Whispers: Washington Knows Bush Has Gone Too Far


There are whispers and murmurings abroad in the land, accompanied by strange signs and wonders.

Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward appears on C-Span to discuss his 10-part puff piece on Bush at War, and apropos of nothing, says 'In the past, what were considered to be conspiracy theories turned out to be true.'

John McCain gives an interview on the Enron scandal, and finishes with the mysterious, 'This could lead to places we wouldn't expect.'

Colin Powell chooses to appear on MTV, using that forum to advocate condom use; with the added instruction, 'don't listen to that conservative advice.' His message couldn't have been more explicit, both sexually and politically, and would have gotten him fired from the Clinton administration, much less from the Crisco-smeared foreheads of Bush's minions.

George W. Bush inexplicably tries to send his Texas Governor's papers to his father's presidential library, where they would apparently be exempt from Texas' tough freedom of information laws.

While the papers sit in legal limbo, not yet safely entombed, a Texas FOI request frees Bush's entire correspondence with Enron - and out pops a letter from Kenny Boy requesting Gov. Bush to please meet with the President of.....Uzbekistan.

"We are negotiating a $2 Billion venture with Neftegas of Uzbekistan and Gazprom of Russia to develop Uzbekistan's natural gas and transport it to markets in Europe and Kazakhstan and Turkey. This project can bring significant economic opportunities to Texas...."

What does it all mean? What are the 'conspiracy theories' currently in circulation? Where could the Enron scandal lead that we wouldn't have expected? Why would Colin Powell seem to be trying to get himself fired? Why would George W. Bush not want us to know he and Enron had interests in Uzbekistan?

The 'conspiracy theories' are only theories in this country, it seems. In the rest of the world, they're reported as fact.

What the rest of the world knows is that Uzbekistan and the rest of the 'Stans' in the Caspian Sea sit atop what may be the largest oil and gas reserves in the world, the oil and gas that will be used primarily in the coming economic growth of the world's two largest countries - China and India.

The rest of the world knows that Enron, Halliburton, Unocal, and other American energy concerns wished to build pipelines through neighboring Afghanistan to get that oil and gas to market; knows that the Bush administration was negotiating with the Afghan Taliban to build those pipelines; knows Bush threatened war -- if the Taliban didn't play along.

Hence the whispers and murmurings. What all of Washington knows is that Cheney's Energy Task Force wasn't just about handing the California State surplus over to Enron. That was the least of it.

What Cheney was doing was plotting with the largely Texas energy concerns to capture, one way or another, and control the Caspian Sea oil and gas reserves, so that they could exercise economic dominance over China and India, displacing Russia from its own backyard in the process.

They whisper because of the dark questions that remain unadressed concerning Sept. 11th: the refusal to grant a FISA warrant against Zacarias Moussaoui, even though he had been tagged by French Intelligence as a terrorist, was paying cash for turn-and-bank lessons in jumbo jets, and had been arrested on an expired visa; the hijacked jets wandering around the eastern half of the country for the better part of two hours without Air Force interception, even though it had taken mere minutes for them to reach the stricken jet of golfer Payne Stewart; the concerted efforts of Bush to be physically absent from Washington in the weeks preceding the attacks, the same weeks that followed his threat of war against the Taliban.

As an oil industry expert observes, 'The strategic considerations of oil supercede all other values.'

They murmur because George W. Bush has gone too far -- and rushes heedlessly farther. His Secretary of State has lost the stomach for the crimes envisioned and is trying to find an honorable escape.

The Bush family has stolen the presidency, and doesn't mean to give it back. They're seeking to rule the world by controlling its energy supply, enforced with lawless military supremacy.

The whole of Washington apparently now knows this. And the knowledge sits uneasily because it is the end of the America of the founding fathers.

There's the ominous sense that if God has lifted his veil of protection, it is not because of the sins of its citizens, but rather the crimes of its leaders, crimes which compound daily.

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