This is about as stupid as one can get.  Remember right before 911,
Ariel Sharon was disturbed and the local "psychologists" and what nots
reported "Israel is losing the psychological war", mainly because they
had gotten the name of a pack of slaughtermen.

Now what a wonderful idea here  -  The Pentagon is about to engage in
psychological warfare, be it truth or lies, to get the sympathy and
support of those in the world who hate the USA now as much as they do,
the Jews and Israel in particular.

But this item, Brg. General Simon Worden, this guy is so stupid but we
see now what West Point has become don't we.....Japanese sharpshooters
targeting a woman holding a baby, blowing off her face, while she
witnessed her 8th grade son being murdered because he went after his
dog, who was shot.

America is beginning to look like, talk like, and being like most hated
nation, Israel.

So I say to this Brig. General Simon Worden (now is he in Israelie Army
of USAF - you stupid asshole - when one is about to engage in
psychological warfare the idea is, the unsuspecting public is not to be
made aware, one is exposed to this type of "warfare".......thought that
dropping $100 bills from the sky like manna from heaven, showed some
type of sleaze in operation  oh see how they run, starving people, for a
few bucks.

This is idea of making America "loved" you know like the Mafia hands a
bribe to a Senator or Congressman and calls it a contribution?  Oh this
is mutual sweetheart deal and the public, gets stung.

No wonder the Pentagon was made a target, but it was not Osama bin
Laden's doing - no way.......this was psychological warfare to make the
USA hate, the Muslims.   Cui Bono Cui Bono Cui Bono.
Larry Silverstein went into the venture of acting as manaer of the Twin
Towers and three weeks later, he is to get 7 billion dollars in
insurance?   So the Muslims got the blame?

Ariel Scheinman Sharon - slaughterman of the year, charged with being
war criminal.....yet he escapes the hangman's noose?   Why?  How did
thisi maniac get put into office?   Well Rabin was shot, that was
beginning - and jews knew, that jews, shoot jews?   Wonder if Israel
hired this bunch as their PR machine too

See what is happening to our govenment and this country?   People around
the world are beginning to think, no Israel, no Zionists,
no wars???

We see what happened under Clinton do we not - Madeline Albright blowing
the hell out of Serbia and then upon being caught as to who she really
was sayiing "Oh I did not know I was Jewish"......strange the matter
never came up before but you know it might have happened when during
this war she decided to get "re-naturalized" - to be an American
Citizen?   Want to bet this woman was never naturlaized in the first

Onward Christian Soldiers.....on to the War.....with the Star of David
shining on more dead Christians?   Wasn't 50 million slaughtered in
Russia and WWII enough ....

Brig. General Simon Worden - strange, but see how they operate in world
of make believe for this man is so stupid he reveals how another Dick
Morris has been hired to sell the Pentagon as they did a pound of
hamberger and Clinton to the USA.

So see the Twin Towers, the bodies have stopped smouldering, nothing but
a hell hole like Israel, remains.    The dead, well the numbers dwindle
- but wouldn't you know the guy that hit the big bucks, Larry
Silverstein, is a Zionist......those sitting ducks on top of the Twin
Towers, such a shame, such a shame.....but after all Israel was getting
a new PR machine because hey, they were losing the psychological war in
the world .....

What a pack of crap.

I am so happy Brig. General Simon Worden will receive credit for this
for you see now what is wrong in our government and Pentagon - a degree
of stupidity never before captured by the pens of the ready
writers.......stupid is as stupid does.
Oh this shining bright light the Chosen Ones reflect from their hell
hole once known as a City of God?

Will somebody get a bushel basket and douse this "bright
light".....before we are all consumed in winds and flames of war?
America - Official Sacrificial Goat for Israel.


February 19, 2002
Pentagon Readies Efforts to Sway Sentiment Abroad

WASHINGTON, Feb. 18 — The Pentagon is developing plans to provide news
items, possibly even false ones, to foreign media organizations as part
of a new effort to influence public sentiment and policy makers in both
friendly and unfriendly countries, military officials said.

The plans, which have not received final approval from the Bush
administration, have stirred opposition among some Pentagon officials
who say they might undermine the credibility of information that is
openly distributed by the Defense Department's public affairs officers.

The military has long engaged in information warfare against hostile
nations — for instance, by dropping leaflets and broadcasting messages
into Afghanistan when it was still under Taliban rule.  (Oh and dropping
100 bills from the skies.....Manna from God - Saba Note)

But it recently created the Office of Strategic Influence, which is
proposing to broaden that mission into allied nations in the Middle
East, Asia and even Western Europe. The office would assume a role
traditionally led by civilian agencies, mainly the State Department.

The small but well-financed Pentagon office, which was established
shortly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, was a response to concerns
in the administration that the United States was losing public support
overseas for its war on terrorism, particularly in Islamic countries.
(Saba note:   Maybe Giuliani should have kept the 10 million dollar che
and fed some pore people sitll lying in the streets of New York)

As part of the effort to counter the pronouncements of the Taliban,
Osama bin Laden and their supporters, the State Department has already
hired a former advertising executive to run its public diplomacy office,
and the White House has created a public information "war room" to
coordinate the administration's daily message domestically and abroad.
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, while broadly supportive of the
new office, has not approved its specific proposals and has asked the
Pentagon's top lawyer, William J. Haynes, to review them, senior
Pentagon officials said.

Little information is available about the Office of Strategic Influence,
and even many senior Pentagon officials and Congressional military aides
say they know almost nothing about its purpose and plans. Its
multimillion dollar budget, drawn from a $10 billion emergency
supplement to the Pentagon budget authorized by Congress in October, has
not been disclosed.

Headed by Brig. Gen. Simon P. Worden of the Air Force, the new office
has begun circulating classified proposals calling for aggressive
campaigns that use not only the foreign media and the Internet, but also
covert operations.
(Hey is this the USA talking here  - these cheap Tabloids already run by
CIA and Mossad and MI6 - propaganda tools used to keep people in line -
saba note)

The new office "rolls up all the instruments within D.O.D. to influence
foreign audiences," its assistant for operations, Thomas A. Timmes, a
former Army colonel and psychological operations officer, said at a
recent conference, referring to the Department of Defense. "D.O.D. has
not traditionally done these things."
One of the office's proposals calls for planting news items with foreign
media organizations through outside concerns that might not have obvious
ties to the Pentagon, officials familiar with the proposal said.

General Worden envisions a broad mission ranging from "black" campaigns
that use disinformation and other covert activities to "white" public
affairs that rely on truthful news releases, Pentagon officials said.

"It goes from the blackest of black programs to the whitest of white," a
senior Pentagon official said.

Another proposal involves sending journalists, civic leaders and foreign
leaders e-mail messages that promote American views or attack unfriendly
governments, officials said.

Asked if such e-mail would be identified as coming from the American
military, a senior Pentagon official said that "the return address will
probably be a dot-com, not a dot- mil," a reference to the military's
Internet designation.

To help the new office, the Pentagon has hired the Rendon Group, a
Washington-based international consulting firm run by John W. Rendon
Jr., a former campaign aide to President Jimmy Carter.
The firm, which is being paid about $100,000 a month, has done extensive
work for the Central Intelligence Agency, the Kuwaiti royal family and
the Iraqi National Congress, the opposition group seeking to oust
President Saddam Hussein.

Officials at the Rendon Group say terms of their contract forbid them to
talk about their Pentagon work. But the firm is well known for running
propaganda campaigns in Arab countries, including one denouncing
atrocities by Iraq during its 1990 invasion of Kuwait.

The firm has been hired as the Bush administration appears to have
united around the goal of ousting Mr. Hussein.

"Saddam Hussein has a charm offensive going on, and we haven't done
anything to counteract it," a senior military official said.  (Saba
Note:  You know JFK, JFK Jr. had this charisma and charm and you know
those bastards did something about that didn't they - courtesy of Meyer
Lansky, ADL Man of Year, gangster, murderer, dealing in drugs and
prostitution - somehow American was never so clean as when JFK was

Proponents say the new Pentagon office will bring much-needed
coordination to the military's efforts to influence views of the United
States overseas, particularly as Washington broadens the war on
terrorism beyond Afghanistan.

But the new office has also stirred a sharp debate in the Pentagon,
where several senior officials have questioned whether its mission is
too broad and possibly even illegal.

Those critics say they are disturbed that a single office might be
authorized to use not only covert operations like computer network
attacks, psychological activities and deception, but also the
instruments and staff of the military's globe- spanning public affairs

Mingling the more surreptitious activities with the work of traditional
public affairs would undermine the Pentagon's credibility with the
media, the public and governments around the world, critics argue.

"This breaks down the boundaries almost completely," a senior Pentagon
official said.

Moreover, critics say, disinformation planted in foreign media
organizations, like Reuters or Agence France-Presse, could end up being
published or broadcast by American news organizations.

The Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency are barred by law from
propaganda activities in the United States. In the mid-1970's, it was
disclosed that some C.I.A. programs to plant false information in the
foreign press had resulted in articles published by American news

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