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Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
<A HREF=" http://www.hoffman-info.com/news.html 

March 8, 2002

Holocaust in the Palestinian Ghetto
by Michael A. Hoffman II

The Israeli Nazis have stepped up their genocide in the Palestinian
ghetto. We have added explicit photographs and uncensored reports to our
online, "Museum of the Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians." The
home page for this vitally important museum is at:


On March 4, Sharon wiped out a Palestinian family: a mother, her two
daughters and 8 year old son. Their Mom had picked them up from school
when Israeli troops bombed their vehicle. The Israelis had hoped the
father was inside (he was not). They didn't care if they hit the rest of
the family. In fact, that was the Talmudic goal--wipe out the whole

In reply, some will play the "collateral damage" card -- "It was an
unfortunate accident" etc. Not everyone is so stupid as to believe such
a murderer's alibi.

The fact is, the murder of whole families is a well-known feature of
everyday Israeli military  tactics, whose provenance, according to this
writer's files, is February, 1992, when US-made Israeli helicopter
gunships incinerated the car of the Abbas Mussawi family, killing not
only Sheik Abbas Mussawi, but his wife Siham and infant son, Hussein.

According to the NY Times of Feb. 22, 1992, the Israelis had
meticulously planned the Mussawi incineration for months. They knew the
wife and baby would be in the car too, but: "The opportunity to hit
someone like Mussawi does not present itself every day,' said an Israeli
official closely involved in the operation."

After the 1992 attack on the Mussawi family, the Israeli helicopters
pretended to leave the scene of the burning Mussawi car, but only left
the immediate vicinity. After the wounded were rescued and placed in
another car headed to the hospital, the US-supplied helicopter
deathships returned and incinerated the car that was on the mission of
mercy bound for the hospital!

These days, Ariel Sharon hardly needs to spin alibis, so great is his
cachet in the US media. After last Monday's extermination of the
Palestinian family noted above, and sundry other massacres of civilians
on that March the 4th, Sharon articulated his racist, mass murder
doctrine of collective punishment of the Palestinian nation in stark and
horrifying terms:

"Anyone wishing to conduct negotiations with the Palestinians must first
hit them hard...We must inflict heavy losses on their side."

Palestinian mothers, children, Red Crescent ambulances loaded with
doctors, nurses, the wounded. It doesn't matter to Sharon. "Heavy
losses" must be inflicted on "the Palestinians." Man, woman and child.
Collective punishment does not make distinctions.

Sharon has powerful patrons. The New York Post and Wall Street Journal
are cheering his murders. The land grab of the Master Race must be
protected at all costs, including genocide. And any half-way astute
military analyst will tell you that the Palestinian people have the
determination and courage of lions. Sharon's claim to pound them into
submission will only heighten their RESISTANCE (not "violence") and he
knows it.

Last week a lone Palestinian shot six Israeli soldiers
single-handed.Yesterday a lone,19 year old Palestian engaged the Israeli
army by himself in a half hour firefight, after killing six TALMUD (not
"Bible") students, who comprise  the illegal Israeli settlements on
Palestinian lands.

White House assassins Bush and Powell cleared Sharon's genocide in
private. Part of the deal was that they would criticize it in public.

Sharon doesn't mind losing a few Israeli suckers to Palestinian small
arms fire and suicide bombs. For every dead Israeli Sharon gets to kill
at least ten Palestinians, mostly youths, to applause from the American
Congress and media. This is genocide on a slow burn. Sharon is hoping to
incite a major Palestinian offensive--the death of hundreds of Israelis
in a Jerusalem bombing, for example. Then he can "retaliate" (the
Israelis never attack, they only avenge) by killing thousands of

Let's break the mold here. One cannot adequately deflate Israeli
prestige and glamor by simply describing their crimes with text, or moan
about them in the classic, columnist-pundit format.  A picture is worth
10,000 words. That's why we have dramatic, explicit and shocking
documentary  photographs in links at:


For example, did you know the Israeli barbarians killed a physician and
shot ambulance workers and ambulances this week? We have the photo of
the bullet-ridled ambulance.

Did you know they bombed a Palestinian school for the blind a few days
ago? We have the poignant photo of the bombed school, which is so moving
it would win a Pulitizer prize, had it depicted an Israeli school hit by
Palestinians, but since the opposite is the case, one of the few places
you can view this  photo is on our website.

Don't lament the fact that we have what's known in media parlance as an
"exclusive." Make it your mission to tell others where they can see the
photo. By so doing, you build the audience and the power of our
alternative to their coverup.

Included below is a brief letter from a Palestinian living in the Gaza
ghetto, an eyewitness to the ongoing holocaust against the Arab ghetto.
There was recently another, umpteenth glittering, Hollywood "Nazi
holocaust" movie about "the Warsaw ghetto," starring Shakespearean
thespian Kenneth Branagh, and moving spectators to tears, even as the
Zionist  holocaust in the Gaza, Ramallah, and Tulkarem ghettos escalates
daily, nearly completely smothered by the silence and censorship of a
shameless mass media.

The antidote to this silence and censorship is our online holocaust
museum, part of the process of constructing a serious and professional
alternative media.

Date:  Fri Mar 8, 2002  3:18 pm
Subject: The situation in Palestine is un-endurable, unbelievable

Killing, bombardment, siege, assassination...

...our life differs from any life in the world. The Israeli
occupation dehumanized us. We lost our humanitarian feeling. We forget
enjoying music and love songs. We forgot reading novels and poetry; we
see nothing but blood and rockets.

We are used just to hear explosions, crying of children and the horrible
sound of - US made- F16s and Apache.

Even watching TV, we (are obliged) to watch assassination, women crying,
dead bodies of children and men or a sick woman requesting an Israeli
soldier to allow he to pass through a checkpoint to reach a hospital.

Three of my friends were killed in separated incidents. The latest one
was killed Tuesday overnight. He has a coffee shop at the beach, was
driving to his store but an Israeli marine opened fire instantly killing
him. Instantly, his children became orphans. (I'm writing and crying).

Do you believe it? The paramedics became so afraid to evacuate the
Palestinian victims in the refugee camps.

Dr. Khaleel Sulaiman, 60, director of emergency services at the Red
Crescent Society in the West Bank, was killed Monday by Israeli
occupation forces in Jenin camp.

Several injured refugees, some critically, were in Jenin camp waiting
for medical aid, and Israeli tanks opened fire on the paramedics trying
to access the camp.

Dr Sulaiman, and two nurses were in an ambulance, they tried to reach
the camp but an Israeli tank opened heavy fire, then the tank fired a
missile aimed at their ambulance. Dr Sulaiman and the two nurses were
injured. He was crying from sustained burn. Some people tried to help
him but Israeli soldiers targeted them (the helpers) and opened fire,
nobody could do any thing. About 40 minutes later, Dr Sulaiman still
crying, then his voice vanished, and he died in a cold blood....

Even the schools come under fire. Today; four pupils were injured when
the Israeli occupation forces opened fire on, Seelat Al-Dahr in Jenin.

Israeli rockets also hit (Al-Andalus School) in Hebron. The children
were so lucky, because the attack happened just after their departure.

A lot of Palestinian mothers prevent their children from going to
schools (as an attempt to keep them a live).

If William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens were alive, they would be
unable to describe what happens on the ground.

24 hours around-the-clock the people here feel unsafe, when they hear
F16 or Apache, every body thinks that it comes to kill him. Each women
thinks that she is going to lose her children now. Because every body
believes that the Israeli occupation does not differentiate between
civilian's houses, hospitals, schools or security installations.

As for the shameful Arab and international silence ......


Editor's note: What is happening in Palestine today is chapter-and-verse
from the Talmud as outlined in my book. We have one Master Race,
subsidized by US taxpayers, eviscerating one nation of de-facto
"sub-humans" --the Palestinians--and it's, ho-hum, business as usual.

We must finger the Talmud here, otherwise the Palestinians have died in
vain. The massacre of the Palestinians is Talmudic praxis to the core;
the practical implementation of Talmudic law.

Publicize every detail of this Talmudic holocaust far and wide! You may
save a Palestinian or Israeli life in the process, because if there's
one thing Sharon and his cynical cronies fear, it is being exposed as
holocaust perpetrators. Hence, the cursory "reporting" of the war crimes
suit against Sharon in Brussels (which is still alive).

Your activism counts!


Finally, the latest issue of our hard-copy "Revisionist History"
newsletter, no. 22, has been published. You will find a partial
reproduction of the cover and other details about this
information-packed issue at:



<PRE>Hoffman is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press

The HOFFMAN WIRE is a public service of Independent History and Research, Box 849, 
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 USA

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