----- Original Message -----
From: John Catalinotto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 11:37 PM

> Dear Friends
> Here is a report from the IAC delegation in The Hague on
> the trial.
> Article distributed by the International Action Center
> 'Your bosses broke up Yugoslavia'
> By Cecil Williams
> The Hague, Netherlands
> NATO, the Pentagon, the CIA and corporate globalization
> are on trial here this week. The prosecutor is Slobodan
> Milosevic.
> It was supposed to have been the other way around.
> The International Tribunal for War Crimes in the Former
> Yugoslavia was set up by the very NATO powers that bombed
> Yugoslavia for 78 days in 1999. Those governments and
> private corporations finance it. Its sole purpose is to
> prosecute and imprison former president Milosevic and
> other Yugoslavs who opposed the breakup of their country.
> President Milosevic was the target of a 10-year hate
> campaign by the Western media. The CIA and German
> intelligence spent billions of dollars to foment civil war
> in Yugoslavia and overturn the Milosevic government. Last
> June, in violation of the Yugoslav Constitution, the
> corrupt, U.S.-backed regime of Zoran Djindjic handed him
> over to NATO. Djindjic had hoped for a few billions in aid
> and loans, but wound up with only $21 million.
> Milosevic, imprisoned far from home in this Dutch city,
> has been denied the right to consult privately with
> lawyers or speak to the press.
> The long-awaited show trial opened Feb. 12 with a
> half-hour tirade by chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte. Then
> the British Queen's Counsel Geoffrey Nice gave a
> melodramatic two-day presentation of NATO's "evidence."
> Between pregnant pauses, studied sighs and anguished
> facial contortions, Nice repeated the litany of lies that
> bombarded the Western public in 1999 while NATO ships and
> warplanes bombarded Yugoslavia.
> Nice charged that Milosevic, motivated by a "ruthless
> quest for power," had carried out "genocide" and "ethnic
> cleansing" against Bosnian Muslims, Croatian Catholics and
> Albanian Kosovars.
> The prosecutor gave not a hint that British troops and
> Protestant paramilitaries have been "ethnic cleansing" in
> northern Ireland for decades, murdering hundreds of Irish
> Catholics and driving thousands from their homes. Thirty
> years after British troops gunned down Irish civil rights
> marchers on Bloody Sunday in Derry, not a single British
> soldier has been penalized.
> Nice betrayed no knowledge that U.S. planes and missiles
> have murdered more than 5,000 Afghan civilians in the past
> few months or that U.S. and British bombs and sanctions
> have slain 500,000 Iraqi children over the past decade.
> Much of the "evidence" Nice presented has long been
> exposed as sheer fabrication. He trotted out the old myth
> that Milosevic's speech on June 28, 1989, at Kosovo Field
> was a call for ethnic hatred. Even a casual reading of the
> text shows it to be an appeal for ethnic harmony.
> The court was shown discredited ITN footage of Bosnian
> Muslims allegedly held in a Serb "concentration camp." The
> British television reporters who set up the shot were
> actually standing inside a wire enclosure, and the people
> they were filming were outside looking in.
> Nice also brought up an alleged massacre of Kosovar
> civilians by Serbian police at Racak on Jan. 15, 1999.
> There is considerable evidence the dead were fighters of
> the U.S.-funded "Kosovo Liberation Army" who had died in a
> battle.
> The prosecution at times seemed desperate. Nice spent some
> time making the point that Milosevic, after being elected
> president of Yugoslavia, had appointed members of his
> party, the Socialist Party of Serbia, to key posts.  Nice
> also read a Yugoslav People's Army officer's report that
> his troops had carried out no pillaging, looting or
> property destruction. "One wonders why he found it
> necessary to report that," Nice asked.
> After two days of this utterly weak presentation,
> presiding judge Robert May should have thrown the case out
> of his court. Instead he imperiously rejected Milosevic's
> right to a hearing to decide if the court had legitimate
> jurisdiction.
> Subhead: 'Western colonialism is genocide'
> On Feb. 14, Milosevic was given his first and only chance
> to testify. In two and a half days the former Yugoslav
> president not only destroyed NATO's case, he put the
> Western leaders in the dock. He threw the charge of
> "genocide" back in the prosecutor's face.
> "Genocide is a method your colonial powers use. North and
> South, in Africa and Asia, all the colonial powers used
> genocide. And today our part of Europe is also a target of
> colonial powers who want to take back what they have
> lost," he said.
> With eloquent words and video footage, Milosevic portrayed
> NATO's destruction of Yugoslav towns and villages. "They
> bombed by night, when people were fast asleep. Most of the
> targets were homes and housing blocks." He described the
> targets: Aleksinacs, a village of miners who worked in the
> pits, was hit by 14 missiles; 36 people died. People were
> killed in Vranya, a small farming village, and in
> Rukovica, a blue-collar neighborhood on the outskirts of
> Belgrade. In Starigrad Przen, 50 Roma people died. Both
> Serbs and Muslims died while tending their cows in Novi
> Pasar, an undeveloped area.
> "They especially targeted areas like Novi Sad," said
> Milosevic, "a part of Serbia where 27 nationalities lived
> peacefully. That was precisely what they wanted to
> destroy, that kind of life in Yugoslavia. NATO's object
> was to break up and terrorize the whole of Yugoslavia." He
> pointed out that in 78 days of bombing NATO destroyed only
> seven Yugoslav army tanks but destroyed dozens of schools,
> hospitals and medical clinics."
> Milosevic gave the lie to the NATO court's claim that the
> Yugoslav Army had driven Albanian Kosovars from their
> homes. He gave a list of Kosovar Albanian villages
> destroyed by NATO bombs  and showed photos of the corpses
> of Albanian children, women and men who died when their
> convoy was attacked by U.S. warplanes. "They were targeted
> because they were returning to their homes," Milosevic
> said. "It was a message to the Albanians: Don't go home,
> flee in order to justify NATO bombing."
> At this point he looked at Geoffrey Nice and said, "I see
> the prosecutor is yawning ... perhaps he is bored." He
> also told how U.S. planes had bombed Istok prison in
> Kosovo, killing 78 prisoners, then lied by claiming
> Yugoslav police had massacred the prisoners. Milosevic
> showed photos proving the prison had been destroyed by
> bombs.
> Working backwards from the Kosovo war, Milosevic detailed
> 12 years of U.S.- and German-orchestrated destabilization
> of Yugoslavia; how the BND and CIA had set up and financed
> right-wing separatist movements in Kosovo, Bosnia and
> Croatia while at the same time backing right-wing
> nationalist forces among the Serbs.
> He traced the heritage of the secessionist movements back
> to the World War II Nazi and Fascist occupation of
> Yugoslavia and described the horrible genocide of Serbs in
> western Yugoslavia at the hands of the Hitler-created
> Croatian Ustashi regime.
> Milosevic blasted Nice for referring to his political
> party as the "Serbian Socialist Party," which would limit
> it to just Serbian people. "We are the Socialist Party of
> Serbia," he said. "We have in our ranks Muslims,
> Albanians, Roma, Goran, all of the 27 nationalities who
> make up Serbia. Would they join a racist organization?"
> He told why the U.S. and German regimes targeted his
> government. "I stopped them from implementing the plans
> they had imposed on the rest of East Europe, including
> Albania. They wanted to do to Serbia what they did to the
> rest of East Europe. That's why they tried for 10 years to
> overthrow me."
> To the judges he said, "You do not wish to hold [NATO
> leaders] accountable because you represent them. But it is
> worth it to me to spend any amount of time in prison for
> one chance to speak the truth to the public. I believe
> most people are honest; if they were not, life would not
> be worth living. And I believe the people will speak up.
> They are the jury because this tribunal does not have
> one."
> Subhead: 'Big powers destroyed ordinary people'
> In Yugoslavia and elsewhere in East Europe, people are
> speaking up. Tens of thousands rallied to support
> Milosevic in Belgrade on Feb. 9, before the trial opened.
> The tribunal was presented with the signatures of 120,000
> Yugoslav citizens demanding Milosevic's freedom. The
> Russian Duma voted by 316-to-6 to demand his release, as
> has the Ukrainian Rada.
> Few honest observers at the trial were unmoved by the
> president's speech.  A young Iranian woman who works in
> Kosovo told a reporter, "I came here hoping to see
> Milosevic hanged, but now I see I've been deceived."
> A young Muslim woman from Britain said, "In Yugoslavia,
> like now in Afghanistan, big powers came in and destroyed
> the lives of ordinary people."
> A young British woman of Macedonian background said, "It's
> a show trial, a cover-up for NATO's war crimes."
> The truth is unlikely to move either the judges or the
> media, however. Their opinions are already bought and paid
> for. It will take a people's movement to put an end to
> this travesty and return Slobodan Milosevic to his
> country.
> A NATO-backed court in The Hague plans to open a trial
> against former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic on
> Feb. 12. The rulers of the U.S. and the other NATO
> countries look to the trial as a way to wipe out from
> history their own heinous crimes against the Yugoslav
> people and their own grave responsibility for the war that
> destroyed so much of the Balkans.
> The International Action Center believes that the defense
> of Milosevic is a vital part of the struggle against
> future wars. It calls upon anti-war activists around the
> world to defend Milosevic against these false charges for
> alleged war crimes to prevent the NATO powers from
> escaping the judgment of history.
> As it is impossible in a few sentences to counter the
> plethora of lies and slanders told about this war, the IAC
> has published two books, Hidden Agenda and Liar's Poker,
> to explain every aspect of the question. Both books will
> be ready for distribution in mid-February as the trial
> opens. Both are essential to the understanding of NATO's
> war on Yugoslavia and in preparation for struggle against
> the coming wars.
> In addition, for those who have not read the IAC-published
> NATO in the Balkans, this book will be available at
> discounted prices before February 12.
> Confused about why the U.S. bombed Yugoslavia? That's
> because you never heard about the hidden agenda behind the
> dismemberment of this multiethnic country.
> Washington and NATO strategists invoked humanitarian
> principles to justify their war. But they practiced the
> divide-and-conquer tactics used by empires since the days
> of imperial Rome.
> Behind the façade of concern for self-determination, they
> sliced away most of the republics of Yugoslavia, one by
> one, through economic pressure political threats and,
> finally, outright warfare.
> This book presents evidence gathered by dozens of
> nongovernmental hearings in 1999 and 2000 that the NATO
> countries engaged in a decade-long conspiracy to foment
> war in Yugoslavia in order to split it up.
> Now NATO has military bases all over the Balkans, Eastern
> Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia. They are the
> Roman legions for Western transnational corporations and
> Big Oil.
> In the 40+ essays presented here, leading anti-war
> activists and analysts from many countries take up The
> Hague Tribunal, the occupation of Kosovo, media lies, war
> crimes and the blatant illegality of NATO aggression.
> Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark writes on
> "Blaming the victim." Former Yugoslav President Slobodan
> Milosevic, demonized in the Western press, stands up to
> the NATO tribunal based in The Hague.
> How was Michel Collon able to predict the wars which were
> unleashed in Yugoslavia, Macedonia and Afganistan?
> By magic powers? Or rather by a powerful method of
> analysis?
> Liar's Poker illuminates the fundamental interests of the
> Great Powers and their strategic interests in controlling
> oil routes and key areas of the world. It offers the
> reader an efficient guide for understanding international
> policy for the next twenty years. And the true long-term
> goals of these powers: Russia and China.
> Collon demonstrates how and why NATO, since 1991, has
> programmed various "necessary" wars. Liar's Poker points
> out the countries that are under threat in the coming
> years. And how the methods employed in the Balkans will be
> put to use once again.
> Collon also uncovers the clandestine rivalry, first and
> foremost in the Balkans, between Washington and Berlin.
> Why did the special European envoy to Bosnia, Lord Owen,
> accuse the United States in his memoirs of "having
> uselessly prolonged this war for several years"? Will a
> confrontation arising from a sharpening of the world
> economic crisis finally take place between the U.S. and
> the European Union?
> Using a unique graphic technique on its large-size pages,
> Liar's Poker also offers a brilliant demonstration of
> media lies. How is organized disinformation used to
> manipulate public opinion and sell a war? The revelations
> are shocking. Liar's Poker is like a manual, showing
> step-by-step how to defend yourself from media
> manipulation in the future.
> Hidden Agenda, 400 pages, maps, photographs, index, $19.95
> Liar's Poker, xxx pages (8.5x11 in.), maps, photographs,
> index, $19.95
> Order before February 12 and get a special pre-publication
> discount of 20% or $15.95 instead of $19.95 plus postage
> and handling (an additional USD2.00 per book if going to
> multiple addresses).
> For both books, get an additional $2 off or $29.90.
> In all cases add postage and handling (an additional $xxx
> per book)
> For booksellers or associations interested in ordering 10
> copies or more, please contact us for special discounts
> and shipping arrangements.
> For direct orders of Liar's Poker only from Europe, Asia,
> Africa and Latin America, contact Michel Collon directly
> at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for prices.
> Otherwise send orders to :
> International Action Center
> 39 West 14th Street, Suite 206
> New York, NY 10011
> Or buy online through www.leftbooks.com.

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