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Mystery man


A new documentary revives an old controversy: Was actor and landowner William Shakespeare merely a front man for Christopher Marlowe, the flamboyant gay genius and shadowy Elizabethan spy?
By Gavin McNett Salon

March 2, 2002 | If you look hard enough, it's possible to find a group of ardent souls, somewhere, who still believe almost any weird idea that might ever have held currency. The Flat Earth Society, for instance, is still very much in business, with headquarters both in America and what they'd hesitate to call the Southern Hemisphere, in Australia. There are groups of people, after all this time, who still think Japanese anime is edgy and avant-garde, and others still devoted to proving that Shakespeare didn't write Shakespeare. Perhaps you know some of these people, or are one of them. For my part, I believe the Shakespeare-authorship thing. I think Christopher Marlowe might've written all the Bard's works instead, and it was Michael Rubbo's new video documentary, "Much Ado About Something," which just completed a two-week run at Film Forum in New York and should appear somewhere near you soon, that smashed my paradigm.

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