In a message dated 2/26/02 12:58:58 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>So, one learned from the documentary two key lessons:
>1. History as we see it on the outside is largely the product of the shifting
>alliances and conflicts among powerful secret societies on the inside.
>2. The drug trade is under the control of secret societies that will use
>any means whatever, no matter how vicious, to acquire wealth and absolute
>power over the entire planet.
--- Begin Message ---
Hey, thanks for the heads up.  I watched this documentary, and learned a good deal -- it was conspiracy research and analysis at its very best, sane and factual, and highly relevant to this list.
A major point: IT'S NOT ABOUT THE DRUGS.  I repeat: IT'S NOT ABOUT THE DRUGS.  I'm not sure everyone on this list still understands that.
Drugs are a tool, one of many, not an end in themselves.
The documentary discussed the activities earlier in this century of the Black Dragon Society in Japan, a secret society which used the opium trade among other methods to build one of the world's great industrial empires, and to fuel an imperialist drive towards world domination which was one of the major causes of World War II.  The Black Dragons also specialized in the use of money laundering, bribery and *assassinations* to infiltrate and take over businesses and legitimate government agencies and to enforce discipline.
Sound familiar? This is precisely the modus operandus of the Octopus which controls the contemporary drug trade in the West.
The Black Dragon Society strongly influenced the Nazis through the channel of Karl Haushofer, who was one of the powers behind the throne who masterminded the rise of Hitler.
So, one learned from the documentary two key lessons:
1. History as we see it on the outside is largely the product of the shifting alliances and conflicts among powerful secret societies on the inside.
2. The drug trade is under the control of secret societies that will use any means whatever, no matter how vicious, to acquire wealth and absolute power over the entire planet.
Obviously there is an American and Israeli version of the Black Dragon Society currently in the saddle and dominating the world.  I'm not sure if it has a name, but it seems to be operating at the intersection of Freemasonry and Christian Zionism. Iran-Contra opened a few of their operations to public view -- but only a few.
The CIA/Mossad and drug trafficking are TOOLS of this operation, nothing more.  They are instruments of the alliance of two or more secret societies.
We had a glimpse of one of the most highly placed members of this operation during the Marc Rich controversy, but few people seemed to understand what they were seeing.
This kind of operation is much too big and daring for the average person to grasp.  And it's easy to bribe, influence or bump off any brave souls who do get it and try to sound the alarm.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 12:52 AM
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] On the History Channel

9:00PM - 11:00PM Last Secrets of the Axis

In this 2-hour special investigating the remarkable historical
confluence that led to the rise of German-Japanese cooperation
during WWII, we reveal the story of Karl Haushofer, the keeper of
many Axis secrets. A distinguished German geography professor, he
coined the term "geopolitics" and laid an intellectual rationale for
a German-Japanese alliance and a link between the Aryan myths and
samurai traditions. We'll also examine Axis activity in the Middle
East. TV G 

This way on tonite.
They are sure to replay it.

It answers a lot of questions, including some I didn't know I had.
For one, Alester Crowley was a British Agent, run by Ian Flemming no
Hesse went to Scotland, figuring he could work something out, since
they were all on the same side.

The Leiberstraum (mangled spelling) notion came from the Japanese!!!
The Black Dragon Secret Society that originally came up with the
notions survived the war and is now the Japanese Mafia.

Really amazing stuff.

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