-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----

> In a message dated 3/24/02 7:46:13 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >-Caveat Lector-
> >
> >In a message dated 3/24/02 3:22:46 AM Central Standard Time,
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> >>
> >> comic=db&uc_daction=X
> >
> >  Doonesbury is so boring and non-edgy.  I always wondered why Trudeau
> >was so
> >popular until I learned about his connections.

>  Trudeau is one of the few folks to have turned down a tap from Skull and
> Bones.


George Bush, DC '48, William F. Buckley, Jr., DC '50, and Garry Trudeau, DC '70; some 
of the most illustrious Elis have been members
of Yale's infamous secret societies. Recent exposure in the big-budget thriller Skulls 
and a more intellectual Atlantic Monthly
article have only added to the mystique and notoriety of Yale's exclusive societies. 
Although associations such as Skull and Bones,
Book and Snake, and Scroll and Key are inextricably linked to the Yale name, these 
societies play a small part in the lives of most
undergraduates, since they consist solely of a few seniors. Nonetheless, the looming 
presence of their various "tombs" and the
mystique they inspire make secret societies an intriguing part of Yale life.


>From Trudeau's own site (
http://www.doonesbury.com/strip/faqs/prevq_ot.htm ) -

Q: Is Garry Trudeau the same Garry Trudeau who was a member of Yale's Skull
and Bones Society in 1970?
- Brian Smith, St. Louis

A: No, he's the same one as the Garry Trudeau who was a member of Yale's
Scroll and Key. George W. Bush is the same George W. Bush that was a member
of Yale's Skull and Bones in 1968, though.



George Upson Waller, who grew up with George Bush Sr. in Greenwich
Connecticut, and went to Andover and Yale together was also "tapped" in
Skull and Bones. Mr. Waller is part of a special "cell" from 1945 which only
had 10 members instead of the standard 15: "It was during the war years and
they weren't terribly selective at that point. They were more desperate and
only ended up taking 10 people my year. Most people were off at the war. In
a normal year I wouldn't have made it."

When GVG asked Mr. Waller about some details regarding Skull and Bones he
replied "I suggest you should read Gary Trudeau, he's got a lot of it right.
I'm a devotee of him."



The real Skull and Bones has a similar mania for secrecy, and according to
Yale tradition, Dubya and his fellow "Bonesmen" are required to leave the
room if the society's name is so much as uttered in their presence.
"Doonesbury" cartoonist Garry Trudeau - during the late '60s a member of a
rival society, Scroll and Key - once broke into the Bones headquarters (he
won't tell us how) and defiled the place by scrawling one of his comic-strip
characters, the football-helmeted B.D., in the guest book.


IOW, who cares if it's "edgy," Samantha. Trudeau's making a direct reference
to S&B. I'd say that's at least worth mentioning, no matter which way your
tail flies on it.

- jt

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