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Former ally links Putin to Moscow blasts 
Jonathan Steele and Ian Traynor in Moscow
Wednesday March 6, 2002
The Guardian 
The Russian former media mogul Boris Berezovsky launched his strongest 
attack yesterday on his one-time friend and now president, Vladimir 
Putin, accusing him of being linked to the terrorist bombings of 
apartment buildings that killed about 300 Russians in September 1999.  
Mr Berezovsky, now living in London, called a press conference to 
produce a British explosives expert, a French documentary-maker, a 
former Russian agent of the FSB (successor to the KGB), and a woman who 
lost her mother in the blasts, to accuse the security service and 
demand an official inquiry.  "I am sure the bombings were organised by 
the FSB. It's not just speculation. It's a clear conclusion", Mr 
Berezovsky said yesterday. "I'm not saying Mr Putin gave an order to 
blow up those buildings. I'm saying that at the least he knew the FSB 
was involved." 
Mr Putin, who was named prime minister shortly before the bombings 
after heading the FSB, blamed the attacks on Chechens and used public 
outrage to justify sending Russian forces into the rebel republic. 
Presenting himself as a tough war leader, he won the presidential 
election in 2000.  Mr Berezovsky, who has lost his share in several 
Russian TV companies since 2000, based his case on the professional 
nature of the bombings and the large amount of explosives used. He also 
cited official discrepancies after a foiled blast at a block of flats 
in Ryazan. 
A resident alerted the police after seeing three suspicious people 
unloading bags into a basement a few days after the first explosion in 
Moscow. The next day the interior minister said the police had defused 
a timing device after finding explosives in the bags. But when the new 
FSB chief said the bags contained sugar and had been planted as a drill 
to test police vigilance, the hunt for suspects was called off. 
Mr Berezovsky was close to Boris Yeltsin, who was president at the 
time, and used his TV stations to run a campaign in favour of Mr Putin. 
Opponents claim his attack on Mr Putin is a personal vendetta after he 
lost influence.  "I didn't raise the matter until recently," he 
admitted yesterday. "I didn't expect the security services could take 
part in such a crime." In a bid to pre-empt the allegations, a Moscow 
official said yesterday that Mr Berezovsky was being investigated for 
links to Chechen rebels and could be implicated in the murder of a 
senior Russian police officer in Chechnya.  Moscow may demand he be 
extradited from Britain or request an international arrest warrant for 
him, Pavel Barkovsky of the prosecutor-general's office told the 
Interfax news agency. "Berezovsky is trying to present himself as a 
political fighter and to seek attention by staging acts of political 
provocation," he added.  New evidence indicated that Mr Berezovsky had 
supplied around $1m (£700,000) to Chechen rebel warlords to buy 
weaponry, he claimed.  Officials say they know who carried out the 
bombings and maintain they were "Chechen terrorists", but the only two 
suspects to come to court are non-Chechens. They were acquitted last 
year.  The Russians have already issued a national arrest warrant for 
Mr Berezovsky in connection with allegations of embezzlement from 

Wednesday, 6 March, 2002, 00:23 GMT 
Russian tycoon blames Moscow for blasts

Exiled Russian media tycoon Boris Berezovsky says he believes Moscow 
orchestrated the 1999 bombings of apartment blocks in Russian cities 
which triggered Russia's onslaught in Chechnya. 
At a news conference in London, Mr Berezovsky presented what he said 
was evidence that the bombings were the work of the Russian security 
service, the FSB. 
He also said he was sure that President Vladimir Putin, who was prime 
minister at the time, knew about the campaign. 

A spokesman for the FSB in Russia told the Interfax news agency that 
the allegations were "groundless and lacking in common sense". 

The blasts, which killed about
300 people, were blamed on Chechen rebels and shortly afterwards Mr 
Putin launched a second war against Chechnya. 
The military operation had massive support from a public outraged by 
the bombings. 
Documentary evidence 
But Mr Berezovsky said intelligence agents, investigative journalists 
and explosives experts had convinced him that the FSB was to blame. 
The Russian tycoon showed part of a French documentary at the news 
conference which linked two bombings in Moscow and one in Volgadonsk 
with an attempted attack in Ryazan, 200 km (125 miles) south-east of 

Security authorities said the Ryazan incident was an "exercise" but Mr 
Berezovsky and his team showed date- and time-stamped pictures which 
they said proved that the detonator found at Ryazan was real and said 
local police experts said traces of explosives were found. 
He also has the backing of a Russian explosives expert, ex-FSB member 
and former director of the Russian Conversion Explosives Centre, Nikita 
Chekulin, who says that before the bombings, security services 
purchased large amounts of the explosive Hexogen, said to have been 
found at Ryazan. 
Mr Berezovsky says the fact that no-one has ever been brought to 
justice for the bombings is further proof that they were not the result 
of Chechens. 
Putin `compliant' 
The tycoon said that the subsequent campaign in Chechnya aided Mr 
Putin's rise to power. 
"The FSB thought that Putin would not be able to come to power through 
lawful democratic means," he said. "I am not saying that Putin ordered 
the attacks.. but what I am saying is that he knew such things were 
taking place." 
Mr Berezovsky was actually a key aide in helping Mr Putin to victory in 
the 2000 elections but he has since fallen out of favour with the 
Kremlin and now lives in self-imposed exile in Europe. 

He called on President Putin to order an inquiry into the bombings. 

"Ever since Putin came to power, people have been asking: Is he really 
a democratic president of Russia or simply an old-style dictator 
putting on a show for the West?...
Why does he continue to block investigations into the deadliest 
terrorist attacks in our history?", he said. 
"I am calling for an open and independent investigation."

March 6, 2002
Probe Sought for Apartment Bombings
Filed at 3:16 a.m. ET
LONDON (AP) -- Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky said Tuesday he would 
ask Europe's human rights guardian to investigate allegations that 
Russia's secret service carried out a series of deadly apartment 
Berezovsky, a former Kremlin insider who fell out of favor after 
President Vladimir Putin's election, called the 1999 attacks that 
killed more than 300 people unprecedented
"Two and a half years later, no one can say the people who did it are 
in jail, nor can we really say who did it," he said.
The explosions in Moscow and the city of Volgodonsk in 1999 blew up 
several apartment buildings, killing scores of sleeping residents. 
Moscow blamed the attacks on Chechen rebels, and several months later 
sent troops back into Chechnya after a three-year absence.
On Tuesday, Berezovsky accused Russia's Federal Security Service, or 
FSB, of orchestrating the bombings. At a news conference in London, 
Berezovsky played segments of a French documentary outlining 
circumstantial evidence of alleged FSB involvement in the explosions. 
Berezovky and Sergei Yushenkov, co-chairs of the political movement 
Liberal Russia, said the group would ask the Council of Europe—an 
intergovernmental organization established to promote human rights and 
democracy in Europe—to investigate the explosions.
In Russia, a spokesman for the FSB told the Interfax news agency that 
Berezovsky's allegations were "groundless and lacking in common sense."
Russian officials instead accused Berezovsky of channeling money to 
Chechen rebels, and said Tuesday that they were considering asking 
Interpol to issue an arrest warrant on charges that Berezovsky financed 
the separatists.
Berezovsky has evaded the charges by moving to London. He calls the 
charges politically motivated.
The evidence Berezovsky presented Tuesday centers on an incident in 
September 1999 in the city of Ryazan, where police evacuated a building 
after finding what appeared to be explosives.
Police and government officials initially said they had foiled a 
terrorist attack, but the FSB later said the explosives had been fakes 
used in a training exercise. The incident has been extensively examined 
over the years.
Berezovsky and his supporters also point to claims by Nikita Chekulin, 
a former government explosives expert who says he has amassed evidence 
of an alleged FSB plot to move combat-grade explosives across Russia 
disguised as ordinary industrial material.
Berezovsky also said the investigation should look at the actions of 
Putin, who headed the FSB, the main successor to the Soviet KGB, until 
August 1999. Putin was prime minister at the time of the apartment 
He said Putin "knew that such things were taking place ... Either he 
could have prevented a terrorist attack and didn't do it, or he was 
But Russian authorities have their own claims of Berezovsky's alleged 
connection to Chechen rebels.
Pavel Barkovsky, deputy head of the Russian prosecutor general's 
special investigations department, was quoted by ITAR-Tass as saying 
authorities were investigating claims that Berezovsky was involved in 
the 2000 abduction and murder of the Interior Ministry's envoy to 
Chechnya, Gen. Gennadi Shpigun.
Prosecutors could soon issue an international arrest warrant for 
Berezovsky if they can find evidence to back up their claims, he was 
quoted by ITAR-Tass and Interfax as saying.
Once one of Russia's richest and most powerful businessmen with 
interests in banking, oil, broadcasting and airlines, Berezovsky was 
closely linked to former President Boris Yeltsin. He was an early 
supporter of Putin, but in the last two years he has become a vocal 
Kremlin critic.
Copyright 2002 The Associated Press | Privacy Information 

March 6, 2002
A Film Clip, and Charges of a Kremlin Plot
LONDON, March 5 — As he had promised for weeks, Boris A. Berezovsky, 
the Russian tycoon-in-exile, released part of a film today claiming to 
document the role of the Kremlin's intelligence service in the 1999 
string of apartment-house bombings in which more than 300 Russians 
Russian authorities have blamed Islamic extremists from Chechnya for 
the bombings. But Mr. Berezovsky, in part of a long-running struggle 
with Russian President Vladimir V. Putin, escalated his accusations 
today, saying that Mr. Putin knew "at a minimum" that intelligence 
services were tied to the bombings yet still failed to stop them.
The nine-minute film excerpt shown during Mr. Berezovsky's news 
conference here raised troubling questions about the responsibility for 
the bombings, but those questions were not new. The most compelling 
aspect of Mr. Berezovsky's carefully staged attack today was not any 
new evidence tying the Kremlin to the blasts, but the Russian 
government's continuing unwillingness or inability to refute his 
A spokesman for the Federal Security Service, the successor to the 
Soviet K.G.B. and the target of the accusations, dismissed the charges 
today as polemics. Mr. Putin has previously likened the accusations to 
Mr. Berezovsky, vastly rich and powerful during Boris N. Yeltsin's 
presidency in the 1990's, used his influence to help propel Mr. Putin 
into power in 2000. But the two have since fallen out, with Mr. 
Berezovsky becoming a virulent political opponent who says he has been 
forced into exile in Britain by threats from the Kremlin of corruption 
charges if he returns to Russia.
Both Mr. Berezovsky and the leader of Liberal Russia, a new Russian 
political faction that he supports, called today for a Russian and 
international inquiry into the bombings. 
The video clip is part of a longer film that Mr. Berezovsky said he 
wants broadcast on Russian television. He contends that the 1999 
bombings were a plot by the Federal Security Service to propel Mr. 
Putin, the agency's former director, into the presidency. 
Mr. Putin was President Yeltsin's prime minister when the bombings took 
place in September 1999. The attacks galvanized support behind his 
later decision to begin a full-scale invasion of Chechnya, the 
breakaway province that is home to a rebellion against rule from Moscow 
and to foreign Muslim militants. Mr. Putin's war fed a wave of Russian 
patriotism that sealed his election to the presidency in March 2000.
The blasts destroyed two apartment blocks in southern Moscow, a 
military barracks in Dagestan and a third apartment house in the 
southwest city of Volgodonsk. But Mr. Berezovsky's charges against the 
intelligence agency are rooted in the city of Ryazan, where local 
police officers found and defused a fifth bomb, which had been placed, 
like most of the others, in the basement of an apartment building, in 
that case one 12 stories high. 
The Kremlin initially praised the police for averting a disaster. But 
the director of the Federal Security Service soon said the device — 
first identified by police as several sacks of explosives linked to a 
shotgun- shell detonator and timer — was a fake.
He said it consisted of sacks of sugar and a fake detonator planted by 
his agency as part of an ill-considered exercise. 
All evidence in the incident was ordered kept secret for 75 years, and 
the intelligence officials responsible for the Ryazan incident have 
never been identified. Nor have those who detonated bombs in the other 
cases been arrested, although the security service claims to know their 
The Russian Parliament, staunchly loyal to the Kremlin, has repeatedly 
failed to muster the votes for an independent inquiry into the bombings 
or the Ryazan incident. 
Mr. Berezovsky contended today, as others have before, that the Federal 
Security Service talked of a supposed antiterrorism exercise in Ryazan 
because the police there were on the trail of its officers and 
threatened to make the true story public.
Mr. Berezovsky suggested that Mr. Putin could not evade responsibility 
for the blasts because he had run the intelligence service until 
becoming prime minister only months before the bombings occurred. 
"Either he could have prevented a terrorist attack and he didn't do it, 
or, alternatively, he was passive," Mr. Berezovsky said.
Mr. Berezovsky's avowed new role as a crusader for openness and 
democracy is at odds with the view of many Russians that he was 
essentially Mr. Yeltsin's shadow president and that he is driven by a 
desire for revenge.
Since Mr. Putin became president, Mr. Berezovsky has lost his stakes in 
Russian television networks ORT and TV-6 and has been charged by 
Russian prosecutors with money laundering and conspiracy to embezzle 
millions from Aeroflot, the Russian airline over which he won control 
in the 1990's.
Today he said his motive "is to urge the world's community to pay 
particular attention to these events," and he promised that a future 
release of documents related to the case will make the ties between the 
bombings and the Russian government clearer.
"We plan to appeal to all international organizations which are able to 
apply certain measures to help an investigation in Russia to take 
place," he said. "And President Putin's name almost definitely will be 
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