I freaking LOVE this!  Remember boys and girls, when you  buy drugs, be sure it says "made in American" on the bag.
Source: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=26600

Drug czar accused
of supporting terror
Libertarian Party ad parodies feds' Super Bowl commercials

Posted: February 26, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Jon Dougherty
© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

A full-page ad appearing in two major newspapers and sponsored by the Libertarian Party accuses the U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy of supporting terrorism by fighting its "war on drugs."

According to party spokesman George Getz, the ad ­ which is scheduled to appear in today's editions of USA Today and The Washington Times ­ "is a parody of the ads placed in 293 papers" beginning last month by the drug control policy office.

The agency's ads ­ a pair of which were also aired during January's Super Bowl game at a cost to taxpayers of $3.4 million ­ seek to paint drug users as supporters of terrorists who market illegal drugs to raise money.

One ad pretended to show terrorists buying weapons and asked viewers: "Where do terrorists get their money? If you buy drugs, some of it might come from you." In the second televised ad, young people made matter-of-fact statements like, "I helped kill a judge."

One of the drug control office's newspaper ads said: "'Last week I washed my car, hung out with a few friends and helped murder a family in Colombia.' … Drug money helps support terror. Buy drugs and you could be supporting it, too."

The ads drew criticism from the Libertarian Party, which has a long history of opposing the federal government's so-called "drug war."

"For the Office of National Drug Control Policy to claim that drug users are to blame for financing terrorists is like a maniac who kills his parents and then throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan," said the party in a statement following the airing of the Super Bowl ads.

In response, Getz said, the Libertarian Party developed its own drug-related ad, mockingly accusing the drug control office of also contributing to the financing of terrorists.

The LP ad features a full-length photo of Bush administration drug czar John Walters, with the following caption: "This week, I had lunch with the president, testified before Congress and helped funnel $40 million in illegal drug money to groups like the Taliban. … The war on drugs boosts the price of illegal drugs by as much as 17,000 percent ­ funneling huge profits to terrorist organizations. If you support the war on drugs or vote for the politicians who wage it, you're helping support terrorism."

Following the ad, the party gives a website address ­ www.lp.org/drugwar ­ for those who want more information. Getz said the ads cost $71,297 and were paid for with donations from party members.

The Office of National Drug Control Policy was contacted for comment but did not immediately return phone calls.

"The ONDCP's strategy is clear: It's trying to take the Sept. 11-inspired hatred of terrorists and use it to bolster the failing war on drugs," said Ron Crickenberger, the party's political director, in an e-mail to members. "And, by implication, it's suggesting that if you oppose the war on drugs, you help terrorists.

"Well, we hate terrorists, too. In fact, we hate them so much we'd like to squeeze their funding down to almost ZERO," Crickenberger said. "We'd like to see the $40 million the U.S. government says the Taliban raised from heroin dwindle down to a few pennies. We'd like to see the $300 million that Colombian rebels raised from cocaine shrink down to a handful of pesos."

The party believes legalizing some drugs would cause prices to fall. "Can you imagine how destitute terrorists would be if marijuana sold for the same price as lettuce? If poppies were worth the same as tulips? And if cocaine-producing coca plants were no more valuable than Brussels sprouts?" Crickenberger said.


Edward   ><+>

If you have fifty problems and one of them is government, you have only one problem.

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