-Caveat Lector-

from - http://www.tripzine.com/reviews.asp?id=drugwar

Drug War: Covert Money, Power & Policy
by James Kent
A review of Dan Russell's tour de force expose of the War on Drugs

The subtitle of Dan Russell's epic dissertation, Drug War: Covert Money, Power &
Policy, says it all. Make no mistake, this is not a book about the so-called
"War on Drugs" we hear about in the newspapers, the one being fought on our
streets between cops and druggies or border guards and drug smugglers. Nor is
this the tale of earnest DEA agents matching wits and military hardware in a
valiant attempt to bring down international drug lords and dope smugglers the
name of the good old American social values. No, this book is something else
entirely, nothing less than a scathing expose of the corrupt power structures
which have emerged under the policy of US global drug prohibition, and a
detailed look at all the brutalities, genocidal wars, and seedy covert
operations that have been financed by the inflated value of prohibited drugs
since day one.

Within the 675 pages of this massive and impeccably referenced book, Dan Russell
digs deep into the historical wells of covert money and power and pulls no
punches when it comes to exposing atrocities and naming names. By following
dozens of covert US operations and their illicit money trails from start to
finish, Russell manages to link beloved US politicians and security agencies to
notorious crime syndicate leaders and butchering third-world dictators in the
same paragraph without batting an eye. Yes, it seems people are actually getting
rich and powerful off this covert little war, and as it turns out everyone's
hands are dirtied by the endless piles of blood money being generated from the
policy of global narcotics prohibition.

The covert operations Russell exposes in Drug War range from piddling little
things like genocide and military coups to more grandiose US events like the
Kennedy assassination and the Vietnam war. Maybe you've heard tell of things
like Air America and Iran/Contra, or perhaps you've picked up a rumor or two
about the CIA's involvement in the trade and importation of weapons for drugs in
order to arm and finance Nazi-led death squads in South America? Well I'm sorry
to say that all of those nasty rumors are unfortunately true, and Dan Russell
has dug up all the dirt you'll ever need to convince even the most skeptical
minds that illicit funds generated from the inflated prices of prohibited drugs
was at the center of all of it. More than that, it appears that agents of our
government were not only complicit in these deeds, but more often than not they
were the worst perpetrators in the bunch.

Within the pages of Drug War Russell doesn't just speculate or draw weak
conclusions from circumstantial evidence, he actually names all of the players
and details their official and unofficial affiliations with any overt and/or
covert US military and intelligence agencies they have ever been involved with.
Beyond that he lists every slime ball drug lord, third-world dictator, guerilla
group, hit team, arms trader, smuggler, and corrupt politician they ever did
business with, and manages to trace the money trail of these covert operations
to all the dirty banks and front corporations set up specifically to launder all
the illicit cash they made as they went. He even goes to the level of naming all
the major shareholders and board members of these dubious entities, linking the
most unlikely of bedfellows from all corridors of politics, business, and
organized crime to this never-ending pile of dirty cash. If all of this sounds a
bit too much like a giant conspiracy that's because it is. Russell details every
congressional inquiry or official attempt to publicly uncover these dastardly
deeds, and can actually tell you the names of everyone who's conveniently gotten
whacked the night before they were supposed to testify, who hit them, who was
the patsy, and how it got covered up. Despite the fact though none of this is
really secret anymore the worst of the perpetrators still hold power and
continue to get away with it, and that is perhaps the most frightening thing
about this book.

While Drug War is without a doubt one of the most illuminating books I've ever
read, I must warn you that it is by no means an easy book to read. Each
paragraph is dense with information that just keeps coming and coming, and just
about every other sentence is cross referenced to another major source. A single
chapter can contain more acronyms than a bowl of alphabet soup, and new players
are introduced on every page. There are CIA agents, DEA agents, politicians,
informants, traffickers, kingpins, lieutenants, syndicate goons,
narco-guerillas, rebel groups, money launderers, terrorists, indigenous tribal
groups, media moguls, journalists, hit teams, wise guys, Cosa Nostra, labor
organizers, and on and on. Many of the names you'll probably recognize, others
you surely won't. Russell's onslaught of historical documentation comes at the
reader almost completely devoid of fanciful storytelling, colorful recreations,
or clever context with which to hook the reader's imagination. More often than
not Russell prefers to lay out facts with the detached accuracy of a
intelligence file brief (just the facts ma'am), pulling back only occasionally
to crack wise at the most outlandish cover-ups, point-out the most blatant
corruptions and hypocrisies being perpetrated at the highest levels of power, or
express his personal outrage at the most egregious of human rights violations
imaginable. The whole thing is a like a never-ending blur of bad news and human
misery, page after page of underhanded Machiavellian deeds being perpetrated by
people on the US payroll, paid a salary by you and me. What a nightmare.

Not only is Drug War a hill of heavy information but it opens oddly with some
historical information on Coca and absolutely no introduction or preface to
explain why the book is here or what it is trying to accomplish. I must admit it
took me three attempts to get past page thirty because I kept trying to figure
out why I was reading a discourse on the ineptitude of European medicine in the
19th century alongside an account of each military campaign waged against Crazy
Horse and the dozens of other Indian warriors and indigenous tribes massacred
during the European conquest of America. Russell takes his sweet time detailing
all the atrocities committed by the neocolonial pharmocratic inquisition on Old
World shamanism before ever getting to the point of his book, but by the time he
hits the prohibition and temperance movements of the early 20th century
Russell's message comes through loud and clear. It appears that the "Drug War"
we have come to know and love is not just a war on plants and substances, nor is
it a war against the 'health risks' or 'immoral decadence' of using natural
inebriants. No, according to Russell the "Drug War" is actually a cultural war
and always has been, and the policies of prohibition are rooted just as firmly
in intolerance and cultural prejudice as the Nazi Holocaust was, and is equally
as murderous if not more so. More than that, the fallout of these policies has
led to the creation of an underground global militant narco-syndicate which is
for all purposes above the law and responsible for some of the worst human
rights violations in all of recorded history. In short, Russell's claim is that
the "Drug War" is nothing more than a tool of human oppression used by our
government and other corrupt politicians and dictators around the globe to
enslave peasant labor, drive up the black-market cost of a simple agricultural
staple, and generate illicit and untraceable capital to finance covert military
campaigns to overthrow hostile governments, put down peasant revolts, and keep
themselves in power. Sounds like a nice moral crusade, doesn't it?

By the end of each chapter of Drug War my head was reeling. In many cases I had
to instantly forget most of what I had just read because the horror of the
reality was too much for me to grasp. US covert foreign policy generally
includes the training and arming of narco-funded guerillas so they can go out
and murder a bunch of innocent people and terrorize them into poverty and
submission. Hearing about these events in the abstract is horrific enough, but
reading the names of the people who planned, approved, and carried out these
illicit drug-funded operations of death made me sick to my stomach. Russell
spends dozens of pages on each dirty little war the US has ever been involved
in, from Guatemala to Castro's Cuba and the Bay of Pigs; the Kennedy
assassination and Vietnam; not to mention Laos, Burma, Bolivia, El Salvador,
Columbia, Peru, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico, Iraq, Iran, and yes,
even Pakistan and Afghanistan. The names of the players change from decade to
decade, administration to administration, and region to region, but not
surprisingly many of them pop up over and over again (you may know them more
recently as Bush, North, McCaffrey, Secord, etc.). But with each chapter the
M.O. is always the same: covert military operations, illegal drug trafficking,
military hardware, hit squads, corrupt officials, money laundering, coups,
genocide, cover-ups, etc. To see the brutal methods of this war spelled out over
and over in such excruciating detail is almost too much for the mind to take.

Russell does spend some time at the end of the book discussing the bleak
situation back home, going into the dim prison situation and human rights
violations created by such asinine policies as Zero Tolerance and Mandatory
Minimums. His chapter on forfeitures & seizures and accidental police murders of
innocent civilians in the name of the "War on Drugs" is as grim as everything
else I've read on the subject. His research into the covert ops working behind
the scenes of Kennedy assassination goes on for over 100 pages and, in the end,
was completely mind blowing. He devotes a slim chapter to LSD and mind control,
highlighting many well known tidbits of this substance's dubious intelligence
history but adding very little new material to a subject covered so well in
other places. He also spends some time debunking drug propaganda and attempting
to set the scientific record on the physical effects of drug use straight, but
by that time the information reads more like a footnote lurking under the larger
looming picture of the covert global power structures Russell has exposed.

Rarely do I read a book and have the urge to tell everyone I know that they must
stop what they are doing read it immediately, but with Drug War that urge came
over me again and again. It is truly a very shocking and astounding book, the
reading of which marked a big turning point in my own understanding of
prohibition and 20th century covert geopolitics. I thought I knew a few things
about the War on Drugs, but I didn't know the half of it before Dan Russell
pulled all the pieces together for me. He had the guts to tell the whole story
like it really is, and engrave the grim history of our country's dirtiest secret
on the record forever. I highly recommend you check it out today should you dare
know the truth.

For more info: http://www.drugwar.com

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