Well I have a story from 1987 re some of this nuke back pack stuff, and
note there are alleged to be 80 devices missing from Rlussian treasure

Well it was estimated in this article that Israel had some 85 of these
devices; and please do not tell me this Al Qaeda brought them here to

They did not have that capability - but Israel did.   Ehud Barak refused
to take his shoes off at airport check....headed for Dallas where he is
tied up with some of this telephone stuff no doubt.

There is a demolition squad out there but when you find them, well
remember the Murrah Building, for a home grown boy did this one and then
remember the Twin Towers.....for home grown terrorists pulled that one
off too, trained right here in USA in Florida where the terrorist plans
had been taken to Tampa by John O'Neill  FBI agent under investigation
prior to his death, for he "lost" the plans....containing all
underground tunnels.

So hey don't worry as Joe Lieberman said - hey we are okay, we are okay
- that day when it was thought 10,000 people had been killed in the

And it is ALL timed to a bible calendar.....and a bible now the King
James revised bible has taken out the last reference to Palestine?

Strange you find these conspirators = their names are all in the bible,
from Ehud Barak, to Ariel Sharon, Bush, and the name Ladan or Laadan -
the complete cast of characters with different strokes, for different
folks.   Wonder if Rabin's name is also there for he went to his death
with a song of peace, in his pocket......but Ariel Sharon - Woe to
Ariel, and Netan-Yahu - well won't be too hard to find this messenger of
death either if one looked.

You see there are all there in this book - and many more to come forth
where they will build a disaster or murder or sabotage about a disaster

Just remember the USS Liberty when they call for the Yanks to send them
over as a human buffer zone between the Palestinians and Israelis
.......let them fight their own god damned wars and get this dual
citizens out of the USA for would do well to rememer Jonathan Pollard


March 07, 2002

 Tuesday, March 5, 2002 11:19 p.m. EST
Rep. Weldon Details Missing Soviet
Suitcase Nukes

National Security expert Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa., detailed Tuesday night
a chilling 1997 conversation he had with a former top aide to
then-Russian President Boris Yeltsin, who revealed that scores of
suitcase-size nuclear weapons had vanished from the old Soviet Union's
nuclear arsenal.

"This goes back to May of 1997 when I took one of my delegations to meet
with General [Aleksandr] Lebed, who had just stepped down as Yeltsin's
top security adviser," Weldon told Fox News Channel's "Hannity &

"He was talking about the state of the Russian military and how generals
and admirals were selling off technology they used to control because
they felt betrayed by the motherland.

"It was then that he related a story to myself and six of my colleagues
that he was assigned by Yeltsin to account for 132 small atomic
demolition munitions. These are commonly referred to as suitcase nukes."

Weldon continued:

"He said, 'Congressman, I used all the leverage I have as the
president's adviser. We could only locate 48.' Which meant that there
were over 80 small atomic demolition devices with the capacity of one to
10 kilotons that they just could not locate.  (saba note - and in 1987
it was reported Israel had 80 plus of these backpack type devices -
triggers and all)

"I came back and briefed the CIA and they said, 'Basically, we have no
way of knowing [if that's true],'" Weldon recalled.

Over the weekend Time magazine reported that a tipster had warned U.S.
anti-terrorism probers last fall that one of the missing Soviet suitcase
nukes had been smuggled into New York City by Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda
terrorist network.

The tipster's information proved bogus, but the Time report has drawn
new attention to accounts of missing Soviet nuclear weapons.

Read more on this subject in related Hot
War on Terrorism
A product that might interest you:
"Through the Eyes of the Enemy"

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