I love this Cheney - fighting a war hiding in somebody's cellar - so
anyone using weaons of mass destruction would incur the wrath of the
United States?

Today where the war crime case is heard against Serbian Slobo - he
reminds us that Osama bin Laden fought with the USA to murder and bomb
innocent Serbians and tells us the Chinese embassy was not hit
accidently.   So we took the first shot at China?   Big talk but look
who was orchestrating this war this fat slob Madeline Albright, the
Catholic convert who did not know, she was jewish.....

Nice war - but chicken crap Cheney with his big mouth fights it hiding
in somebody's cellar "out of harms way".....but this time, it will be
like Israel - for this is what the United States is becoming -
somebody's cesspool.

Developing weapons of mass destruction - this idiot still does not get
it does he.   Two jet planes loaded with fuel took out the twin towers
and surrounding buildings - killing 3,000 or more people - pardon,
collateral damage as Timothy McVeigh said it is clled - like Waco.   Big
Tanks, flame throwers, Delta Squad Special Forces (GIDEON FORCES), FBI,
BATF, and NATO to as they say "take out" 80 some people, including
babies with bottles and children on tricycles?   Bit time stuff, weapons
of mass destruction>

So Timothy McVeigh used a truck load of fertilizer and di much more
damage and somebody uses two jet planes to do more damage than Sherman
did in Georgia, 3,000 or so people killed - pardon me this was
"collateral damage" I guess they call it, but Lary Silverstein will be 7
billion dollars richer and he only leasted air space for 3 weeks?

And to think, Osama bin Laden was fightin with the Nato forces against
Serbia with the USA????  Tell me is Osama still fighting with the



Cheney: Iraq attack would be backed  Vice President says America will
use any 'means at our disposal'  Vice President Dick Cheney tells the
Council of Foreign Relations that countries developing weapons of mass
destruction will "incur the wrath of the United States."
WASHINGTON, Feb. 15 —  Vice President Dick Cheney said Friday the
Bush administration believed it would have full international support
for "aggressive" action against Iraq or other countries that support
terrorism, and he vowed that any country developing weapons of mass
destruction will "incur the wrath of the United States."
(Oh by the way this Council on Foreign Relations made a public threat
against Ronald Reagan - and within a week or so, he was almost dead
meat.  But you see now all news media is controlled by this CFR......and
Reagan survived) 
       DISCUSSING THE NEXT steps in the U.S.-led war on
terrorism at the Council on Foreign Relations, Cheney said "we will use
all the means at our disposal, meaning military, diplomatic,
intelligence, et cetera" to take on terrorist-supporting nations and
stop leaders like (Iraqi President) Saddam Hussein from developing
weapons of mass destruction.
       "I think if aggressive action is required, I would
anticipate there would be the appropriate support for that, both from
the American people and the international community," he said.
       The Bush administration is considering action against
Iraq because the combination of Iraq's weapons program and support for
terrorism has placed Baghdad in what Bush has called "an axis of evil"
with Iran and North Korea.
       On Thursday, Secretary of State Colin Powell promised
U.S. allies they would be consulted if President Bush tried to force
Hussein from power. But Powell also reiterated that the United States
had not ruled out unilateral military action against Iraq. "We have to
preserve all options, and we have to preserve the option to act alone,"
he said. Secretary of State Colin Powell
        Canadian Foreign Minister Bill Graham responded
skeptically. "Nobody is supporting Saddam Hussein, but everyone
recognizes in international politics you have to have a process where,
before you invade a sovereign country, there has to be a reason for it,
or we are going to lead to international chaos," Graham said, after he
discussed emerging U.S. policy with Powell.
       But Graham said "one should not exaggerate the situation
at the moment."
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       Even before Bush put the three nations on notice in his
State of the Union speech last month, Arab governments had said they
would not support an attack on Iraq.
       In Moscow on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin
said the United States has no ground for extending the war on terrorism
to Iraq.
       "We know which nations' representatives and citizens were
fighting alongside the Taliban and where their activities were financed
from," Putin said. "Iraq is not on this list."
       But Condoleezza Rice, Bush's national security adviser,
said in an interview Thursday that "what's really interesting is we
haven't heard from Putin that he's unhappy."
       She said people should not "jump to instant analysis
about everything."

       In an interview published in Britain's Financial Times on
Thursday, Powell defended Bush's statements from European criticism.
       Europeans should understand by now that Bush spoke "with
determination, with prudence and with patience," Powell told the paper.
       European leaders, including French Foreign Minister
Hubert Vedrine and European Union external relations commissioner Chris
Patten, have voiced alarm over Bush's attitude toward the three
       Powell said Bush had not been speaking in the
"absolutist, simplistic" terms to which Patten referred in an interview
with Britain's Guardian newspaper. "I think he was speaking in very
direct, realistic terms," he said.
       "Our European friends should have come to appreciate
after a year now that the president tends to do this. He speaks the
truth as he sees it," Powell said.
       Powell said at a joint news conference with Graham that
he was confident the Russians would keep working with the United States
on new and "smart" U.N. sanctions, designed to lift curbs on most
exports to Iraq while strengthening safeguards against smuggling of
weapons technology.
       The United States needs Russia's vote in the U.N.
Security Council. Powell said he was confident the new sanctions would
be adopted in May.
       "The Iraqis from that point on will have no one to blame
but themselves for any deprivation the Iraqi people are suffering," he
said. "It's their fault now. We are going to take away their last
       Bush has yet to get "any recommendation to take initial
action, and we will be in close consultation with our friends as we go
along," Powell said.
       Also Thursday, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher
said the United States had cautioned Syria about importing illicit oil
from Iraq. A year ago, President Bashar Assad told Powell that his
government would not buy Iraqi oil in violation of U.N. sanctions.
       The Washington Post reported Thursday that Syria was
receiving 150,000 to 200,000 barrels of oil daily through a pipeline it
opened in late 2000, paying as much as $1 billion a year to Iraq.
       That would make Syria the single largest source of money
to Baghdad outside a U.N. program designed to restrict how Iraq can
spend revenue from oil sales supervised by a U.N. commission.
       The report said the Bush administration had refrained
from confronting Syria because it wanted to nurture a growing
intelligence relationship with the country.
       But Boucher took Syria to task, saying as a member of the
U.N. Security Council it bore "a special responsibility" to implement
the U.N. rules.
       "Given the seriousness of this issue, you can be sure
that we will continue to press Syria to live up to its
responsibilities," Boucher said.
       MSNBC.com's Jonathan Dube and The Associated Press and
Reuters contributed to this report.
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