John O’Neill – a real American Hero?

Frank Levi – Feb 2002
Just for a few moments, let’s delve into the world of the conspiracy theorist and make a few assumptions.
Let’s start by assuming that the real motives for the 9-11 attacks were much more than just a desperate attack by Islamic extremists on the West and the real motives and perpetrators are much more sinister – as well as being conveniently covered by a smokescreen of government and media lies.

Let’s say for example – there is a secret government whose aim is control of the world’s remaining resources and ultimately total global domination – as Osama Bin Laden himself said “a government within the government”. This so called “Secret Government” used various intelligence agencies to arrange the attacks, deliberately arranged the collapse of the buildings and arranged a convenient cover story to justify the immediate invasion of Afghanistan. The immediate benefits of this being control of the vast oil resources in the Caspian Basin, not to mention the massive strategic benefits gained by controlling this area.
Suppose a high ranking figure in the FBI is doing his best to track down the leading figures of modern-day Islamic terrorism and just happens to start poking his nose in to business that may cause “issues” for your hidden agenda – what do you do?
Suppose this same FBI character decides to start blabbing to some French intelligence experts about how his efforts to investigate the terrorist activities of one former CIA asset, Osama Bin Laden, are being blocked – what do you do?

1-Smear him and/or damage his reputation
2-Make it impossible for him to continue in the FBI
3-Have him permanently removed from the equation  

Meet John O’Neill
This article gives an excellent look at the career and personality of John O’Neill – a brash, outspoken womanizer whose single-minded pursuit of the terrorist threat led him into all kinds of trouble with the higher echelons of power in the U.S.
He joined the bureau in the 1970s and became head of the counter-terrorism section in 1995.
Some key points to note in this article about the huge hurdles he had to face in investigating the various attacks blamed on Osama Bin Laden:
Strange goings in on Saudi Arabia:

<<In July, over drinks at Elaine's, O'Neill began to open up to Brisard about his frustrations, which, it turned out, stretched back to the 1996 investigation of the Riyadh army-base bombing. O'Neill made several trips to Saudi Arabia, one with Freeh, but witnesses were executed before the FBI could question them. >>

<<O'Neill complained about the inability of U.S. diplomacy to obtain anything from King Fahd. He told the Frenchman that "every answer, every key to dismantling the Osama bin Laden organizations are in Saudi Arabia.">>

Blocked while investigating the Cole bombing:

<< He ran into another diplomatic barrier last year in Yemen, after the Cole bombing. Within days of arriving, he'd knocked heads with the ambassador, Barbara Bodine. While the FBI was interrogating witnesses, the State Department was trying to coax Yemeni diplomats into pledging not to support terror. The conflicting agendas, combined with O'Neill's determination, were explosive. He wanted his agents to carry automatic weapons, like their Yemeni counterparts; she insisted they carry smaller arms, like diplomats. By the time Barry Mawn arrived, Bodine was calling O'Neill an outright liar. O'Neill's comments about the ambassador, friends say, weren't printable. >>

<< When O'Neill came back for Thanksgiving, James was shocked to see him exhausted and twenty pounds lighter. He never returned: Bodine told Freeh that O'Neill wasn't allowed to. One more irony came after September 11. The FBI returned after Bodine left her job, and according to Mawn, Yemeni authorities were so moved by O'Neill's death that they began cooperating with the investigation again. >>

The real killer came whenever O’Neill decided to open up to the French intelligence experts, Guillaume Dasquié and Jean-Charles Brisard in July of last year.
- an article on Brisard and Dasquié’s book - Bin Laden, la verite interdite (Bin Laden, the forbidden truth) which claims:

<< Under the influence of United States oil companies, the government of President George W Bush initially blocked intelligence agencies' investigations on terrorism while it bargained with the Taliban on the delivery of Osama bin Laden in exchange for political recognition and economic aid>>

<< The authors claim that O'Neill told them that "the main obstacles to investigate Islamic terrorism were US oil corporate interests and the role played by Saudi Arabia in it". The two claim that the US government's main objective in Afghanistan was to consolidate the position of the Taliban regime to obtain access to the oil and gas reserves in Central Asia.>>

So now we have our background, let’s move back to those outrageous conspiracy theories

Smeared, Discredited and Heading for Early Retirement

This began with reports on the conflict with the Yemeni ambassador and continued with the suitcase incident detailed below

he scuffle with the ambassador made the papers. And before long, O'Neill's press coverage got worse. On August 19, the Times printed that he was under investigation. A year earlier, he'd attended a retirement seminar in Tampa, left a conference room to make a call, and come back to find his briefcase had been stolen. It turned up in a nearby hotel without his lighter and cigar cutter, but still with some classified documents that he shouldn't have taken from his office. O'Neill had reported it to the police and the Bureau right away. Under normal circumstances, this never would have been made public. But O'Neill thought he knew why it had.

"He thought the leak might have come from Washington," says Mawn. That same month, O'Neill told Mawn and others that Dick Clarke, the president's terrorism czar at the National Security Council, had asked O'Neill whether he wanted his name put forward to succeed him.

"It would be a powerful position," Mawn says. "That person would have direct contact with the FBI and turn around and influence top Cabinet people, and possibly even the president. So if I was somebody who didn't like him, it would be because he is getting into a position of power that could possibly get back to the Bureau to do things his way." >>

He left the bureau in July, a tired and frustrated man

The Hit?

Shortly after leaving the FBI, John O’Neill was offered a job offering three times the salary he had previously received – approximately $300, 000

The job was head of security for the World Trade Center.

His first day was the 11th Sept.

He apparently went back into the building to help with the rescue operation and was killed when the building collapsed on top of him

Is this just a coincidence? If it is, it’s a very big one. We’ve all seen films, usually featuring organized crime conspiracies where the whistle blower just happens to get killed in a crash just before giving evidence – is it beyond the realms of possibility that this could be a similar situation?

Hopefully, this will at least have given you some insight into the life of a very brave man.

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