-Caveat Lector-


An Enigma: Vast Israeli Spy Network Dismantled in the US
By Sylvain Cypel
Le Monde  March 5, 2002
Translated by Malcolm Garris

It is undoubtedly the largest case of Israeli spying in the United States –
that has been made public – since 1986. In June 2001, an investigative
report detailed the activities of more than one-hundred Israeli agents, some
presenting themselves as fine arts students, others tied to Israeli
high-tech companies. All were challenged by the authorities, were
questioned, and a dozen of them are still imprisoned. One of their tasks was
to track the Al-Qaida terrorists on American territory – without informing
the federal authorities. Elements of this investigation, taken up by
American television Fox News, reinforce this thesis: that Israel did not
transmit to the United States all the evidence in its possession on the
preparation of the September 11 attacks.

The latest issue of the Online Intelligence Letter,
a publication specializing in questions of information, has revealed that a
vast Israeli spy network operating on American territory was dismantled.

It is the biggest affair involving the Mossad (the Israel’s external
security agency) in activity against the United States since Jonathan
Pollard, an employee of the US Navy, was condemned to life in prison, in
1986, for spying for Israel’s benefit. Which was the real scale of this
network? The facts evoked by an American investigative report do not
indicate if the network obtained the information it was after, or if the
authorities dismantled it in its initial phase.

According to the chief editor of Online Intelligence, Guillaume Dasquié,
this "vast network of Israeli intelligence agents was neutralized by the
counter-espionage services of the Department of Justice." The Americans
"would have apprehended or expelled close to 120 Israeli nationals."

M. Dasquié gives a report on a "61-page review article" from June 2001,
given to the American justice department by a "task force" made up of agents
of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) and some INS (Immigration and
Naturalization Service) agents "who were associated with the FBI and the
office of investigation of the US Air Force." Questioned by Le Monde, Will
Glaspy, of the Public Affairs department of the DEA, authenticated this
report, and said the DEA "holds a copy."

This is not the first time that information relating to Israeli espionage
appeared in the United States since the Pollard affair. In June 1999, the
review Insight had described, at length, a "secret" investigation by
division 5 of the FBI regarding Israeli phone-tapping targeting the White
House, the State Department and the National Security Council.

After the attacks of September 11, very little detailed information had come
out about the arrest of some sixty Israelis. Finally, from the 11th to the
14th of December 2001, the Fox News television channel aired an
investigation in four parts into Israeli espionage in the United States, in
the broadcast "Carl Cameron Investigates."
The Israeli embassy in Washington immediately responded by stating that it
did not contain "anything true." American Jewish organizations such JINSA
(Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs), AIPAC (America-Israel
Political Action Committee) and others, denounced the report as a
"machination." Fox withdrew from its Internet site, one day and half after
its posting, all the material related to this investigation.

Le Monde requested three times with Fox News to provide a tape of the
broadcast. It was never done. On February 26, Fox told our correspondent in
New York that sending it posed "a problem," without being specific. Le
Monde, however took note of the whole script in this investigation. Carl
Cameron evokes "a vast secret investigation held there" relating to "140
Israelis made to pass for students of the University of Jerusalem or
Betzalel Academy of Arts [which have] unceasingly sought to come into
contact with civil servants and, according to a document, targeted and
penetrated military bases, dozens of buildings of the DEA, FBI, and others."

His investigation focused on two aspects. Firstly, could the Israelis have
had preliminary knowledge of the September 11 attacks and not informed the
Americans? His sources, explains Carl Cameron, tell him: "The principal
question is ‘how they could they have not known?’" On the screen, his
editor-in-chief tells him thus: "Certain reports confirm that the Mossad
sent representatives to the United States to warn them, before September 11,
of the imminence of a major terrorist attack. That does not go

in the direction of an absence of warning." Cameron’s response: "The problem
is not the absence of warning, but the absence of useful details" compared
to those which American services suspect Israel of having held.

The second round of the investigation touched on Israeli companies providing
administrative services for American companies, which would conceal
information. It was aimed at the manufacturer of Amdocs software, placed on
Wall Street, which lists, for the 25 major telephone companies of the United
States, all the calls coming into and originating from American territory,
as well as the companies Nice and Comverse Infosys, the latter providing the
data-processing programs to American law enforcement agencies authorized to
eavesdrop on private phone conversations. Comverse is suspected of having
introduced into its systems of the "catch gates" in order to "intercept,
record and store" these wire-taps. This hardware would render the "listener"
himself "listened to."

Question to Cameron: "Are there reasons to believe the Israeli government is
implicated?" Answer: "No, none, but a classified top-secret investigation is
underway." The broadcast had been shown beforehand to the highest persons in
charge of the CIA, the FBI, the NSA (the agency in charge of phone-taps),
the DEA and the American Justice Department, none of which objected to its

The report submitted to the American Justice Department, to which Le Monde
had access, shows that many of the "fine-arts students" suspected of illicit
activity have a military past in Israeli information or advanced technology
units. Some entered and left the United States on several occasions,
remaining each time for short periods. Several are related to the hi-tech
Israeli companies of Amdocs, Nice and Retalix.

Challenged, a "coed" saw her guarantee of $10,000 paid by an Israeli working
at Amdocs. Questioned, two others admitted being employed by Retalix.

Le Monde obtained other information not contained in this report. Six of the
intercepted "students" had a cellular telephone bought by an Israeli
ex-vice-consul in the United States. Two others, at an unspecified time,
arrived in Miami by direct flight from Hamburg, and went to the residence of
an FBI agent, to try to sell him artwork, left again for the Chicago airport
to go to the residence of an agent of the justice department, then again
took a plane directly for Toronto – all in one day.

More than a third of these "students," who, according to the report, moved
in at least 42 American cities, stated they resided in Florida. Five at
least were intercepted in Hollywood, and two in Fort Lauderdale. Hollywood
is a town of 25,000 inhabitants to the north of Miami, close to Fort
Lauderdale. At least 10 of the 19 terrorists of 9/11 were residing in

Four of the five members of the group that diverted American Airlines flight
number 11 – Mohammed Atta, Abdulaziz Al-Omari, Walid and Wail Al-Shehri, as
well as one of the five terrorists of United flight 175, Marwan Al-Shehhi –
resided all at various times in... Hollywood, Florida. As for Ahmed Fayez,
Ahmed and Hamza Al-Ghamdi and Mohand Al-Shehri, who took over United flight
75, like Said Al-Ghamdi, Ahmed Al-Haznawi and Ahmed Al-Nami, of United
flight 93 which crashed September 11 in Pennsylvania, and Nawaq Al-Hamzi, of
AA flight 77 (crashed into the Pentagon), they all at one time resided at
Delray Beach, in the north of Fort Lauderdale.

This convergence is, inter alia, the origin of the American conviction that
one of the tasks of the Israeli "students" would have been to track the
Al-Qaida terrorists on their territory, without informing the federal
authorities of the existence of the plot.

Two enigmas remain. Why was the Israeli network a priority of drug
enforcement agents? An assumption: the DEA is the main American agency
inquiring into the money laundering. A network such as Al-Qaida used "dirty"
[funding], and the Taliban’s Afghanistan was the primary exporter of opium
in the world. Why this astonishing "cover" of false students canvassers for
poor artwork? The Israeli network seemed to hold lists of names. Its members
knew at which office or which private residence to go. The objective was
apparently to make contact, even for a short time.

According to an Israeli specialist in espionage, "this story is a ridiculous
joke, and is not serious." Contacted, the services of the Israeli Prime
Minister still had not, as of Monday evening March 4, answered our
questions. The American Justice Department indicated to us that "a dozen" of
these "students" would still be imprisoned indefinitely, and all the others
had been released or deported. The FBI indicated to us that it will not make
"any comment at this stage." The CIA, the FBI, the DEA, the INS, the NSA,
the Justice Department and the Pentagon have all designated an investigator
on this file.

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