-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Revenge of the Gun Haters
Dr. Michael S. Brown
Feb. 23, 2002

Politics and public opinion may have turned against the anti-gun lobby, but
their burning hatred for guns and gun owners hasn't cooled. Laws passed
during the anti-gun witch hunts of the 1990s provide them with a satisfying
way to take punitive action against harmless gun owners.

Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, which may be one
reason it had more murders than any other American city in 2001. Mayor
Richard Daley often unleashes verbal attacks on the gun industry to distract
attention from his failure to address the real causes of crime.

The Chicago Anti-Gun Enforcement (CAGE) Task Force was formed under the
pretense of interdicting illegal gunrunning to Chicago gangs. The task force
has obtained unprecedented access to federal gun purchase records and is
compiling a list of gun owners in the region who may be in violation of
complicated state gun laws.

CAGE officers have already begun to appear at the homes of honest gun owners,
whose papers are not in order, to confiscate their firearms.

Illinois Attorney General Jim Ryan has staged questionable sting operations
in which ordinary citizens are given false information about gun laws, then
enticed into selling guns to undercover agents without completing the proper
paperwork. It is no coincidence that Ryan is running for governor.

In Maryland, the state's rabidly anti-gun attorney general issued a creative
new interpretation of a 1996 court decision regarding which persons are
disqualified from gun ownership. State police are denying permits and
confiscating firearms from people with minor convictions that are decades

A popular neighborhood activist who received a "Citizen of the Year" award in
2000 was recently denied the gun permit he needed for his job as a private
detective and security guard. His only offense was a scuffle with an anti-war
fanatic in 1969.

Maryland state policemen appeared at the home of another good citizen to
confiscate his guns when it was discovered that he had a minor 1983
conviction for a shoving match over a disputed property line.

In California, gun owners are bewildered by new laws that make certain
firearms illegal to own. Unfortunately, officials do not agree on which guns
are banned, leaving gun owners fearing arrest under laws that can be
selectively enforced.

In each of these cases, it is painfully obvious that real criminals are not
affected. Self-serving government officials are targeting ordinary citizens
because they are easy targets for action that appeals to the big-city media.

It is much more difficult to prosecute real criminals, and the inner-city
nature of most crime makes for politically incorrect arrests. We can also
speculate that these efforts are intended to extract a measure of revenge for
the rout of the anti-gun lobby.

At the national level the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, known as
ATF, controls every one of the nation's licensed firearms dealers and has
long been criticized for overzealous enforcement by gun rights activists.

In order to comply with changes in federal gun laws, ATF quietly decided to
change the standard gun registration form that has been used for years.
Beginning on Feb. 19, 2002, no sales would be approved unless they were
recorded on the new forms.

Not only were many dealers unaware of the change, someone "forgot" to send
out the forms. Retail gun sales came to a screeching halt across the country.
The new forms were eventually provided, but there was no way to replace the
retailers' lost revenue or the time lost by thousands of lawful buyers. Folks
at the Brady Campaign probably had a good laugh.

None of these situations would have occurred without the laws passed in the
emotional anti-gun frenzy of the last decade. These laws now provide
mean-spirited anti-gun politicians and bureaucrats with many ways to seek
revenge against the gun owners who dared to fight for their rights in recent
elections and public opinion battles.

In the long run, these moves will backfire as more people realize how far the
absurd reality of gun law enforcement varies from the utopian intent.

Dr. Michael S. Brown is an optometrist and member of Doctors for Sensible Gun
Laws, www.dsgl.org

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