-Caveat Lector-

On 24 Feb 2002 at 17:10, Bob Swanlund wrote:

> The flaw in the notion that because some are serfs all should be serfs
> is that it can only benefit the "nobility".

Mmmm ... the problem with this is entrusting "special status" to a select few who then
run errands/interference for the nobility.  This is like the kapos vs the kampers: the
former had everything to gain by serfing their masters while the latter had everything
to lose.  When all are put in a field without protective barriers to segregate one from
another based on some supposed hierarchy, there is a more equal treatment.
Hierarchies may exist but they should not be state-mandated, especially when the
herd can stampede.

In the case of the churchies, the state imposes the tax laws in a different way for
otherwise legitimate businesses that also charge admission fees and have
stockholders and other trappings.  Once the protections are removed for everyone,
then there will be greater freedom of choice based upon reason and not blind
emotional loyalty and success will be based on services rendered.  This increases
liberty when rationales and not mythe are part of the equation and the ineffective are
shown for what they are: temporary, if not nonpermanent.

This, of course, applies to tithes and other charitable deductions ("church taxes").
When such things are accountable as income and donations are no longer of any
benefit to the donors, the recipients will drop like flies.  Then comes the selection
process based on services made available and abilities to successfully provide

When the churchies complain and begin to demonstrate how they existed and were
able to provide for their clientele adequately PRIOR to being made to pay their
"share", the lessons become clear for the population as to how the churchies and the
government should be able to operate on the same basis.  Services are not provided
when there is no one to be served, nothing to be provided.  Leaders then tend to be a
little more choosy as to who they want to become allied with and who they want to
piss off.  This becomes even more fun when the "Napoleons" are expected to not
only make these decisions but lead the battles.

As both are essentially non-profits, their ultimate functions will be for gratis, 
based on
the dedication of the few tireless souls who believe in what they are doing, and from
the population bases and without enduring bureaucratic hierarchies.  Thus, the
people, the churches and the government all are placed on an equal footing: tax one,
tax them all (everyone gets to pay in into Soc Sec, e.g.); exclude one, exclude them
all.   To do otherwise, would be secure too much power through pet alliances.  For
the government to collude with the churches would, as aeons of history has shown,
put the double whammy on those who are on the receiving ends.  There are other
aspects of societal hierarchism that would be equally affected.

I tend to try to think how all of this worked before the income tax laws were enacted.
This is loose and not based (much) on anyone else's perspective.  Once I flesh this
out in my mind, I'll press on with the Rothbard or Hoppe and see where my errors
are.  Or theirs.


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