-Caveat Lector-

Where Was NORAD on September 11?
by Carol A. Valentine Curator, Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum
Copyright, February, 2002
May be reproduced for non-commercial purposes.
This article soon to be available at:

Foreword: Since September 11, the basic facts/factoids concerning 9-11 (the departure 
times of the aircraft, etc.) have varied depending on the news organization consulted. 
 In this article, I have used as my default the facts/factoids given in Time 
magazine's September 11 edition unless otherwise indicated.

February 12, 2002 -- Those of us who have been watching know Operation 911 was an 
inside job, pulled off by using remote controlled aircraft.  We also know that the 
military organization responsible for protecting American skies --- the North American 
Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) -- did not show up on September 11, leaving the 
skies wide open for the remote controlled jets to work their deadly havoc. NORAD -- 
are among the world's leading experts on remote controlled aircraft.

NORAD personnel had the means  to send those planes to attack.  And NORAD created the 
opportunity for those planes to attack.  This suggests NORAD is a prime suspect.

Yes, NORAD trigger men, traitors, may have guided the "suicide jets" on September 11.  
The  dog we bought to guard the hen house may well have taken the day off and killed 
the chickens.


NORAD is the military organization formed by treaty between the U.S. and Canada to 
monitor and defend North American skies against enemy aircraft, missiles, and space 
vehicles.  In the US, NORAD has an agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration, 
to cooperate in emergency civil aviation situations.  NORAD helps when aircraft go off 
course or are hijacked.

For information on NORAD, see Canada's Department of National Defence website, 
"Canada-United States Defense Regulations,"
or http://www.Public-Action.com/911/norad

You can read  FAA/NORAD regulations at:

You may want to pay particular attention to Chapter 7, which deals with the escort of 
hijacked aircraft.  In addition, read the discussion of military interception of 
civilian aircraft in "Mr. Cheney's Cover Story," by Bykov & Israel.  Look at the 
discussion of how NORAD jets force troublesome aircraft to land. 

NORAD, Masters Of Remote Control

Since 1959, NORAD personnel have been installing remote control units in a variety of 
aircraft and remotely controlling those aircraft in sophisticated aeronautical 
maneuvers, including combat practice. 
http://www.facsnet.org/issues/specials/terrorism/aviation.php3 or
(Look at paragraph entitled "History on remote control.")

"Controlling the aircraft from the ground is nothing new.  The military has been 
flying obsolete high performance fighter aircraft as target drones since the 1950s.  
In fact, NORAD (the North American Air Defense Command) had at its disposal a number 
of U.S. Air Force General Dynamics F-106 Delta Dart fighter aircraft configured to be 
remotely flown into combat as early as 1959 under the auspices of a program known as 
SAGE.  These aircraft could be started, taxied, taken off, flown into combat, fight, 
and return to a landing entirely by remote control, with the only human intervention 
needed being to fuel and re-arm them."

Re-read that final sentence in the above quote: Given over 40 years of institutional 
experience, flying remotely controlled "suicide" jets into the World Trade Center 
towers would have been a piece of cake for NORAD.  This information puts NORAD's 
failure to protect our skies on September 11, 2001 in a new light.

NORAD, Transponders, and Conventional Radar

Transponders are receiver/transmitter devices installed on planes for the purpose of 
tracking their location.  Sometimes called "secondary radar," transponders tell Air 
Traffic Control the latitude, longitude, altitude, and speed of the aircraft as well 
as the plane's identification, airline and flight number.

Compare transponders with conventional, or "primary radar," which detects distant 
objects and determines their position, velocity, and other characteristics by analysis 
of very high frequency radio waves reflected from the surface of the aircraft.  
Conventional radar shows the latitude and longitude of the aircraft, but, unlike 
transponders, will not reveal the airline, flight number, nor altitude of the aircraft.

For years air traffic controllers have relied on conventional radar, and it still 
works.  One experienced pilot I interviewed told me that on several occasions he was 
flying aircraft when the transponder failed.  Air Traffic Control simply located his 
position with conventional radar, no problem.

For more information on transponders, see "Transponder Basics," written by Tom Rogers, 
a pilot and a Ph.D. physicist who owns an avionics equipment company.  The article on 
the website is undated; however, the author has confirmed (via e-mail to me dated 
February 10, 2002,) that the information contained in the article is current. I quote 
from that article:

"Today, virtually all ATC radar installations are equipped with both primary and 
secondary radar capability."

http://www.avweb.com/articles/transpon.html or

Many Americans I have spoken to believe that NORAD failed to do its job on September 
11 because the "suicide pilots" turned off the transponders in each of the four 
planes.  NORAD was thus unable to find the location of the aircraft and consequently 
could not intercept them, they say.

Think about it.  NORAD's job is to protect us from enemy bombers and missiles sent 
over our skies by foreign powers.  Would those foreign powers be considerate enough to 
put transponders on their bombers and missiles so NORAD could locate them and shoot 
them down?  Of course not.  NORAD is expected to find those unidentified flying 
objects without transponders.

Confirm this by visiting the Canadian Defense website again, "Canada-United States 
Defense Regulations."

http://www.dnd.ca/menu/canada-us/bg00.010_e.htm or

"NORAD uses a network of ground-based radars, sensors and fighter jets to detect, 
intercept and, if necessary, engage any threats to the continent."

Transponders help to filter out all identifiable aircraft for NORAD and allow them to 
focus on those craft that are unidentified.  An aircraft flying without a transponder 
gets special attention.   NORAD must have known when each of the transponders in the 
four "suicide" jets was turned off, and must have known immediately.  At all times, 
NORAD must have known the location of each of the four planes.

Before we go any further, let us consider the implications of the so-called 
hijackers/suicide pilots turning off the transponders.  If the "hijackers" knew enough 
about transponders to shut them off, they surely must have known the aircraft could be 
tracked and located by conventional radar.  Why, then, did the "hijackers" turn off 
the transponders?  There's a question to ponder.

Put in other words, why did the suicide pilots want to keep the name of the airline, 
the flight number, the altitude, and the speed of the aircraft a secret, even though 
the latitude and longitude of the aircraft could not be kept secret?  Turning off the 
transponders would not have helped the mission if NORAD was doing its job.  The 
suicide pilots would have known NORAD would not be fooled by the trick.

Deflecting Attention From NORAD

Those who want to pursue the War on Islam of course want to sustain the lie that 
Muslim suicide pilots were responsible for 9-11.  They want to keep the real trigger 
men -- the men working behind the NORAD cover -- hidden from public view.

So public attention must be deflected from NORAD's culpability and focused on the FAA 
and the failure of "the system." Top FAA executives and the FAA/NORAD liaison people 
were of course involved and could give us information.  Their failure to speak is 
either a sign that they have been ordered to shut their mouths for the sake of 
"national security" or a testament to some other complicity.

While reading the following, notice the varied nature of the diversionary "what did 
the FAA know and when did they know it and when did they tell NORAD what they knew" 
controversy.  You will notice that no one mentions NORAD's access to complete radar 
data at all times.  Instead there is constant fudging about radar data in general and 
a pretense that there is no cold, objective evidence that can be examined to tell us 
what really happened that day.

Path of Flight 11

The first plane to hit the WTC, American Flight 11, left Boston's Logan Airport at 
7:59 a.m. bound for Los Angeles.  In its story "The nation reels," published on 
September 12, 2001,  The Christian Science Monitor says of Flight 11:

"Shortly afterward, as aircraft (sic) was making its turn toward New York City, the 
plane's transponder was turned off. With its transponder off, its altitude became a 
matter of guesswork for the controllers, although the plane was still visible on radar 

http://www.csmonitor.com/2001/0912/p1s1-usju.html or

Nice that the civilian conventional radar system was mentioned, but note that NORAD's 
tracking capabilities and mission are not mentioned.   As the Canadian government 
tells us, " . . . NORAD uses a network of ground-based radars, sensors and fighter 
jets to detect, intercept and, if necessary, engage any threats to the continent."

United Statement on Flight 175's Radar History

United Flight 175 left Boston's Logan Airport at 7:58 a.m., headed for Los Angeles.  
At 9:06 a.m., it was the second plane to hit the WTC.  United Airlines released a 
press statement that day.  Referring the Flight 175, the press statement contains this 

"Last radar contact with the aircraft was between Newark, NJ, and Philadelphia, PA."

Yet we know Flight 175 continued on to New York and hit the south tower of the WTC.  
United could have said that the transponder was turned off, and included the 
information that the plane was still being tracked by conventional radar.  Instead, 
United gave the impression that the craft was not visible on radar "between Newark, NJ 
and Philadelphia, PA," and was never seen on radar again.  That surely is misleading.  
And of course NORAD is not mentioned.

http://www.ual.com/site/primaryPR/0,10026,1534_877,00.html or

Washington Post on Flight 77

Let's turn now to the Washington Post, one of the nation's loudest cheerleaders for 
the War on Islam.  See "Pentagon Crash Highlights a Radar Gap," (November 3, 2001), 
covering Flight 77.


American Airlines Flight 77 left Dulles Airport near Washington, D.C. at 8:10 a.m. and 
hit the Pentagon at 9:40. a.m.   The Post states it disappeared from radar screens at 
8:50 a.m., when the "hijackers" turned off the transponder.  But now the Post turns 
attention to the FAA's ability to track the plane with conventional radar.

"The answers to the mystery of the aircraft's disappearance begin with the fact that 
hijacking took place in an area served by only one type of radar, FAA officials 
confirmed ..."

The article goes on to say that "the radar installation near Parkersburg, W.Va., was 
built with only secondary radar -- called 'beacon-only' radar.  That left the 
controllers monitoring Flight 77 at the Indianapolis center blind when the hijackers 
apparently switched off the aircraft's transponder."

Flight 77's transponder was turned off at 8:56 a.m., eleven minutes after Flight 11 
had hit the first tower of the WTC.  Before Flight 11 crashed, its transponder had 
been turned off.  The non-working transponder on Flight 77 should have been a warning 
of another impending disaster.  When Flight 77's transponder was turned off, its 
location was as clear as a bell.  Using mathematical calculations, it should have been 
easy for the FAA to estimate a range for its probable location.  And remember, NORAD 
would have this information in real time.  Flight 77 should have been easy to 
intercept. Instead, Flight 77 was allowed to meander around the country for 45 
minutes, unsupervised.

As the Canadian government might remind us, "NORAD uses a network of ground-based 
radars, sensors and fighter jets to detect, intercept and, if necessary, engage any 
threats to the continent." Well, Canada, that's the general idea . . .

The Washington Post of course neglects to mention that NORAD did not need transponders 
to track that plane; but still, the Washington Post was not yet through with muddying 
the waters and diverting attention from NORAD.

"In the case of American Flight 77, it is unclear whether additional warning time 
would have changed anything.  Military jets were scrambled after controllers became 
aware of the hijacked aircraft, but the fighters could not get to the Washington area 
in time," says the Post.

That's a dumb lie, even for the Washington Post.  Andrews Air Force Base, home of Air 
Force One, is just 10 miles from Washington D.C. How long would it take for Andrews 
jets, capable of flying at 1,200 mph plus,  to get over Washington D.C./Pentagon 

Miami Herald on Flight 77

Now let's cut over to the Miami Herald's more believable September 14 story, "Who 
watched as flight plan was aborted?"

http://www.fpp.co.uk/online/01/11/WTC_AA77.html or 

"FORTY-five minutes. That's how long American Airlines Flight 77 meandered through the 
air headed for the White House, its flight plan abandoned, its radar beacon silent.  
Originally bound for Los Angeles from Washington, it got as far as the Ohio border 
before terrorists disabled the aircraft's transponder, a piece of equipment that sends 
a signal back to control centers.

"It was about 9 a.m.

"At that moment, the north tower of the World Trade Center was already in flames.

"Minutes later, a second airliner would crash into the south tower, providing 
unmistakable evidence that the United States was under terrorist attack.

"Meanwhile Flight 77 was turning around, streaking back east over Virginia toward the 
White House and finally slamming into the Pentagon at 9:45 a.m.

"Who was watching in those 45 minutes?  . . .  Even with the transponder silent, the 
plane should have been visible on radar, both to controllers who handle 
cross-continent air traffic and to a Federal Aviation Administration command center 
outside of Washington, according to air traffic controllers.

"The FAA, which handles air traffic control, would not discuss the track of Flight 77 
or what happened in air-control centers while it was in flight. Neither would American 

Why won't the FAA and American discuss Flight 77's route?  The damage has already been 
done, and the pretext to make war on Israel's enemies has already been provided.    
But while the Miami Herald quite properly notes the suspicious behavior of the FAA and 
American Airlines, it does not breathe a word about NORAD's mission and capabilities.

CBS vs. White House on Flight 77

White House spokesmen Ari Fleischer said that according to radar data he had seen, 
Flight 77 was headed for the White House.  CBS News publicly disagreed with him, 
saying that's not what the recorded flight path showed.  See "Primary Target," 
September 21, 2001, http://www.cbsnews.com/now/story/0,1597,310721-412.00.shtml or 

What was the source of Ari Fleischer's radar data?  What was the source of CBS's radar 
data?  We are not told.  All this information comes from anonymous sources.

Friends, some stuff happened on September 11.  And some stuff didn't. Radar provides 
objective evidence of the truth.  Yes, someone's playing games with Ari Fleischer's 
radar data.   Someone's playing games with the FAA radar data.  But no one is talking 
about NORAD's radar data.

Time, Newsweek and US Today on Flight 77: What Did The Radar Really Say?

O.K.  We have established that even when its transponder was turned off, Flight 77's 
journey would have been tracked by NORAD's conventional radars and FAA conventional 
radar systems (Miami Herald, above).  Flight 77's flight path should be no great 
mystery.  Nor should there be any mystery about the flight paths of the other jets.

Shortly after 9-11, Time, Newsweek, and USA today published diagrams of the flight 
paths of the run away jets.   You can see those diagrams at:


In the copy below those diagrams, you will find a discussion of the many 
contradictions among the three.   You will also notice that none of these diagrams 
show Flight 175 disappearing from the radar screens somewhere between Newark and 
Philadelphia, as United Airlines claims.


But for the moment, let's look at what each says about Flight 77:

* USA Today produced an animated diagram on its webpage which we cached on October 23, 
2001.  According to USA Today, on its flight westward, Flight 77 made an unscheduled 
detour over West Virginia (see the hump.)  This detour does not appear on the Time or 
Newsweek versions.  USA Today's Flight 77 does not cross the border into Ohio, but 
turns around in West Virginia for its journey back east.  Note how far south USA 
Today's Flight 77 flew, compared to the route taken by Time and Newsweek's Flight 77.

* Time Magazine, in its special September 11 edition (no page numbers) shows that 
Flight 77 entered Ohio.  Note the broken line representing Flight 77's return trip 
east, with the words "Return flight path uncertain," under the broken lines.  The same 
drawing appeared in Time on September 24, 2001 (pg. 32).

* Newsweek published its version of Flight 77's flight path on September 24,  pg. 31. 
You will see that Newsweek's rendition of Flight 77's return flight is different than 
Time's.   A point of similarity: the return path is shown by a broken line, and 
labelled "estimated path."

Yes.  Someone's playing games with radar.

Payne Stewart Response: 19 Minutes, hey presto ...

On October 25, 1999, at 9:33 a.m. air traffic controllers in Florida lost touch with a 
Learjet carrying golfer Payne Stewart and several companions after it left Orlando 
headed for Dallas, Texas.   Nineteen minutes after Air Traffic Contro.  l realized 
something was wrong, one or more US Air Force fighter jets were already on top of the 
situation, in the air, close to the Learjet.  Moreover, throughout the course of its 
flight, Payne Stewart's jet was given escort from National Guard aircraft coordinated 
across state lines.  See "Golfer Payne Stewart Dies," October 25, 1999, at:

http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/DailyNews/plane102599.html or read the National 
Transportation Safety Board report on Payne Stewart's flight:

http://www.ntsb.gov/Publictn/2000/AAB0001.htm or
(There are minor discrepancies between the ABC and NTSB reports.)

That was the response when a small private jet lost radio contact with air traffic 
control over a relatively sparsely populated area in Florida.  Compare that to what 
was done when they lost communication with four commercial passenger jets flying over 
the populous northeast on September 11,  2001.

September 11 Response: 80 Minutes and waiting ...

Again, the first plane to hit the WTC was American Airlines Flight 11.  It left Logan 
Airport in Boston at 7:59 a.m.  According to "A Plane Left Boston and Skimmed Over 
River and Mountain in a Deadly Detour," published by The New York Times on September 
13, 2001,

"The plane held on course, almost due west, for only 16 minutes.

"Just past Worcester, Mass., instead of taking a southerly turn, the Boeing 767 swung 
to the north at 8:15.  It had been taken over . . .

"Five minutes later, at 8:20, Flight 11 failed to follow an instruction to climb to 
its cruising altitude of 31,00 feet.  It was this point that air controllers suspected 
something was wrong.  And just about then the plane's transponder, a piece of 
equipment that broadcast its location, went out."

When Flight 11 veered sharply off course at 8:15 a.m., Air Traffic Control should have 
known immediately something was wrong.  But apparently they did not try to get in 
touch with Flight 11, and allowed five minutes to go by before instructing it to climb 
to 31,000 feet.  Given that the plane was off course already, why didn't ATC tell it 
to get back on course?  And given that it was off course, why tell the pilots to 
climb?  We are not told.  But let's put these considerations aside. Air Traffic 
Control should have known something was severely amiss at 8:15 a.m., or at the latest, 
8:20. a.m.

Yet Flight 11 and three more passenger jets were sequentially permitted to go missing 
and run amok for at least one hour and 20 minutes (the Pentagon was hit at 9:40 a.m.) 
without any effective intervention by NORAD.

For further discussion of the many 9-11 anomalies, see 

Real Hijackers Would Plan On NORAD Showing Up

"To be able to make these attacks within an half hour [of each other] - that shows an 
incredible degree of organization or skill," says Stanley Bedlington, a retired senior 
analyst at the CIA counterterrorism center."   (Quoted in The Christian Science 
Monitor, "The national reels," September 12, 2001.)

Rubbish, Mr. Bedlington.  Had there been real hijackers, they would have earned a "D" 
for this effort.  Careful planners would have researched the expected reaction time of 
NORAD.  The Payne Stewart example was already well-known, and the NTSB report was 
publicly available.  Real hijackers would expect NORAD would be onto them in 19 
minutes following detection of a problem.  (Payne Stewart, above.) Surely this is 
Hijackology  101.

Look at the three diagrams again: http://www.Public-Action.com/911/4flights.html

Real hijackers with "an incredible degree of organization or skill" would not have 
taken jets from Boston to hit New York, and given the NORAD 30 minutes and 50 minutes, 
respectively, to intercept them. Real hijackers would not have taken a jet from Dulles 
and meandered all the way to Ohio and back again before hitting the Pentagon.

Real hijackers with even a modicum of organization or skill would have hijacked planes 
from Kennedy or LaGuardia to hit the WTC towers. They would have hijacked a plane from 
National, Baltimore Washington, or Dulles airports and hit the Pentagon shortly after 
take-off, while the planes were close to their targets, before NORAD had a chance to 
react.  Remember, "real" hijackers would have believed they had, at the very most, a 
19-minute window of opportunity (Payne Stewart), not an 80-minute window of 

No.  "Real" hijackers did not pull off this caper.  Believing that NORAD tried to 
protect us but was bested by superior hijacker strategy is akin to taking professional 
wrestling seriously.  DC Dave (http://thebird.org/host/dcdave ) put it succinctly when 
he wrote "The Show Goes On,"

The Rock's opponent cooperates When he's thrown down on the mat. Now think of 
September 11: Our defense was just like that.


A Word About Joe Vialls' "Operation Home Run"

Because we have been discussing the Facsnet article on remote control, this is perhaps 
the place to mention Joe Vialls' article "Operation Home Run," on remote control of 
commercial passenger jets and 9-11.  "Operation Home Run" has been widely circulated 
on the Internet.


In a nutshell, Mr. Vialls says that technology that allows air traffic controllers on 
the ground to assume remote control of aircraft had been secretly installed in US 
commercial passenger jets. Mr. Vialls says that unauthorized persons assumed control 
of the remote control systems on September 11 and caused the crashes.

Mr. Vialls does not cite any documentary evidence, nor does he cite any authorities 
upon whom he relied when writing his article.  A week or so ago I wrote to Mr. Vialls 
asking him for the source for his information, and asking if the technology had ever 
been successfully used.  Mr. Vialls got back to me, saying he could not cite any 
documentation to substantiate his claim that the Home Run system had been installed or 
used on US commercial passenger jets.

Now let's look at the October 2 Facsnet article "Thwarting skyjackings from the 
ground" once again.  Notice the subtitle: "Automated airplane landing systems are 
advanced enough to bring a hijacked airplane 'home.'"

http://www.facsnet.org/issues/specials/terrorism/aviation.php3 or 

The first paragraphs read:

"Technology now exists that could allow a ground crew to override and direct the 
flight path of a hijacked plane.

"Following the Sept. 11 attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center, President 
George W. Bush called for the creation of a system that would allow Air Traffic 
Controllers on the ground the ability to assume remote control of the aircraft and 
direct it to a safe landing at a nearby airport.

"The military has employed this capability since the 1950s. Modifying and implementing 
the technology for use on passenger carrying aircraft in the United States would 
involve significant capital outlay, research and testing . . . "

The author thus clearly states that the technology "that would allow Air Traffic 
Controllers on the ground the ability to assume remote control of the aircraft" has 
not yet been installed into US passenger jets.  The author, Alan Staats, warns of the 
capital outlay involved. Mr. Staats consulted the following experts when researching 
his article:

*** Richard Vandam, US Airways A320 Captain; Former Captain, U.S. Air Force, RF4-C 
pilot, Reno National Championship Air Races Air Boss and Chase Plane pilot, check and 
instructor pilot for vintage Cold War era Eastern Bloc fighter aircraft (MiG-15, -17, 
-21).   Reno, Nevada. 775-742-5640 (cell), 775-851 1930  (home), e-mail 

*** Aircraft Electronics Association http://www.aea.net .  Contact: Paula Derks, 4217 
S. Hocker, Independence, MO 64055.  Phone: 816-373-6565. Fax: 816-478-3100; email: 

*** National Business Aircraft Association.  Main contacts: Joseph Ponte, Jack Olcott, 
1200 Eighteenth Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC, 20036-2506.  Tel: (202) 
783-9000.  Fax: (202) 331-8364.  Web: http://www.nbaa.org

*** FlightSafety International-Corporate Headquarters.  Contact:  James Waugh, Marine 
Air Terminal, LaGuardia Airport, Flushing, NY 11371-1061.  (718) 565-4100,Ý (800) 
877-5343; Fax: (718) 565 4174. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

*** Airline Pilots Association, Contact: Gary Dinunno.  http://www.alpa.org


Quite clearly the unnamed sources who gave Mr. Vialls his information contradict the 
named sources given by Mr. Staats in his Facsnet article.   I believe there is clear 
and convincing evidence that the bad boys operated within the NORAD network, and 
that's where our attention should be.  Note the Vialls article draws our attention to 
hijackers on the ground outside the NORAD network.

In consideration of all the above, I have come to the conclusion that "Operation Home 
Run" is a diversion.

What Motive Did NORAD Have For 9-11?

By now we are familiar with the shocking story of the treason of President Johnson and 
Secretary of Defense McNamara when they allowed Israel to torpedo the USS Liberty, and 
ordered American fighter pilots, who were aloft and coming to Liberty's aid, back to 
their aircraft carrier.


When it comes to treason in high places on behalf of Israel, we in the US  have seen 
it already.  And every administration since the time of the Liberty attack has 
cooperated in the treason by failing to investigate and punish the traitors.  Such is 
the bald and ugly State of the Union.

On September 10, 2001, just one day before 9-11, The Washington Times ran a front-page 
story "US troops would enforce peace under Army study." The Times quoted officers in 
the Army's School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS). Of the Mossad, Israel's 
intelligence/dirty trick service, the SAMS officers said: "Wildcard.  Ruthless and 
cunning.  Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab 
act."   Repeat: Israel's Mossad is:

"Ruthless and cunning.  Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a 
Palestinian/Arab act."  Nuff said!


"Let's you and him fight," has been a tactic used through the ages by intelligence 
agents.  If you can goad someone else to destroy your enemy, why not?  Thus it is with 
9-11.  American Zionists -- both of the "Christian" and "Jewish" varieties -- have 
seized upon 9-11 and used it as a pretext to sweep the world clean of Islam, the burr 
under Israel's saddle.  And NORAD was used to set it up.

"Don't Look AT 9-11.  Look BEFORE.  Look AFTER . . ."

There are now a plethora of Congressional investigations into 9-11. None of them will 
honestly examine what happened that day.  Instead, Congress will focus its attention 
on what happened BEFORE the event -- our alleged  intelligence failure to predict the 
"suicide pilots." Congress will decide our intelligence agencies need more money and 
more police state powers.  All opponents to the Empire of Zion  must be liquidated.  
Congress will do everything in its power to make that happen.

In the same fashion, the Zionist flagship newspaper The Washington Post has just 
concluded a series of articles about "America's Chaotic Road To War." The focus here 
was what happened AFTER September 11. Neither the Post, nor any other newspaper, will  
ever tell the reading public of NORAD's treachery.

NORAD Traitor Is Promoted

At the time of the September 11, 2001 attack, Gen. Richard B. Myers was Commander of 
NORAD.  Myers either oversaw the execution of 9-11 himself, or knowingly allowed his 
organization to be used for that purpose.

Myers has since been rewarded for his treachery.  Now you will often seem him 
photographed, on the front pages of our newspapers with the Stars and Stripes behind 
him, standing next to the arachnoid Donald Rumsfeld, for on October 1, 2001, Myers was 
promoted to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


http://www.dtic.mil/jcs/core/chairman.html http://www.Public-Action.com/911/myers

-- Carol A. Valentine President, Public Action, Inc. http://www.Public-Action.com See 
the handiwork of the world's leading terrorist organization, the FBI: Visit the Waco 
Holocaust Electronic Museum

911 Lies exposed at http://www.public-action.com/911/
-end article-

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marks its victim; denounces it; and excites the public odium and the public hatred, to 
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- Senator Henry Clay (Whig, Kentucky), 1834

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