----- Original Message -----
From: sparta
CcSent: Sunday, March 03, 2002 12:25 AM
Subject: :How many more "Stefans" are out there?

Dear Friends,
I would like to share with you an e-mail that my friend, Kostas, received. It isn't easy being a Serb in this country.  My friend said that "Stefan is a refugee from the Republic of Srpska.  He is a good guy who is finding out how hateful our people are here."  How many more "Stefans" are out there?  Stella
Yasou my Greek brother,

Hi, Kostas, How are you? Hope you fine. Thank you for the movie on Yugoslavia.
I'm lookin for other job. it very difficult in this area. At my work at
(deleted) I always get bad remarks from customers when they find out I'm
Serb. Because of my accent the customers always ask me where i from?I tell
them but most of the time they make me feel bad with their statements. Last
night one customer told me I am a neo nazi. Do these people have any
sympathy? My co-workers who some are Arabs and Afghans never get this type
of remarks, why we Serbs are hated so much by Americans and why they don't
say something to Arabs or Afghans? How many Americans have Arabs killed over
the years with terrorrism? What about embassy bombings and the navy ship
bombing? We Serbs to this day have never harmed American here or in
Yugoslavia. We have had problems with Americans in politics the last ten
year but we may not agree but we never wish harm to Americans. Can you say
that about the muslims? I do not think so.
Even my co-workers have given me nickname of Adolf, I tell them it's not
funny to me but they do not listen.
It was easy for me in Chicago because I worked in the Greek town of Chicago,
many Greeks in Chicago. Greeks in Chicago never treat me like this. Greeks
in Chicago treat me like family. You are the only Greek I know in this area
since I move here. I am so tired of negative remarks from people that
sometimes I bite my tongue and tell them I'm Croatian!When they hear
Croatian they never say bad things to me and they treat with respect. i try
to tell about situation in Yugoslavia to people but they yell to me i speak
Milosevic propaganda, these people do not want to know truth. I'm very sad
today about all this. I hope you are ok and call me so we can go for coffee.

your Serb brother- Stefan

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