-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Secret behind Secret Societties
Jon Rapoprt©1998
Truth Seeker Co, Inc.
PO Box 28550
San Diego, CA 92198
ISBN 0-939040-08-5
410 pages
As always, Caveat Lector.

Karen introduced me to a man named Avi, a former member of the group "at
another level." He helped me see how far a little secret society, with its
"curtain of enticing art," could go up the line toward really nasty

Avi told me that the group definitely had Nazi connections, that beyond the
mystical symbols, the stories, the Seal of Solomon, the ceremonies, the
costumes, the ascended masters, there was another compartment.

I asked Avi what the group's Nazi connections had been.

"Drugs," he said. "Cocaine."

He shrugged. "Karen didn't know."

I spent a little time reviewing several old radio shows I had done on KPFK in
Los Angeles on Nazi "influences." According to one line of scholarly thought,
it was the German psychiatrists who really influenced Hitler to set up the
extermination camps and begin the elimination of "inferior genetic types."
Earlier, the psychiatrists had been sterilizing German inmates at mental
hospitals, and had been murdering some of those inmates under the heading of

The Nazis credited their eugenics laws to American pioneers like Paul
Popenoe. America had a considerable tradition of sterilization of mental
patients in California, and before the Second World War there were very
reputable medical doctors in the U.S. who wrote articles upholding eugenics
as a tool to weed out "compromised" people whose genes were "obviously

The Nazi Party, in its fervor to elevate the pure Aryan and dispose of
so-called lower genetic influences, spurred on research fanatics who wanted
nothing more than to experiment on human bodies and brains.

In general, business connections between American and German corporations and
major players, before, during, and after World War II are legendary

Leading up to the War, a number of industrial and banking leaders in the U.S.
and Britain and Germany — as well as government officials in those countries
— supported both the U.S. and Germany

These agreements held during the War. The banks which represented all these
men were National City Bank and Chase National Bank in the U.S. The Nazi
lawyers who handled matters among these elite "double-agents" were Gerhardt
Westrick and Heinrich Albert. Emil Puhl, a Nazi economist, functioned as a
kind of go-between. Puhl worked for the Nazi Reichsbank and the Bank for
International Settlements (BIS).

BIS had originally been set up to receive German reparations from World War
I. It however became a conduit for money to Germany out of the U.S., England,
and, eventually, from conquered European nations. Again, this money flowed to
Germany. To Hitler. In gold alone, we are talking about $378 million. U.S.
government officials were aware of this and condoned it, even though they
were both contributors to, and administrative officials of, BIS.

In December 1941, Standard Oil of New Jersey, General Motors, ITT, and Ford
had a total of $200 million invested in Germany. It stayed there during the

This is only the beginning of a much longer story, in which many of the names
are known.

Avi told me that the cult in, California he and Karen had belonged to sent
cash to a Nazi cult out of the country

"Cash?" I said. "Why does a Nazi group need money if the big shots got out of
Germany with millions?"

"Rich church, poor church," he said. "Ever hear of it? The Vatican owns huge
tracts of land but their private schools can't buy new books. Same with the
Nazis. The nest egg is held back and the groups have to hustle."

"So that's it? This California cult sent cash out of the country? That's the

"They sent it to Chile."

"Who to?"

"The Colonia Dignidad. In the south."

"I've heard about it."

"Well," he said, "then you know they helped overthrow President Allende. It's
a Nazi torture center. For real Nazis who got out of Germany after the War,
and their proteges. They set up a sophisticated communications link there, so
they can talk to other Nazis in different countries. They're allied with the
worst right-wing lunatics in Chile."

"I've read about it," I said. "They have 30,000 acres. Soundproofed torture
rooms. They hook people up to shock machines and sit in other rooms,. It's
remote control. Amnesty International finally got in and inspected the place."


The Colonia, an estate outside the town of Parral, is notorious among Nazi
hunters and human rights groups like Amnesty. People have disappeared there
and have never been seen again.

I said, "I understand they do cultish rituals too."

"I think so," Avi said. "The ancient Teutonic stuff. The California cult
group has sent a few people there. A few of their members."

"For what?"

"I don't know what they told them, but the result may have been torture. I
guess you could say they supplied victims for the Nazis."

"What the hell for?"

"How should I know?" he said. "Torture is for the torturers."

In another conversation with Avi, I was told that Karen's group in California
also helped distribute cocaine from Colombia and Bolivia into the U.S.

"Ever hear of Carlos Lehder Rivas?" Avi said.

"The head of the Medellin cartel."


"He testified against Noriega in Miami."

"That's right," Avi said. "Carlos was a Nazi. He set up a political party in
Colombia, the MCLN, in the early '80s. A Nazi party. He was always talking
about Hitler as the greatest man who ever lived — and how he was going to use
cocaine as the weapon to destroy the United States."

"He was a cokehead, right?"

"Yes, but I think he meant what he said."

"You mean, cocaine would poison people's brains on a large scale?"

"Something like that," Avi said. "Addict people, and Carlos would make a hell
of a lot of money, too, and use it in various ways against the U.S."

"So the group? You handled cocaine?"

"A select number of us. We dealt with cutouts, a few levels down from the
Cartel, from the big people in Colombia. We never met the chiefs. But Nazism
was the connection. The agenda was to destroy the United States."

"Did you run guns, too?" I asked.

"No. That was Klaus Barbie's thing, in Bolivia."

"You were a committed Nazi?" I asked.

"I was committed to money I was on board as a semi-pro, you might say."

"So what happened?"

"We lost our connection to Medellin. Also, I began to see that Carlos was
right. If we got enough drugs into the U.S. we could change history — for the
worse. I guess I have a little bit of conscience. Not much, but it's there. I
don't like Nazis."

"Did many of the people who joined this cult, this secret society in
California, know what was going on?"

"No. It worked in layers. Some people came in because there was a big chunk
of mysticism. Other people liked the blood. The animal sacrifices. Not many.
And then there were those who operated in the drug area."

"What about the people who disappeared into Chile?"

"The Colonia probably killed them. They were innocents, I guess. I wasn't
involved with that. I only heard about it later. Probably a few eager beavers
in the group here thought they liked Nazism and went down there. They thought
they'd get some kind of advanced training. Instead they became guinea pigs.
See, to some people, the Colonia looks like a community. A farm, a free
medical clinic, a bakery. They have their own power source there. I think the
generators are there

for a time of chaos. That's just my guess. A potential retreat for Nazis from
all over the world. There was an American there. Michael Townley. He designed
the remote-controlled torture rooms. An electronics guy."

"Are you sure," I asked, "that the California group sent down a few people to
Colonia, and that they were tortured? Killed?"

"That's what I heard," Avi said. "I can't guarantee it. I wasn't there. Maybe
this was made up to scare people. How should I know?"

Of course it was not only the Nazis in Chile who had a hand in overthrowing
President Allende. The American CIA was involved up to its hips.

There is much speculation about the number and names of German scientists who
were imported directly into what became the CIA after World War II. The human
experimentation in the concentration camps has a similar foul ring to the 149
MKULTRA mind-control projects of the Agency. We do know that top Nazis
Reinhard Gehlen and Otto Skorzeny folded directly into CIA efforts to gain
intelligence on the Soviet Union after World War II. Gehlen's own German spy
network on the Eastern Front was lifted nearly intact into the CIA.

John Marks, author of The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, states that SS
doctors Kurt Plotner and Walter Neff did mind-control research on prisoners
using mescaline and hypnosis at Dachau, and that records of their lunatic
experiments were taken at the close of the War by the Americans and hidden in
CIA and Pentagon files. Classified. They have never been released. Why not
release them? To save Americans the horror of learning what humans will do to
one another? I don't think that is the reason. The obvious reason is to
protect what is considered "usable technology."

In Blowback, his book on American recruitment of Nazis into government
positions, Christopher Simpson states,

Between 1945 and 1955, 765 scientists, engineers, and technicians were
brought to the United States under Overcast, Paperclip, and two other similar

At least half, and perhaps as many as 80 percent, of the imported specialists
were former Nazi party members or SS men, according to Professor Clarence
Lasby, who has authored a book-length study of [U.S. government Operation]
Paperclip ... [for example] Major General Walter Schreiber, who had once been
instrumental in medical experiments on concentration camp inmates by the
Luftwaffe ... Overcast and Paperclip were just the beginning ...

Consider this possible scenario: Certain elements within the CIA, protected
by secrecy and a vast unquestioned budget, and elements of the SS who escaped
Europe in 1945, or who were baldly promoted into the upper levels of the new
German society with the help of Konrad Adenauer, joined forces. And that
resultant group, which has spread discreetly into other elements of U.S.
intelligence, are a most powerful secret society of the day

For those who are utterly baffled or enraged by the suggestion that groups of
apparently opposing ideologies could secretly join together, let me offer a
quote from Hitler's own architect and master designer, Albert Speer. It is a
glance into the creation of pre-defined spaces for the masses:

I recall, incidentally, that the footage taken during one of the solemn
sessions of the 1935 [Nazi] Party Congress was spoiled. At [Nazi filmmaker]
Leni Riefenstahl's suggestion Hitler gave orders for the shots to be refilmed
in the studio. I was called in to do a backdrop simulating a section of the
Kongresshalle, as well as a realistic model of the platform and lectern. I
had spotlights aimed at it; the production staff scurried around — while
Streicher, Rosenberg, and Frank could be seen walking up and down with their
manuscripts, determinedly memorizing their parts. Hess arrived and was asked
to pose for the first shot. Exactly as he had done before an audience of
30,000 at the Party Congress, he solemnly raised his hand. With his special
brand of ardor, he turned precisely to the spot where Hitler would have been
sitting, snapped to attention and cried: "My Leader, I welcome you in the
name of the Party Congress! The Congress will now continue. The Fuhrer

He did it all so convincingly that from that point on I was no longer so sure
of the genuineness of his feelings. The three others also gave excellent
performances in the emptiness of the studio, proving themselves gifted
actors. I was rather disturbed; Frau Riefenstahl, on the other hand, thought
the acted scenes better than the original presentation.

By this time I thoroughly admired the art with which Hitler would feel his
way during his rallies until he had found the point to unleash the first
great storm of applause. I was by no means unaware of the demagogic element;
indeed I contributed to it myself by my scenic arrangements. Nevertheless, up
to this time I had believed that the feelings of the speakers were genuine.
It was therefore an upsetting discovery, that day in the studio, when I saw
that all this emotion could be represented "authentically" even without an

I asked Avi if he had ever seen any CIA people around the California group.

"There were rumors," he said. "I can't be sure. See, with the Colombians,
with Carlos, there were always stories about the CIA cooperating in the
cocaine trade. Not the whole goddamn CIA, but certain people. There was one
guy who came to a few meetings of the group in California. He was interested
in promoting a little hypnosis project."

"What kind of project?"

"To increase group loyalty."

"How did it work?"

"I think he would put people in a light trance and then play tapes about the
group and its mission. Maybe flash some symbols on a screen."

"Did it ever get off the ground?" I asked.

"I think the people in the group, the leaders, were opposed to it. This guy
they didn't know, He came in from the outside.

The leaders had their own plans anyway"

"What plans?"

"Building a desert community. Which they never did. They would keep the
members busy every spare waking hour. Work was their idea of controlling

"This outside man with the hypnosis program. It was rumored he was CIA?" ,

"Not exactly You see, he was an 'independent researcher.' He was doing a
study, he said. He made it sound academic. But to hypnotize people, to get
them to be more loyal, doesn't seem like academic research. I think it was a
front. Somebody was interested in experimenting on cult members. Who does
that kind of research? People from intelligence agencies."

I had another conversation with Karen. She said, "I remember the man. He
called himself Charles."

"The one with the hypnosis project?"

"Yes. I went out with him a couple of times."


"He liked me. I let him hypnotize me. I wanted to see what it was like. He
started flashing numbers on a screen in the dark. We were at the meeting room
in the barn."

"Just regular numbers?"

"At first. Then he switched over to strange symbols. I'd never seen them
before. They looked a little like Hebrew but they weren't. Maybe a cross
between Arabic and Hebrew. I asked him what they were. Later he told me they
were just warm-ups. Something to get me in an easy frame of mind."

"Because they didn't make any sense."

"That's what I think. You know, you get vague. These symbols flash by. It's
like looking at calculus. What does it mean?"

"How long did the symbols continue?"

"About five minutes."

"That's a long time."

"I thought so. Then he put up the Seal of Solomon. The meshed triangles. He
flashed that maybe fifty times. Different sizes, different colors."

"Did he say anything while this was going on?"

"Yes. He acted like a hypnotist. He told me to relax, to

focus on the screen and just relax. He said I was becoming calmer. I'm not
sure if that was the word. But I did feel myself sinking into a warm feeling."

"And the Seal was flashing by on the screen."

"Yes. And he said I was a good person and part of a good group of people.
Things like that. Praising the group. Then he said I was moving into the
Seal. I should feel myself going inside the triangles to the center.
Psychically moving. I went with it. I felt like I was moving in some space,
through the air."

"Were you doing this on your own?"

"I surrendered to him. I let it happen. He took over."

"You went into the Seal."

"Yes. I told him I was there. He said that was good, and he said in the
center of the Seal was a place of peace, and I could always go there as long
as I was part of the group. I would always be welcomed inside the Seal, in
the magical place. I think I dozed off at that point, for a minute."

"Was there any chance he gave you drugs?"

"No, I felt very clear, except I was fading into his words. I was being

"How long did you stay inside the Seal?"

"A few minutes, I guess. I don't know. While I was there, he said he was
going to pass along a few secrets to me. I had to promise I wouldn't tell
anyone. I don't remember this part too well, but he said I was now really in
the group, I was in the place where the group was really located. I remember
thinking this was a version of heaven. I was in the perfect place."

"He was hypnotizing you to feel this."

"Sure. He said that this was where I could have-sex. I could be in this place
and have sex, and it would be sacred. He said I could think about getting
rich in this place, inside the Seal, and my thoughts would be magnified in
power frm this place. He said something about a swastika, too. He said it was
a symbol of the rotation of the eight points of the universe. The universe
was built on eight centers, eight psychic places of magic. This was a message
I was supposed to remember and keep secret. He said the whole universe faced
in different directions at different times, and he would eventually tell me
what that meant, and how I could take advantage of that. But I had to be in
the perfect place, inside the Seal, for any of this to work. He told me to go
further into that space, into the center of the Seal. I did. I felt like I
had the ability to do that, to follow his directions. He slowed them down,
the Seals. They stayed on the screen longer. I was reacting to the colors and
the sizes. Not in any way I can describe, but they were making an impression
on me."

"Did he ever mention the CIA to you? After the session?"


"Did anything else happen in the session?"

"He pretty much left it there. I know he thought he'd be having a lot more
sessions with me. But I left the group soon after that."

"The hypnosis sounded effective."

"It was."

"With more sessions, he might have put you under his control."


"Did he say anything to you about this method of his?"

"He said the advanced form of it was based on doing a personality profile on
me. Asking lots of questions."

I told her that a psychologist named John Gittinger, who had once worked for
the CIA, developed a well-known Personality Assessment System, as it was
called, to measure people intelligence agencies might have some use for or
dealings with. (PAS is mentioned briefly in Orrin DeForest's book, Slow Burn:
The Rise and Bitter Fall of American Intelligence in Vietnam.)

"Well," she said, "Once, when we were out eating dinner, he said intelligence
agencies had a way of looking at people based on their potential weaknesses."

"How did this come up?"

"I don't remember. I think we were talking about hypnosis and how it could be

"Did he ever mention the Nazis or Nazi symbols?"

"The swastika, like I told you. That's the only time. He did remind me about
the animal sacrifices, though. A few times. He seemed to harp on it."

"In what way?"

"That I had participated in it. The suggestion was that I was a bad girl for
doing it. He wasn't criticizing me. He was reminding me that I had done it.
So I would remember. It was as if I had taken a silent oath. I was bad, and
the hypnosis part could put me in the good place. That's what he was doing."

"During the hypnosis," I asked, "did he show any other images on the screen?"

"Scenes of farmland. A forest with trees and clouds showing through. Nature
scenes. They were on the screen while he was talking. He was very calm. There
was a picture of children playing in a big yard, too. Pretty children."

"Did he talk about these scenes?"

"No, I don't think so. They were just there. They were nice. Restful."

"Did he mention loyalty to your group?"

"It was more about going to the place in the center of the Seal. If I
understood that, I would be loyal, because that was home. That was where
everybody was. It was not only a peaceful place, a good place, it was a
sensual place too. It was a place where sexual things would be more intense,
where we could connect in a more intense way."

"A home away from home ... A world."


A statement from Charles Higham came to mind. Higham is a former New York
Times reporter, a man not given to hyperbole. He authored Trading With the
Enemy, the thoroughly researched history of a "money plot" involving elite
players on both sides of the Atlantic, men who colluded before, during and
after World War II — who essentially bet on both sides to win the War, and
put their monies where their mouths were. Their concern was power, pure and
simple. Higham called them The Fraternity. He wrote:

... the members [of the Fraternity] sought a common future in fascist
domination, regardless of which world leader might further that ambition...
Several members ... [supported] ... a police state that would place The
Fraternity in postwar possession of financial, industrial, and political
autonomy. When it was clear that Germany was losing the war the [American and
British] businessmen became notably more 'loyal' [to their own governments].
Then, when war was over, the survivors pushed into Germany, protected their
assets, restored Nazi friends to high office, helped provoke the Cold war,
and ensured the permanent future of The Fraternity.

In Karen, was I looking at a person who had collided with a very minor
fragment of that essence, who had met up with a far-down-the-line hybrid of
Nazi and American intelligence in turn derived from a collaboration of power

As evidenced in Dean Radin's book, The Conscious Universe, the U.S.
government has long been interested in what might be called psychic and/or
New Age phenomena. Radin discusses funding for, and results of, the psychic
remote-viewing experiments carried on at the Stanford Research Institute in
the 1970s. The CIA has been notorious for investigating groups or researchers
who claim to have the ability to demonstrate psychic phenomena. The CIA's
interest, of course, is in collecting new "weapons" that can be used to
gather intelligence, to spy, perhaps even to affect behavior at a distance.

Was Karen's group a slightly far-out exploring ground for a funded CIA
researcher, who was told to go out and see what he could discover in a cult
setting, with unaware subjects? Was this a testing place for trying out
methods of "personnel control?

It made sense to me that this Charles, with his slide show and hypnotist's
air, was establishing a psychic space — the center of Solomon's Seal — where
the subject could "go." Undoubtedly, this would function as a place where
control could be exercised, a pre-defined space whose landscape could be
fleshed out, as a kind of artistic endeavor, if you will, by the controller,
by the person who would by degrees dominate his subject.

It was a stripped-down example of the kind of space one could encounter in a
cathedral, under the power of a priest, as a child, while the mighty organ
played and the hundreds of candles flickered, while prayers were intoned in
Latin, while duties were carried out to the letter in a slow but precise
fashion ...

pp. 151-163



Let us push forward this symbol-art of the secret society into a very strange
venue, into the lowest venue of human activity.

Let us think about a secret society called the CIA. Let us widen that group
and make it looser by calling it "departments of the U.S. intelligence
establishment which have carried on secret mind-control experiments on

Books have been written about the subject. Three of the most significant are
John Marks' Search For the Manchurian Candidate, Alan Scheflin's The Mind
Manipulators, and Walter Bowart's Operation Mind Control.

According to Alan Scheflin, these books were all begun from the same starting
point: ten boxes of declassified CIA materials made public as a result of
Freedom of Information Act requests in the mid-1970s.

The ten boxes of documents concerned a program called MKULTRA, which
officially had been carried on between 1952-3 and 1964. Its purpose was to
program or interrogate, humans in such a way that they would not be able to
resist, or know that the programming had been carried out. In effect, the
secret intent was to make a robot who could act strictly on orders but who
would not remember being given those orders. One who could not be
de-programmed or discovered by "the other side."

One could command such a person to kill an enemy, to have sex with an enemy
for blackmail purposes, to steal and store information, and so on.

One might also use the same methods to obtain secret information from
captured enemies.

There are many opinions about the relative success of MKULTRA. I am not
writing this book to argue that case.

However, it is clear that the Agency tried very hard to achieve its goals.

The following statement is part of a (non-CIA) memorandum dated June 27,1994.
It is written by "Advisory Committee Staff" to members of its own
(Presidentially appointed) Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments.
This memo takes up the matter of an ongoing search into CIA records to see if
the Agency had carried out illegal experiments on humans using radiation. The
search was being done in conjunction with public hearings in Washington on
the explosive matter of the U.S. government, in past years, condoning and
sponsoring the perverted administration of radiation to U.S. citizens, "on a
research basis."

The Advisory Committee Staff writes,

In the 1950s and 60s, the CIA engaged in an extensive program of human
experimentation, using drugs, psychological and other means, in search of
techniques to control human behavior for counterintelligence and covert
action purposes. The possibility that CIA itself engaged in human radiation
experiments emanates from references in a 1963 CIA Inspector General's (I.G.)
report on project MKULTRA, which was a program "concerned with research and
development of chemical, biological, and radiological materials capable of
employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior."

That is as clear and authoritative a statement as a novice needs to
understand that the CIA did, in fact, run the mindcontrol project called
MKULTRA. The fact that the above Committee subsequently did not find evidence
that the Agency employed radiation convinced almost no one. The Agency,
dedicated to covert operations, would normally and naturally behave covertly
about exposure of an operation that would infuriate the public to the skies.

The most conservative of the original books on CIA Mind Control, Search For
the Manchurian Candidate, reveals undeniable documentary evidence that the
Agency was carrying out tests to induce amnesia in human subjects about its
interrogation of them. This of course would also extend to attempts to
program individuals to carry out assignments.

In other words, one strategy was to use drugs and other methods to obscure
completely periods of time during which CIA hypnotists, programmers and
interrogators worked on people.

On March 15,1995, at 1 p.m., in the Executive Chambers, The Madison Hotel, in
Washington D.C., Chris DeNicola and Claudia Mullin, patients of New Orleans
therapist Valerie Wolf, and Wolf herself, began testimony to the President's
Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments.

Essentially, the three witnesses would allege that DeNicola and Mullin had
been used for CIA-military radiation experiments which, however, were just a
part of wider-ranging mind control "treatments."

Wolf had already forwarded to the Committee over a hundred pages of testimony
on this matter. They not only included expanded statements from DeNicola,
Mullin, and herself, they contained letters and testimony from therapists and
patients around the U.S., many anonymously offered, recounting horrendous
mind-control sessions, in some cases spanning decades. According to this
testimony, CIA-military personnel had employed hallucinogenic drugs, spinning
tables, flashing lights, hypnotism, physical torture, rape, threats of murder
and abandonment, and the actual murder of other victims in their experiments.
A purpose seemed to be the achievement of programming of sex-agents who could
be used for blackmailing "enemies." Another, more inclusive goal was the
inducing of multiple personalities in the victims. It was claimed that these
artificial personalities could be slid in and out of awareness through
trigger commands, like drawers in a file cabinet.

Wolf's pages of testimony, and the statements given by Mullin and DeNicola to
the Committee, indicated that all of this had been done to children. DeNicola
said she was four years old when her nightmare began. Mullin stated she was

DeNicola, in her testimony, asserted,

I was in what looked like a laboratory and there seemed

to be other children. I was strapped down, naked, spread eagle, on a table on
my back. Dr. Greene had electrodes on my body, including my head. He used
what looked like an overhead projector and repeatedly said he was burning
different images into my brain while a red light flashed aimed at my
forehead. In between each sequence he used electric shock on my body and told
me to go deeper and deeper while repeating [that] each image would go deeper
into my brain ... I felt drugged because he had given me a shot before he
started the procedure.

DeNicola is talking about an attempt at establishing a slavemaster's control
over her mind, in part by the use of images. So at the lowest level of
secret-society human degradation, there is the use of non-literal images to
program behavior. This is the lowest level of secret-society "work" to
impress a universe on the mind of another person — with torture.

DeNicola, in an expanded version of her testimony, stated that her handler
"used what looked like an overhead projector so that I could see the image.
It was an upside down triangle called 'The Green Empire."'

DeNicola continues: "He kept burning different images in my brain like
triangles and other odd shapes."

An anonymous therapist, whose written testimony became part of the Committee
record, wrote about the mind-control programming done on victims she
subsequently treated: "Intricate programming codes [used] included Greek Alpha

    bet, Kabbalistic terms, colors, numerology  .

Another anonymous therapist lists "types of mind control programs," including
"colors, symbols, numbers."

Even if one wanted to reject this testimony from top to bottom and call the
whole thing fictitious, there would still be an obvious assumption contained
in it that non-literal forms are to be used to program the mind.

This is precisely what secret societies, cults, and hierarchical religions
do. This is part of their low, low art.

As I mentioned earlier, in secret societies, shapes and symbols have taken a
pre-eminent place in the work of convincing adherents that the message of the
cult is real and profound and beyond the normal scope of human knowledge.

In less coercive societies than the example above, authorities rigidly
position all "official" symbols so that they convey a restricted meaning.
More accurately, they combine a vagueness with a literal meaning in order to
fix the mind. This hypnotic effect is key.

Take, for example, the universally known eye above a truncated triangle.
Labeled as Masonic or ancient Egyptian, the combination of shapes would do
justice to any decent surrealist painter. The viewer has a moment of
non-comprehension. His mental computer doesn't make anything of the strange
juxtaposition. He draws a blank. That blank causes a slight but definite
vulnerability. At that point, he learns about the ancient building of great
structures by "the original Masons," and the all-seeing eye and the work of
the future in making a better world, etc. The aspirant tends to accept the
explanation, no matter how foolish or simplistic, because he is slightly
trapped by the non-literal symbol.

The lone triangle is used by many groups in the same way. The shape itself
means nothing. It has no label. In that sense, it is a little unsettling.
What is it doing, the viewer asks. Why is it sitting there alone?

Salvador Dali's famous melting watch could have the same effect, if
self-appointed authorities began to attach arcane meanings to it. Why not?

Dali himself made a second career out of explaining his paintings. He very
archly assured one and all, for example, that his grossly elongated lions
really did imitate nature. For proof he supplied doctored photographs of
lions in which their torsos began to look serpentine.

The surrealists reveled in the strangeness of shapes and combinations of
realities. They really did open up unthinkable and marvelous universes. But
theirs was essentially a revolution of cutting loose the anchor of fixed

The secret societies seek literal domination over the mind.

That is why they create art. That is their kind of work. They try to restrain
the human mind from reaching freer levels of creation and imagination in
which much wider versions of life swim into view.

They set -themselves up against the Tradition of Imagination.

pps. 180-185

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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