then she was working as a
“confidential informant” for the police department.  Then she was strung out
on the drugs the police gave her.  Then they were calling her a “speed whore,”
 and making fun of the girl who had been in the National Honor Society.
Overnight policemen turned into pigs.  Nice people became abrasive and rude.
Windows went up and the keys in the ignition disappeared into places of
safekeeping.  Doors closed tightly with deadbolts and chain latches became
common.  Smiles turned to frowns.  Every night we heard the “body count.”
Vietnam was in its heyday; and assassinations were rampant.  We know the big
ones: John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Bobby Kennedy.  Lee
Harvey Oswald was written off as an assassin who was murdered by a Kennedy
loyalist, but he was another assassin—along with a lot of other smaller
assassinations.  If we look at the definition of “assassination,” it means to
kill for political or religious motives, so the body count on that one is in
the thousands.

So, here we are in the biggest election year of the entire history of this
country about to vote in the same oh, same oh.  Not, oh happy day.  Isn’t
there a better choice than a guy whose tongue should fall out when he says
that “Jesus is his role model?”  When did Jesus allow the Pharisees to stone
even one?  When did Jesus approve the court system that betrayed His Father’s
own written Law?  And replaced it with a code and self-imposed rules of
misconduct?  When did Jesus mock a woman in her dying spasms?  When did Jesus
approve of greed and gluttony?  It is written, “man cannot live by bread
alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”  And we have
pompous and corrupted judges sitting in condemnation of children raised in
slums and ghettoes, whose treatment in life has been abusive at best, where
love was found in the streets of depravity.  Where preachers of the Word of
God condemn sinners as if they were born in hell and deserve to be sent there
at the point of an injection.  Where love has become a dirty four-letter word
in too many circles. Gambling, pornography, and life-threatening drugs are
legal, and made legal by the politicians who are paid more by big business
than they are by tax dollars.  Tax dollars which are fraudulently stolen from
American citizens by the billions every year.  Justice and honor have been
sold for thirty pieces of silver.

If you look at the pot, the frog is now ready to be eaten, if you’re hungry
for boiled frog.  But imagine that the frog is you and see if your appetite
is singing, “Oh happy Day.”

Personally, I would rather have Mel Gibson and Danny Glover running the
leadership of the country, even if they knew nothing about politics.  I
believe if the country were turned over to Mel and Danny, they’d do a great
job.  The trouble is the way the vote is fixed.  We couldn’t vote for Mel and
Danny if we wanted to, unless they got on one of the other tickets and taught
the entire United States how to vote in opposition to their voter
registration card.  Ask yourself.  “How can I vote for an independent when
I’m registered as a Democrat or Republican?   Do you know?  And ask yourself
how much you really know about the man who says Jesus is his role model, or
the other guy, the one who is trying to disclaim his connection to Clinton.
In either case, you lose big time.  In the place of the front-runners, I’d
take Brown or Nadar.  At least you’d have men with a degree of honor in their
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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