-Caveat Lector-


It Takes A Village Idiot (to destroy a family)
by Edgar J. Steele
Published 03. 22. 2002 at 8:16 PST
Meet Yinka and Vanessa Fasinro. They are a couple like any you might know. They
live in North Carolina, often characterized as a bastion of conservative living. Take a
few minutes and walk along with me in their shoes. The ones they are wearing right
now - today. Learn how their lives are being vandalized at this very minute by our -
that's as in yours and my - legal system. This is just another in a flood of CPS
nightmare stories washing through American society.

The more I write in this area, the angrier I become. Read the rest of this piece. 
be mad as hell, too - I promise. But, it will be good for you - I promise that, too.

These parents' first mistake was in using a leftist (i.e., "it takes a village to 
raise a
child") pediatrician who got them into "the system." this guy has done it to many
others, I guarantee you. Many of those referrals to CPS (called DSS in North
Carolina), too, were baseless and ended up in the parents' favor. That doctor does
not share the department's immunity. A couple of lawsuits by parents will reign him in
pretty quickly. I'm sure there is a local parents' rights group there; they should 
this sort of thing independently by keeping lists of these doctors and checking them

Those parents' rights groups should also cull out the true rogue CPS workers who
appear in case after case of truly abusive conduct by the state and help to fund
federal Title VII suits against both the departments and those rogue agents; their
immunity doesn't stretch to that venue, you see.

The second mistake was in letting the first agent in the door without a search
warrant. They should have made her stand on the porch, then brought the child to
the window and shown it to her. Then they should have called their lawyer and gotten
the name of a good CPS lawyer that would come to their house immediately.

I'm not sure how draconian North Carolina is, but it sounds about on a par with
Colorado and Oregon. If so, then their third mistake was in not, that first night,
packing the car and moving out of the state permanently. I'm not kidding about this.
No, it is not an overreaction. It is simple self preservation.

It is easy to hire a moving company to come in and pack up all your remaining
belongings and ship them to you. It is easy to have a real estate agent peddle your
house. Jobs are easy to find. So are new friends. It is a literal stake driven into 
heart to have your child taken away.

The fifth mistake was in not having a CPS- savvy lawyer present at the house for the
next encounter.

They avoided the fourth mistake of not having another doctor immediately examine
and report the child normal, though that seems to have been lost on the judge; doubt
that it will be lost on an appellate court, however. If they ever get the kid back,
ultimately it will likely be because they had the good sense to do this one thing.

Thus far, note how little involvement there really is by a lawyer, who is propped up
simply as a scare tactic. Up to this point, this is how parents win their cases.....by
making sure they don't become cases....and, it is the easiest and cheapest way, by
far, to win these Attack-of- the-Snatch'n'Sell-Child-Nazi cases.

Now, however, the Fasinros are deep in the bowels of the system, with the only way
out being to bow, scrape, say "Yassuh, mastuh," at every turn and jump through
every impossible hoop set out by the system. To do otherwise is to tweak the nose of
these impudent bureaucratic nazis, which causes them to mark you for termination of
parental rights.

Oh, did I forget to mention selling everything you own to pay for the lawyers?

Silly me. I also forgot to mention that you might end up facing several years in prison
on trumped-up charges of child neglect.

And guess who gets a bill for the state's involvement?

By the time people realize what's at stake, it is already too late.

Problem is, in these custody cases, the state holds all the cards... and they have
stacked the deck... and they are dealing from the bottom. Not that they need to, with
all those aces stashed up their sleeve.

The rules of evidence do not apply. You are forced to deal only with the documents
and witnesses the state provides. You have no right to conduct any sort of
investigation. You have no right to have your child independently examined, once
they seize him or her. A judge sits in sole judgment, without a jury. The proceedings
are conducted in secret, away from the public eye. You are literally guilty until 
innocent. Problem is, there is never any way to prove your innocence.

To think that so many talking media heads have made so much about Bush the
Second's military tribunals for foreign nationals, when our legal system already treats
some of our solidest citizens in far worse fashion!

Oh, and don't forget about the sizable bounties paid to state agencies for every child
snatched and sold/adopted out - over $4,000 per child, with up to $50,000 available
to the referring and examining medical "professionals" if they simply conclude that
the child has been abused. This is one of the enduring legacies of the Clinton
administration. Talk about a recipe for tyranny and injustice.
There are many lawyers on this list. I know that most of them are sitting there, right
now, saying to themselves that this can't possibly be true, just as every parent who
has not yet been tyrannized by the state is doing. They have no experience in this
area, I guarantee you, because it is true and is even worse than just depicted. I was
twenty years in legal practice before I handled my first snatch'n'sell case and that
was exactly my response. And, I did a fair amount of family law, including trials, 
the way. Now, I know better.

Used to be, these cases weren't all that common. The federal bounty structure, taken
together with the transformation of our government into a genuine model of fascism,
has changed all that. I get at least one email about another case like the Farinos at
least once a day now. And, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

New America. An idea whose time has come.

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