The blood of Palestinians is on our hands
Hector Carreon
La Voz de Aztlan

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
– Edmund Burke –

Los Angeles, Alta California - 3/7/2002 - (ACN) Why are Americans turning their heads to the present slaughter of Palestinians that is occurring in the Holy Land? Why are we looking the other way when we know that the massacres and bombings of Palestinian refugee camps and villages is being accomplished with the very weapons we provide Israel? If we continue to do nothing, evil will surely triumph and the blood of innocent Palestinian children, women and countless other non-combatants will be on the hands of every tax paying American!

As an American of Mexican descent and as a Vietnam War veteran, I can not help think that the lack of outrage by Americans may be due to racism against the Palestinians. I can recollect the racist nature of the Vietnam War. A large part of the military training and mental programming I received at Fort Ord, was designed to hate and demonize the "slant eyed gooks". The "Vietcong" and the "Regulars" were depersonalized through very effective mental conditioning carried out by the military trainers. The ultimate purpose was to make it easier to kill them and to relieve our God given conscience. I believe that the same process has taken place with the American public in general, but instead of military trainers doing the mental conditioning, it has been the U.S. Zionist media that has done it.

The U.S. Zionist media is one of the most powerful consensus creating entities the world has ever known. Through their national news magazines, journals, radio stations, television networks and newspapers dailies; the American people have been mentally programmed to believe what Zionist interests in the U.S. and in Israel want them to believe. The minds of the American people have been programmed in a similar way that a computer is programmed with a set of software instructions. La Voz de Aztlan, through our coverage of the news and through the publishing of our editorials and commentaries are well aware of how "brainwashed" the American people are. We receive much e-mail from our readers and subscribers who demonstrate extreme alarm when we identify someone as a "Jew" but think nothing if we identify someone as a "Mexican", an "American Indian" or an "Afro-Amercan". Zionists have done a great job on their brains and they are now very fearful to use the word "Jew". The Zionists of course want it that way. They know that they must not be identified because this helps "unmask" the varied activities that they are involved in the varied countries they have become a part of.

The Zionists are, at this very moment, committing unspeakable atrocities against a people who are fighting for their very survival. The Palestinians are in dire danger of getting exterminated because they lack the sophisticated weapons that the U.S taxpayers are providing Israel. The only high level official that has spoken out against Ariel Sharon's murderous rampage has been Secretary of State Colin Powell. Perhaps it takes an official of African descent to have the necessary level of conscience to speak out against what he sees as an imminent racial genocide. As far as I know, there have been no white U.S. leaders that have spoken out against the ongoing slaughter of the Palestinian people.

The time is now for the American public to take time out and "see" what is really occurring in the Middle East and here as well. Why doesn't President George Bush just order that military aid to Israel be stopped if Ariel Sharon does not pull back his troops from occupied Palestine and remove the settlements. Many around the world, and here in the U.S. as well, believe that President Bush does not have the power to do so and that he and the U.S. Congress are now subservient, not to the American people but to International Zionism.

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