Interesting item consider this 120 or so Israeli spies just dumped back
to Israel but someone please tell me what happened to the ones with the
"boxcutters"......keeping in mind the USS Liberty, and then all this
stuff about nuclear backpacks and Oh America Be Afraid for Osama Bin
Laden has nuclear devices.

The Israelis have those nuke back packs over 80 of this and have had
them since 1987 the device which could trigger same.
Then consider the FBI and their Mr. Wonderful Counterintelligence (don't
you love that word) this Hanssen who sold tunnel maps and plans of
Washington DC to KGB - the KGB and Mossad have been operating within our
FBI and no doubt CIA.

So this item is a little dated but puts some good information out re
this Israeli element and their "agent provocatuers".....then take
another look at the face of John Walker say this is a

This item shows how they operated then and now.    By their fruits we
shall know them.


Big Scandal in Israel: Prime Minister, Himself, Paid Agent to Provoke
Dissent and Violence

Despite frantic efforts by the Israeli government to cover up the
scandal, the Israeli newspapers, television and radio, have filled the
columns and the airwaves -- uncharacteristically for a heavily
government-controlled and police-run society -- with hair-raising
accounts of the real story behind much of the provocations against the
Rabin government, which have been blamed for creating a climate of hate
and violence that ultimately resulted in Rabin's murder.

Much still remains to be revealed, but it is already clear that the late
prime minister authorized payments to Avishai Raviv, who worked for the
General Security Service (GSS) -- the equivalent of the FBI in this
country. His job was to infiltrate the right-wing groups that were most
opposed to the PLO-Peres agreements and the dismantling of the Jewish
State. He formed the so-called Ayal cell to take in extremists who were
to be enticed to acts of violence.

To bolster the fight of the government against the strong opposition
Raviv was also to engage in actions that would be embarrassing to the
Likud, the main opposition party. One such provocation was to fabricate
posters showing Rabin in an SS uniform and to display these posters
before the TV crews covering opposition rallies. It was these posters
that were singled out as the leading examples of the extremist actions
of the right tolerated by Likud and that fomented the atmosphere that
led to Rabin's murder.
[Remember the black bordered ad of Bernard Weissman circulated and
printed in Dallas ad ever killed anybody but it laid
groundwork to give atmosphere of hatred - last words JFK heard were "you
can't say Dallas doesn't love you, Mr. President" but the trap was set -
sasba note)

When Netanyahu heard about these posters he denied knowing about them --
which is understandable, because they only existed before the TV cameras
and were never shown at the actual rallies!

The Khalkhul Ruse

Another outrageous act of the Raviv-type agents of the Prime Minister's
Office was the case of the killing of a Palestinian in Khalkhul last

The government quickly spread the story that this man had been killed by
Jewish "settlers." The story was pushed so hard by the PR machine of the
government, that the New York Times readily swallowed it and even
published an editorial using the "killing" by the Jewish settlers as an
argument to curb the settlements.

Soon thereafter the truth came out. The man was killed by Palestinians,
not by Jews. But the government continued for a while to push the
anti-settler line, and only after some time admitted the mistake. By
then, the minds of the media had been sufficiently poisoned.

The New York Times never retracted the story because doing so would have
been an embarrassing exposure of the paper's consistent anti-Zionist
bias. It has now been revealed that the same Raviv was involved in this

The History of 'Agent Provocateur'

The French gave the name "agent provocateur" to the institution of paid
agents who infiltrate and egg on the opposition to violence, making the
opponents easier to subdue.

The definition in the Oxford English Dictionary: "agent provocateur
(azhang provocat'er): an agent employed to induce or incite a suspected
person or group to commit an incriminating act." This institution was
invented by Czarist Russia over 100 years ago to stir the Serbs in the
Balkans to a rebellion against the Turks, which Russia could use as a
pretext to declare war.

But its use was most prominent in combating the Socialists during the
Russian Revolution of 1905. The Czars -- like the Rabin Government --
targeted young students for the operation of the "agents provocateurs"
because students were deemed more impressionable and emotional.

At one point 20 percent of all young Russian students were reported to
be paid undercover agents who were to organize anti-government
demonstrations and then lead the demonstrators straight into the fire of
the Czarist police. The Oxford Dictionary definition certainly fits the
use by Israel's Prime Minister's Office of its "agent provocateur."

It is tragic to find that the Labor government had to resort to this old
Czarist method to blacken the name of the opposition and thereby divert
attention from the real issue of the day: the dangers to Israel's
survival in the PLO agreements, especially Oslo II. Was the Labor
government so unsure of itself that it had to combat its opposition by
"dirty tricks"

The revelation of these tactics will certainly result in challenges by
its victims, the legitimate opposition parties in Israel. Their
disclosure should open the eyes of the world at large as to the
unreliability of much that comes out of Labor's propaganda machine.

The 'Shalom Song' was Banned for Years as Blasphemous and Anti-Patriotic

The late Yitzchak Rabin died having just finished singing the "Shalom
Song." It is significant that this song was banned for years by Israel's
military on the grounds that it was defeatist and anti-patriotic.

It was also deemed blasphemous because of its anti-religious lines. It
was judged to be designed to undermine morale in Israel. This song gives
us much food for thought about the moral fiber of the leftists,
considering that it has become their leading anthem...

We must be vigilant against it being exported to the Unites States as
some kind of rallying song for those who love the PLO and the Oslo II
disaster -- instead of the peace with security that the opposition
espouses. Just watch the Madison Square Garden rally now being prepared.
Will the banned song be unpacked here, too?

Labor's Idea of 'Healing, Bringing Us Together'

Here are a few examples of Labor's idea of how the Jewish people,
especially in Israel, can be brought together in harmony in response to
the atmosphere of dissent and division that is being blamed for Rabin's

Leah Rabin forbade Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau and Haifa's Chief Rabbi
Shear Yashuv Cohen, a war hero, to speak at the funeral.

Peres turned down an invitation by Larry King to appear together with
Likud leader Benyamin Netanyahu on King's TV show.
Cabinet Minister Chaim Ramon said on Nightline, "Even if we have only a
one percent majority, we will crush the opposition."

Israel's Consul in New York ruled out Netanyahu's participation at the
Madison Square Garden memorial for Rabin.

President Ezer Weizman was accused of contributing to Rabin's murder by
calling for a slowing of the "peace" process on Israeli television.

Laws were passed to bar "extremists" -- a euphemism for American
Orthodox Jews -- from entering Israel, while at the same time thousands
of Palestinian terrorists and murderers were released from Israeli
[saba note:  were these the programmed killers released from the nut
house over there timed to go off.....)

School children were asked by Education Minister Amnon Rubenstein to
report on teachers perceived to be "extremists" -- in other words,
opposed to the "peace" agreement.

While it is repeated ad nauseam that the opposition has used a handful
of invectives against the leftists, it is timely to list the
inflammatory invectives used by the leftists against the opposition for
years, especially against religious Jews and the "settlers";
"Ayatollahs"; "racists"; "cry babies"; "not real Israelis";
"barbarians"; "embarrassment to Judaism"; "enemies of Israel"; "Go back
to Brooklyn"; "pariahs"; "rabble"; "outcasts"; "allies of Hamas";

Yehiel Kadishai, the life-long assistant to Menachem Begin, said this in
a recent interview:

Demonstrators camped outside Begin's home. The chanting never stopped.
It was a constant refrain and the words were blood-chilling.

Begin was called a murderer. Begin was likened to Hitler. It was awful.
Each time the chants of "murderer" grew shriller. Police Minister Josef
Burg offered to disperse the crowds, but Begin opposed this and said it
was the citizens' democratic right to voice their displeasure.

There were no condemnations from the left or attempts to curb the use of
such epithets. Arik Sharon was also their target. The demonstrators
carried placards with shameful cartoons, far worse than anything used
against Rabin. There were threats against Begin's and Sharon's lives.

Don't be Side-tracked by Brainwashing Blitz: They Want to Divert Your
Attention from the Fateful 'Peace' Process

During the last weeks, one event after the other has traumatized Jewish
emotions and nerves: the funeral of the late Prime Minister; mass
rallies in Israel and the United States; witch-hunts; McCarthy-like

What it is all about is diverting the world's attention from the
dreadful "peace" process, which is aimed at dismantling Israel,
Jerusalem, Hebron and the rest of Judah and Samaria and the Golan
Heights are in the balance.

PLO Cashed in on Rabin's Death

While the funeral went on, the PLO cashed in. Its huge aid program -- in
the name of honoring Rabin's memory -- sailed through Congress without
any meaningful conditions or demands for PLO compliance with previous
commitments attached. AIPAC and the Israeli Embassy pushed hard for the

Arafat meanwhile made it known -- according to Israeli intelligence
sources -- that he had no intention of complying with his solemn
commitment to Rabin and President Clinton to abrogate the PLO covenant,
which in 32 of its 33 clauses calls for the destruction of Israel, the
end of Zionism and the deportation of Jews.

And when he entered Jenin, he announced in Arabic that he expected to be
in control of Jerusalem within a year. Who will now speak up against
these ghastly violations of the "peace" agreements of Oslo and Cairo?

Manfred and Anne Lehmann Foundation
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