Middle-East Subversion,
America's Subversion,
Treason and World War Three

author: Sonny René Stermole

To read the complete works of America's Subversion start here:

Chapter Supplement
The Third World War

Bill Clinton's Administration Pops the Cork on the Nuclear-Genie Bottle
While not a study in perfection, the often incisive analysis provided through the Jesuit-trained (Roman Catholic) John McLaughlin in his John McLaughlin Group program and John McLaughlin's One on One put the ingenuity of two Congressional/Senate Intelligence principals to the test, provoking their nearly undaunted smiles which waned from smirks as McLaughlin recited embarrassing intelligence information to more somber expressions as they emphasized that the apparent CIA intelligence failures in India (in failing to inform Congress of India's impending nuclear tests) suggested that more money be put into so-called "human" espionage sources (they supervise) 'whatever their source,' to appropriate 'the best.' (aired Saturday, May 16, 1998). McLaughlin took the position that it simply is not credible for the CIA to assert that it did not know of India's preparations for testing nuclear devices. He also pointed to the gravity, the import of the advanced missile guidance technology transfer to China facilitated by Bill Clinton. In vain, giving both guests ample opportunity to reveal their outrage at Bill Clinton's culpability in providing critical underpinnings for the unfolding events, McLaughlin's skillful questioning was transformed into an intriguing version of the memorable television program What's My Line, and should have left the audience wondering what their line was, or is.

What emerged from the McLaughlin programs which aired back-to-back is that the Bill Clinton political machine received campaign funds from the Chinese military establishment and that the Clinton administration, acting against the strenuous objections of both the Defense Dept. and Justice Dept., provided China with advanced missile targeting technology. (Subsequent to moving the jurisdiction of the technology in question from the State Dept., which rejected the request for the transfer of said technology, to Ron Brown's Commerce Dept. in March of 1996, hundreds of thousands of dollars were channeled from the Chinese military to the Democratic soft money machine during the summer. Following that, regulations enabling the transfer of technology were released on election day in November). The impact of the missile guidance technology transfer which followed is such that in response to the threat of deployment of advanced missile targeting-technology (coupled with nuclear weapons) by China along India's border, and the recent "fly-by" testing of an advanced nuclear capable Pakistan missile provided through China, India tested a total of 5 nuclear devices which is now proclaimed as the precipitating point for a regional nuclear arms race inciting and encouraging other nations, including Pakistan and Iran.

In short, the Clinton administration has popped the cork of the nuclear Genie bottle by providing China with the advanced missile technology which not only provided a substantial basis for technological escalation in the arena, but which has simultaneously signaled to India, a burgeoning democracy, that America has essentially formed a technological alliance with China which has threatened the strategic prospects of, et. all, a major democracy. The refined targeting technology which Clinton provided to the Chinese military is reported to be applicable to intercontinental ballistic missiles which China has aimed at the U.S., and has provided a 'dandy' solution to the Chinese military's missile guidance problem.

Thus, the Moslem/Hindu armed tensions in the area have been materially intensified through the actions of both a communist country and a facilitating administration headed by a Scottish Rite Mason and Bilderberger, Bill Clinton. While the role of the U.S. corporations involved in the specific technological issues also figures into the formula, the intriguing fact which emerges is that the Illuminist/Masonic plan for three world wars has by means of a New Age, Masonic leader at least regionally obtained a large step towards a potential event which reasonable persons would want to avoid, that is a third world war, particularly one in a world in which nuclear weapons are becoming a language nearly as universally in vogue as English among diplomats.

What, among other things, appears so significant in the Illuminist/Masonic plan for three world wars is that the Third Planned War has been enunciated by conspirators as revolving around tensions with the Moslem "world." While the Middle-East has been specifically pointed to in the Luciferian conspiracy as providing the strategic and tactical basis for a Third World War, corollary components could be in the construction stage in other regions of the world, notably India/Pakistan/China.

A Plan for Three World Wars, you might say ? Not my idea. Not my conspiracy. Not my prediction. It is, however, a plan by persons who have much more power and influence than that expressed through the power of the pen. It does, however, substantially include persons who have the lion's share of the power of the pen, that is, the "press." Or, one might say, includes those who have the lion's share, the vulture's share, and the jackal's share. And I'm just trying to hold on to my First Amendment share. And that's a principle shared by many patriotic Americans and Christians around the world. 

When was the alleged plan for three world wars penned and by whom?

It was put to writing in 1871 under the auspices of two prominent godfathers of Freemasonry, Mafia founder Giuseppe Mazzini who viewed the subversive and occult structure of Freemasonry as a profound vehicle or "lever" for world revolution, and America's Confederate General Albert Pike, co-founder of the KKK and Supreme Pontiff of Lucifer who re-wrote the degrees of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and who instituted the diabolical Rite of the Palladium to dominate Freemasonry, with the Palladian Rite providing an intensified hands-on course in "fleshly glove" demon possession leading to walking/talking possession of human initiates by Lucifer-associated spirits, demons. The ultimate objectives of the "occult conspiracy" include the establishment of a One-World Government to exercise overt occult oligarchic ruler ship world-wide.

The "Plan" embodies the ultimate in human rights violations, and the world wars which it has spawned have been instruments to achieve even more diabolical objectives. Within the scope of what "Plan" has Freemasonry elicited oaths embracing murder, perjury, and treason ? To what extent have persons been culpable who have operating within the United States as U.S. citizens ? Enemies Within ? Including Presidents ? Beyond Bill Clinton ? Brace yourself. See Freemasonry's oath and organizational-structure history. America's Subversion The Enemy Within: Chapter 3 see Freemasonry's spiritistic international political & religious history. 

The grandfather of the Illuminati conspiracy, of whom Mazzini and Pike have been successors, was Adam Weishaupt who formed the Order of the Illuminati in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany on May 1, 1776. Weishaupt formed the "ultimate" secret society, which like Germany's occult Rosicrucian's, operated within other organizations; Weishaupt infiltrating Freemasonry, an occult institution which obtained a special organizational framework in England in 1717. In 1782 the relationship between Freemasonry and the Order of the Illuminati, which crystallized the goals of the occult conspiracy, was officially sealed, with the Bavarian Illuminati providing the "illuminated" guidance of Lucifer-inspired pagan/occult Egyptian Mystery Religion. The aims of abolishing Christianity and monarchies have been fundamental to the conspiracy, and are so documented. Weishaupt's fundamentals included moral profligacy and the desecration of the institution of marriage, and such are often included among the principles which strategically-placed successors and conspiracy participants, including "pious frauds," would embrace within in their multifarious roles in society, subverting the world's religious, moral, and political institutions from within.

Examine how such conspiratorial undertakings are substantiated by Naval Commander William Guy Carr and historian Nesta Webster (whom Lord Kitchener in India described as the "foremost opponent of subversion").

The Communist Link in the Illuminist/Masonic Conspiracy
for Three World Wars

{According to Canadian Naval officer, Commander William Guy Carr, on Communism,}
This destructive force was to be used to enable the Illuminati to foment future wars and revolutions. ...
In 1834 the Italian revolutionary leader Guiseppi Mazzini was selected by the Illuminati to be director of their revolutionary program thru-out the world. He held this post until he died in 1872. In 1840, General Albert Pike was brought under the influence of Mazzini because he became a disgruntled officer when President. p. XIV

Jefferson Davis disbanded his auxiliary Indian troops on the grounds they had committed atrocities under the cloak of legitimate warfare. Pike accepted the idea of a One World government and ultimately became head of the Luciferian Priesthood. Between 1859 and 1871, he worked out the details of a military blue-print, for three world wars, and three major revolutions which he considered would further the conspiracy to its final stage during the twentieth century.

Most of his work was done in the 13 room mansion he built in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1840. When the Illuminati, and the lodges of The Grand Orient, became suspect, because of Mazzini's revolutionary activities in Europe, Pike organized The New and Reformed Palladian Rite. He established three supreme councils; one in Charleston, S.C., another in Rome, Italy and another in Berlin, Germany. 

p. XV Pawns in The Game, Introduction, 1958, Commander R.C.N. William Guy Carr 

Note: Jefferson Davis was the only president of the Confederate States of America.

Thus, Mazzini "wrested" power from the Alta Vendita Lodge of Blackest Freemasonry in Europe, which had held the reigns of occult power approximately from Adam Weishaupt's death in 1830. Mazzini enlisted Confederate General Albert Pike to lay out the details for accomplishing the goal of ruling the world by means of a Luciferian, occult One World Government. While a one-world government has been viewed by some persons in the twentieth century as the solution to world war, Mazzini and Pike in the eighteenth century viewed the fomenting of world war and revolutions, according to their plan, as the means by which a one world government could be compelled. Freemasonry's godfathers planned the fomenting of the two world wars which we have experienced. It is those two world wars which provided the international basis for respectively configuring the League of Nations and the United Nations after world wars one and two, under the auspices of Great Britain and the United States. Picking up the discussion as it relates to precipitating World War 3, Royal Naval Commander Carr continues:

World War Three is to be fomented by using the differences the agentur of the Illuminati stir up between Political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. ... Can any unbiased and reasoning person deny that the intrigue now going on in the Near, Middle, and Far East is designed to accomplish this devilish purpose? 
p. XV Pawns in The Game, Introduction, 1958, Commander R.C.N. William Guy Carr. It appears that the post World War II world has been moving step by step toward another diabolical phase of the Masonic/Illuminist Plan for world war and world domination.
The Illuminist Chess Move

Interestingly, the third scenario for world war by means of a Jewish/Moslem conflict was taken up by a landmark convention of Secret Societies nearly a century before Mazzini and Pike put the Luciferian world war initiatives into writing in the late 1800's. The occasion was the official joining of the Illuminati with Freemasonry in 1782, the year following the surrender of the British to the Americans, and America was yet to expand it's geographical domain to what Thomas Jefferson spoke of as "from sea to shining sea." Approximately a century would first be required to establish the United States in it's ambitious continental domain, transforming it from territorial wilderness' to a contiguous, united republic of states. In Britain the accelerating industrial revolution would prepare the world for both the engines and infrastructures of international war machines, and in Germany the chemical revolution would figure no less prominently, both good and bad. First note the alarming setting for raising a future third world war scenario setting; secret societies conspiring the horrible, and at the helm, the Illuminati of Bavaria, Adam Weishaupt's diabolical Order.

"But it was not until the Congres de Wilhelmsbad that the alliance between Illuminsim and Freemasonry was finally sealed. This assembly ... {whose import has been substantially ignored in conventional-wisdom history} ... met for the first time on the 16th day of July 1782, and included representatives of all the Secret Societies --- Martiniste as well as Freemasons and Illuminati --- which now numbered no less than three million members all over the world. Amongst these different orders the Illuminati of Bavaria alone had formulated a definite plan of campaign, and it was they who hence foreward took the lead.
p. 31
From the moment of the great coalition effected at Wilhemsbad, Illuminism ... was able to extend its ramifications all over Germany ... All these branches were controlled by the twelve leading adepts headed by Weishaupt, who at the lodge in Munich held in his hands the threads of the whole conspiracy.
World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization, 1921, Nesta Webster
{ } brackets, this authors' words.

One Mason "could not conceal his alarm" and although "under oath to reveal nothing" revealed,
"I will not confide them to you. I can only tell you that all this is very much more serious than you think. The conspiracy which is being woven is so well though out that it will be, so to speak, impossible for the Monarchy and the Church to escape from it." From this time onwards, says his biographer, M. Costa de Beauregard, "the Comte de Virieu could only speak of Freemasonry with horror".
p. 31
World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization, 1921, Nesta Webster
With all due and sincere respect for the love which many Jewish people have for Jerusalem and it's historically associated territory; within the setting of an assembly of secret societies the stage for eventually or potentially precipitating a third world war began to be woven. The years of 1781 and 1782 were remarkable for the growth of another movement which found expression at the Congres de Wilhelmsbad, namely, the emancipation of the Jews.
p. 32
World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization, 1921, Nesta Webster,

The result ... was seen later in the edicts passed through the influence of Marabeau and the Abbe Gregoire by the National Assembly in 1791 decreeing the emancipation of the Jews. A more immediate effect, however, was the resolution taken at the masonic congress of Wilhelmsbad --- which was attended by Lessing and a company of Jews --- that henceforth Jews should no longer be excluded from the lodges. At the same time it was decided to remove the headquarters of illuminized Freemasonry to Frankfurt, which incidentally was the stronghold of Jewish finance, controlled at this date by such leading members of the race as Rothschild, Mayer Amschel -- later to become Rothschild also ... and others. At this head lodge of Frankfurt the gigantic plan of world revolution was carried forward, and it was there that at a large masonic congress in 1786 two French Freemasons afterwards declared the deaths of
p. 32
Louis XVI and Gustavus III of Sweden were definitely decreed.
p. 33
World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization, 1921, Nesta Webster,
Intriguing, to say the least. By enlisting the imagination of Jews, including those who might have already been involved with or inclined to participate in Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati Order due to occult traditions which they had adopted, greater incentive was provided to act in a conspiracy against a "Church" which had participated in Jewish persecution, and to participate by means at their disposal, including means of finance. What needs to be unequivocally emphasized here is that the plan for a One-World Government is NOT a Jewish conspiracy. It is an OCCULT conspiracy, it is a MASONIC conspiracy, it is an ILLUMINATI conspiracy, and has enlisted the support and participation of persons cutting across innumerable national, ethnic, political, and religious memberships. The move of the Illuminati at the Secret Society Congress to embrace Jews into Freemasonry was strategic in preparing political foundations for constructing the stage for a third world war scenario, and tactical in enlisting the imagination and support of Jews who had financial capacity to contribute to materially fuel and power aspects of the Illuminati/Masonic Machine.

"The Rockefeller's have replaced the Rothschild's as far as the manipulation of finances is concerned."
p. XIX, Pawns in The Game, Introduction, 1958, Commander R.C.N. William Guy Carr
The import of the Rockefeller connection to the One World Government conspiracy will be considered in a moment. The media and banking components of the One World Government conspiracy will be further revealed to be Masonic in nature, which is a point which has often been missed in discussing the role of international banking and the media in the manipulation of political nations and public opinions.
It is also essential to note that while "anti-Semitic" elements in society have attempted to characterize issues of media control in America as a Jewish issue, such a characterization represents a dangerous distortion which, in turn, serves to fuel animosity between Freemasonry's compartmentalized institutions, facilitating the manipulation of Masonically associated KKK white supremacists against Masonic Jewish institutions, against Masonically oriented black separatist groups. While the Masonic nature of rival organizations may or may not be necessarily apparent to groups or persons within such organizations, persons who are attracted to or who are influenced along lines of ethnic hatred are positioned to be influenced in ways which serve the interests of the head of Freemasonry, Lucifer. It has been amply documented by U.S. state legislature investigations that the media control which established itself in America before the American Civil War was Masonic. Pontiff Pike's Scottish Rite consolidated Freemasonry's power after the Civil War, and America had established itself, unequivocally, as a Masonic entity, politically, and the media/press demonstrated more Masonic consolidation after the war than it had even before.

Therefore, if taken by itself, the following quotation could be perspectivly misconstrued : Why is there a historic struggle now going on in the media, with the left-wing Jewish controlled faction (CBS News, CNN, Time Magazine, and others) going head-to-head with the right-wing Jewish-controlled faction (Newsweek magazine, ABC News, The Washington Post newspaper and others)? The Esther Option article, Flashpoint, issue of April, 1998 (Vol. 98-04), Living Truth Ministries, Texe Marrs, retired U.S. Air Force Intelligence Officer.

New York State Senate investigations into Freemasonry revealed media complicity even prior to the Civil War, and demonstrated the Masonic nature of media control in America:
"The public press, that mighty engine for good or for evil, has been, with a few honorable exceptions, silent as the grave. This self-proclaimed sentinel of freedom, has felt the force of masonic influence, or has been smitten with the rod of its power." {footnote 66} p. 34 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994 {footnotes: Report Of A Committee To The New York Senate, Together With Extracts From Other Authentic Documents Illustrating The Character And Principles Of Free Masonry, published by request, and under the direction of several citizens of New Haven, Connecticut, printed by Hezekiah Howe, 1829, footnote 66: p. 11 That there is a Masonic connection to the Bilderberger Group deeply involved in America's media control referred to by the statement of David Rockefeller provides a continuum in the legacy of Masonic media control in America.

Scottish Rite Mason, Masonic scholar, and 33rd degree Masonic Grand Commander Manly P. Hall focused on the nature of the power of the Masonic establishment, extending beyond the borders of America.
True Freemasonry is esoteric ... p. 16
The true student seeks to lift himself from the exoteric body upward spiritually until he joins the esoteric group which ... is far greater than all the lodges on the physical plane of Nature, is far greater than all the lodges of which it is a central fire.
p. 17
In Freemasonry is concealed ... the path the student must tread in order to join those who are really the living powers behind the thrones of modern national and international affairs. The true student realizes most of all that the taking of degrees does not make a man a Mason. A Mason is not appointed; he is evolved and he must realize that the position he holds in the exoteric lodge means nothing compared to his position in the spiritual lodge of life.
p. 18 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

It is interesting to note that advanced Masons and occultists (such as the notorious Satanist Aleister Crowley) have often been recognized for their Masonic accomplishments by means of three two-digit numbers following their names, each corresponding to the degree which they attained in Freemasonry's Scottish Rite, Jewish Rite, and Egyptian Rite. To emphasize the point, it is not an issue of Scots, Jews or Egyptians. It is an issue of occult secret societies and occult Rites which have associated themselves at the highest levels in achieving the realization of the "occult conspiracy" for the world, that of establishing an overt, occult One-World oligarchical totalitarian state, having as it's associated goals the abolishing of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and, in short, all religion except it's own, Luciferianism.


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