Title: Message

Does anyone else find it inconsistent with the policy stated on Sept. 11

that the US would sit down with Yasser Arafat and have discussions about

peace in the Middle East. Don't get me wrong I'm all for getting Israel

and the Palestinians to come to an agreement and live peacefully. But my

understanding it that the US will not negotiate with, have contact with or

deal with terrorists. Arafat is a know terrorist, has been for years. Just

because he is the "recognized" head of the Palestinian Authority doesn't

mean he still isn't a terrorist. For someone who is supposed to be a leader

he has no control over his people, so why are we talking to him. Maybe it's

time to find a new Palestinian to work with. Arafat doesn't seem to be up

to the task Maybe I'm missing something here, if so please let me know what

your take on the matter is.


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