-Caveat Lector-


Posted By: BarbaraHartwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, 21 February 2002, 10:19 a.m.

Barbara Hartwell
Legal Defense and Research Fund
PO Box 832
Woodstock NY 12498
WEBSITES http://www.ulster.net/~babs7/
Friends of Liberty and the Constitution:

Brenda Negri aka Ranger Rick is continuing her libel and disinformation
campaign apace, despite being exposed as a provocateur and despite the
warnings issued to her to stop her lies and attacks on myself and others.
Here is a formal letter of warning I sent to Negri, dated February 18, 2002.

To Brenda Negri:
This is my formal warning to you and it is the first and last you will get.

Cease and desist now from your lies, your slander, libel, character
assassination and your harassment of me, my family and those others
associated with me and/or under my protection. I can guarantee that you have
no idea what the consequences will be for bearing false witness against me or
for your malicious and unwarranted attacks. The consequences will be of a
legal as well as a spiritual nature, so I advise you to take heed before it
is too late.

You have already been warned by another individual whose name you have
maligned and whom you have told lies about and I would advise you that he is
not someone you really want to interfere with, anymore than you would really
want to interfere with me; that is, if you had the wherewithal to understand
who you are really dealing with, which apparently you don't.

Just cease and desist now, while there is yet time. You have been warned. I
have done my duty, in good conscience, by issuing this directive. Take it
seriously or take the consequences.
Barbara Hartwell

Now today, February 21, Negri posts the following on her website:

SPEAKING OF "WHO IS"...THE "REAL RANGER RICK" - Like, hep cats, its time we
drop the jive again for new readers who the heppest Daddy-O of Feds really
is. The sweaty backed G-Man who probably wishes we'd drop off the face of the
earth for turning his name into a household word, but who's one hep hero in
our book, besides being one good looking tall drink of water, able to melt
down Babe-O-Meters in a single glance...... Ace G-Man, Richard B. Wade, the
former head of the White Collar Unit of the LA Feebs, the low key and
cerebral kinda guy we've planted in a Porsche Boxster called Ol' Yeller,
really exists (unlike some other people). Speaking of which, why don't we
just ALL jump in that swingin' hep cat's car and go on another...

MOLE HUNT!: - Targets acquired: Rixon, RedDog1, GoonForGod, Scribe, gigi,
tuatha, Calamity Jayne (aka: Sharon Kinsella), Patriotlad, lawgiver1, Stormy,
TONZAL, Q, X, Barbara Hartwell and StewWebb (no comment necessary),
Patriot820DC, loki, Ghost, ahall, iaintnoangel, sangraal, Zphoenix, Phoenix,
BxDanny, Rosalinda, listen, Fiat_Lux, WhoGains, Y, ajeetbabu, Rogue
Butterfly, ZAPPER.

So, Negri has decided to disregard the warnings she has received and is
clearly hell-bent on continuing her malicious lies, her assaults on
professional reputations and her character assassination of myself and other
legitimate researchers, whistleblowers and survivors of covert operations.
Negri has gone too far...way too far. Below, please read some of Negri's
recent posts on the CIA-Drugs message board and see for yourself just a
fraction of what prompted me to issue a formal warning to cease and desist
from her libelous and outrageous accusations. This is an exchange of messages
( excerpts) posted by Negri and others.

From: Ranger Rick
Date: Fri Feb 15, 2002 1:41 pm
Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Ten pers, Six pers, 2002 Addition of Manual of
Covert Operations
A "ten per" is insider slang for some mind control drone and/or investigative
flunky who gets paid by their handlers ten bucks per hour to stake you out in
the K Mart parking lot in a 1989 drab colored, cold plated Honda Civic with
dark glasses and a wig, or play disinfo agent on the Internet in vain
attempts to discredit and destroy the those like I who are here on a more
serious mission, and do the work for no pay, no glory, and lots of flack.

Please also refer in your manual to "Agents Board, Rumor Mill News; psyop of
and subsequent meltdown of;"; "Kooker, Rayelan and David as agents of the
CIA; "Internet Sites: RM News as Cult-Based Operation of PSYOPS and
Disinformation"; "Hartwell, Barbara; Mental Breakdowns; as Mind Control
disinfo agent and honey trap; CIA's use of as mole; etc.,", and "Websites,
Controversial; "URLS, Redirected to www.fbi.gov"; "Sabotage: Website; CIA use
of UK Webmasters in operations;" etc. etc. Your 2002 edition of your Manual
of Covert Operations has been updated to include these subjects.

Actually now that I think of it, a source told me those guys are NOT "ten
pers", they all fall under the "six per" category.

So enough of this nonsense. Now get back to work, ALL of you.
Have a great weekend everyone!

"Ranger Rick"

PS: Uh, you forgot to erase your recognized "Ozark proverb" signature below
in your latest "reincarnation" as "art porter", you doughhead. Dang, and you
KNOW how much Ranger Rick detests BAD tradecraft. This is inexcusable. You
have just flunked the course. You're outa here...

From: Ranger Rick
Date: Thu Feb 14, 2002 3:17 am
Subject: www.fbi.gov, AKA: www.thefifthhorseman.net
Honey Lamb, PSYOPS is not for the faint of heart. I not be faint. Please just
read "the cocktail hour" update for tonight at my site, and rest assured your
questions will all be answered.
Barbara Hartwell is quite open about being CIA and MK Ultra mind control. You
don't need me or anyone else to "prove" that point, or make it "stick". It
done stuck a long time ago.

Mike Sweeney is right: if you're any good at this, they sick the MC perps on
you. Well if this is the best they have and can do, there's hope, America.

That some scrappy single mom who's never held a security clearance is holding
her own under what is best described as dirty tricks and PSYOPS by supposed
"pros", is driving a lot of "insiders" and spooks up the wall right now.
After the kind of smear jobs I've had done on me recently, Ted Shackley & Co.
is used to people folding it up and cashing in their chips.

Now they've met the mother of all foes: Duck Twacy meets Mae West crossed
with a P51 Mustang and Sun Tzu, and by golly, what to do with it, what to

By the way, I am receiving substantial amounts of supportive communiques from
people that overwhelmingly show I'm not alone in my assessment of what
Hartwell, Webb and RM News are really up to.

Now go get that cocktail. I'm buyin'....as usual... ;~)

Your petty feuds are backfiring on you. Instead of accusing your
personal enemies of being CIA, why don't you show some evidence of
same? Are you hoping your accusations if repeated over and over again
will stick?


From: The Webfairy
Date: Thu Feb 14, 2002 2:57 am
Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: WWW.FBI.GOV, AKA: www.thefifthhorseman.net (heh
heh heh!)
[ In reference to comment by Negri]..... "and he also puts Babs Hartwell's
stuff on his [Stormy] site, so plain to see
wuzzup there..."

At The Darkside we have hunted up plenty of information that points to
everything Hartwell says being true or at least possible. Less well known
folks have been reporting the same sorts of abuses for years.

http://www.stormtronic.co.uk/9-11/main.htm This guy [Stormy] has certainly
collected some impressive hits...exactly the sort who need to believe this
stuff if anything can change in time to save us.

And you're trying to discredit this guy too... I'm beginning to see a larger
pattern here.

[Quote from Ranger Rick] ".....and he also puts Babs Hartwell's stuff on his
site, so plain to see
wuzzup there...CIA strikes again through mind one of it's little

hopelessly screwed up mind control bogus survivors. Hmmmm.....I'm lucky to
cultivated some underground friends. Webfairy, you're sure entitled to your
opinion, and I mine..."

Ranger Rick

[From moderator] Please let us stay on topic and be civil.

From: Ranger Rick
Date: Thu Feb 14, 2002 3:29 am
Subject: www.fbi.gov, AKA: www.thefifthhorseman.net
Your heroine Hartwell is living proof its not only is mind control possible,
but it sticks for life and there is NO breaking out of it. That's my whole
point. So lighten up and read what I put on my site before you blast off like

WHICH REMINDS ME....by the way, speaking of patterns, I've been observing
your posts, the content, and when they show up. There definately is a pattern

As an aside, now might be a real good time to put YOU under a microscope.
What IS your background, or are you the type who doesn't tell?

Brenda Negri is a liar, and I can prove it. In my next report exposing this
unscrupulous, dishonorable and seriously disturbed woman, I will include
excerpts from letters written to me and others by Brenda Negri. Included are
Negri's own admissions that she suspects that she herself was/is a mind
control victim. Negri claims in her post above ( in reference to myself) that
no one can ever break out of mind control. Well, Brenda, if that's what you
really believe to be true, then you are in some deep trouble......

And I should also say that I had not intended to make public any of Negri's
private confidences to me. But as Stormy, myself and others have revealed,
Negri clearly has no respect whatsoever for the privacy or confidentiality of
others and I've had enough ! Negri has gone so low as to post the name of my
family, the Percivals of Virginia on the CIA-Drugs message board, along with
her lies and libelous comments about me.

I will not just stand by and allow Negri to continue her lies and slander
with impunity......not without taking the consequences.

Please stay tuned for more revelations on the REAL Brenda Negri.
"By their fruits shall you know them"

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive"
--Barbara Hartwell
February 21, 2002
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