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on the portion of this missive about which i have direct knowledge, this is

----- Original Message -----
From: "nexusmagazine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 10:58 PM
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] You people had better read this one!

> Dear list,
> I received this via two emails this morning.  I would love to know your
> thoughts on who it is.
> best
> Duncan
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------
> During the Iran/Contra operations, I worked with Ollie North as a
> commander in the NSO (name most often used was "Bob"). I was on the
> ground the day Hassunfus went down. Robert Gates and Ollie argued about
> sending me in. Bob Gates said I was not controllable (true
> statement)...Ollie said I was the best for the job (Equally true). I was
> accompanied and disguised as a reporter (female operative with me as
> cover-distraction). With intent, I led the opposing forces into the
> staging area where the Arkansas National Guard were staging and Hassunfus
> was. I knew about the drug running into Mena and the Bush involvement. I
> exposed the operation for this reason.
> In the early days of the Arkansas drug running, shipments were airdropped
> in remote regions using homing devices. One such drop was discovered by a
> young boy hunting. Those that retrieved the drop eliminated the boy and
> tried to make it look like an accident. "William Clinton" made the fix
> for the investigation. I was present at many of the meetings Bill had
> with elements of organized crime and the FBI involved in establishing
> Mena. The mother of the boy was cautioned outside the courthouse by a man
> wearing a blue dress jacket. He told her powerful people had a vested
> interest in not uncovering what truly happened to her son.
> I was the designated money guy for the Hughes fortune (we were related)
> that has been and is the seed money for many of the Bush senior
> operations. After my active duty military, my NSO cover included my
> tenure as a Lt. for Sheriff John Duffy in San Diego (Reserves). Most of
> the NSO types were on Duffy's "unofficial" reserve list (a private army
> of about 600 at one time): Lent an air of credence to certain
> "in-country" operations with "official" id's and authority "as required".
> I atended many partiies at an exclusive San Diego restaurant where
> Attorney General Ed Meese liked to meet with Duffy when he was in town.
> Karen Wilkening (the infamous "Rolodex Madame" was his (Meese's) favorite
> squeeze.
> I stood next to Barry Seals when they took him from the homeless shelter
> and executed him on the trash pile. Contrary to what others say, although
> Barry Seals was a real live person, his "Name" was used as a cover by
> myself and others many times. The reported machine gunning of Seals in
> his car (how many homeless people drive their own cars?) WAS NOT SEALS!!!
> The executioners worked for the Spillotros Crime Family out of San Diego
> (Duffy had assigned me to his Organized Crime Unit to accompany the San
> Diego wiseguys-made a lot of friends & enemies). I was taken there as a
> warning to "cooperate" or else. I fully expected the second shot but knew
> they needed my contacts & my signature more than they needed my silence.
> Full control of the Hughes fortune was eventually forced (August 1993)
> from my control to George Millay and The Bass Brothers in close alignment
> to the Government via former pres. George Bush Senior. The night George
> Millay obtained my signature on the documents, he had a notary paid for
> and present ($10,000 for the job - He was nervous). They ran me to ground
> in Chula Vista, Ca. using coordinated Millay and company and paid police
> (always on the payroll in San Diego). When I refused to sign they drugged
> me (usual when I refused to afix my signature) and they had a close
> friend of mine under the gun in the front seat of the limo. I signed. The
> Hughes Tool Company passed to new hands. Baker/Hughes et all... took on
> new meaning!
> A few years later SD police under authority of "Bought and Paid" Carl
> Black, executed my friend in the Cleveland National Forest under orders
> of Gar Millay.
> I tell you these things after a long silence because I was from the
> beginning a member of another organization known as the "Library". My
> "borrowed time" is concluding; as forseen. The documents I gleaned over
> the years and loyal friendships I nurtured in many places will suffice
> long after I have departed. All that was entrusted to me now resides with
> the "Library" (Documents as well as $$$ gleaned from the Hughes trough).
> The following is an overview of the "Library" to which I belonged. I am
> no longer in direct contact with members due to the impeding move against
> me by law enforcement under control of Millay and company (his arrogance
> in these times will prove to be his demise - I have set the trap he
> cannot resist stepping into). I am occasionally contacted anonymously and
> kept informed of my status and things about to happen. My links to the
> "Library" are cut and secured. Cannot spill what I do not know: A
> safeguard built in when we decide to "go-safe".
> I have found a few sites to post this to. Feel free to use at your
> discretion.
> The Library:
> Those of the intelligence community, government, and
> military/industrial/intelligence complex that have become disillusioned
> with the operations of governments world wide have "come out" with
> critical documents. These documents map the history, sources, personage,
> events in rising, and the money trail of the hands and fingers of the New
> World Order conspiracy.
> For a number of years, documents have been maintained in an underground
> library as protection for those that cared to come out and contribute.
> Each has "insurance" assigned by the library with a "Threat of Release"
> for certain documents as protection for contributors and their families.
> Many members choose to remain in their influential positions while
> serving the purposes of the "Library" and recruit other disgruntled key
> figures.
> Information contained in the Library (distributed worldwide with no
> single source of cognizance-distributed architecture with built in
> firewalls) includes info dating back to the "Hoover Files". If the
> "Library" were to go public in full, various world governments could
> easily be indicted in a legitimate court of law (If such existed).
> It is not our collective desire to overthrow governments (this is the
> modus operandi of the NWO we oppose). To do so would throw nations into
> chaos with the open indictment of some of their most prominent figures.
> The World Order promoters thrive on thesis and anti-thesis and resulting
> chaos as seen in the recent and past events they have secretly concocted.
> We instead, maintain and disseminate at critical times, the only thing
> they fear: truth, the proof of the truth, and exposure of their
> operations in a controlled fashion.
> Our operations have included our direct involvement in and exposure of
> Iran/Contra, Arms for Hostages, The CIA bank, Offshore money laundering
> (Carolco studios via BCCI as principle agent), Whitewater,...to name a
> few.
> In view of the wealth, power, and agents of the NWO, they cannot be
> overcome in a collective fashion from without. We believe they can be
> overcome from within. In recent years, many have become disillusioned in
> new policies and actions conducted by their group and have opted to
> recruit from within towards the end of the NWO. We believe, eventually,
> our group within the "Library" will overcome the influence and power of
> the NWO core personalities.
> Currently, in this country, illicit funds garnered through money
> laundering schemes (Carolco, Hughes Medical Foundation-Institute, Enron,
> Carlyle Group, etc..) and estate/business scams, extortion, and contrived
> crimes (Duke, Hughes, Dupont, Ramsey, Jose Trias-Hughes MI, etc...) have
> been used to create prominent figures in the financial community to
> include: George and Gar Millay, Sid and Lee Bass, Ted Turner, Donald
> Trump, Bush Senior (AOL stocks, Carlyle Group), Rupert Murdoch (Robert
> Maxwell preceded-FOX was a Hughes holding) etc... These are not
> "self-created" individuals. They have simply "fed at the trough" and made
> their appropriate bargains as "caretakers" of their holdings with control
> relegated to the NWO hierarchy. Turner screamed like crazy when "They"
> told him to donate the $1 Bil to the United Nations.
> These people are aware of the "Library" as they have made several
> incursive breeches to "test the waters". Our mutual defense of releasing
> data to sympathetic parties and organizations through tried and proven
> sources have proven "fail-safe" in securing breeches: "The cost of
> intrusion is extremely high".
> I would like to conclude by saying: "This time around...the Watchers are
> watched". Pay particular attention to the names cited herein. They have
> planned a concerted intrusion of our membership and we intend to respond
> with a flood of empowered truth (far more than they believe we hold).
> Their membership shall be rightly affected, to say the least!
> Pay particular attention to forthcoming news concerning "The Carlyle
> Group", "Paramount/Viacom", NBC, Hughes Company (Now incorporated in Las
> Vegas with the blessings & "participation" of Bush and company),
> "Baker/Hughes", a certain Universal Studios big budget movie (Robin who?)
> that was "made to disappear" (Sean Connery & Sean Penn-This drips with
> government/FBI $$$ bribes via Millay, et all..). The "Truth" about the
> embarassing TV mini-series North and Bush had removed: Copies exist and
> MORE (the MOSAD keeps good records - now in the "Library"). Ian Spiros:
> The most important info he had WAS PROPERLY DELIVERED in Borrego Springs
> BEFORE the SD sheriffs dept. did the thing (The Bush involvement with SD
> crime families, Savings and Loan Scam - it first apppeared on the San
> Diego scene via the Spillotros Crime Family - Lebanon and hostages,
> etc..). What REALLY happened on the lake when the Cy Young winner was
> decapitated.The OWNER had signature control of the ball club and the
> Hughes fortune. He was driving the boat!... Junior got his baseball team
> and more!!!
> There is a ray of hope on the horizon!!!!
> Anonymous
> Follow-On
> A founding member of our organization saw the gathering of like-minded
> power early on. As he was in a position to provide funding for their
> efforts, He chose to bind them to a common source (the trough from whence
> they fed). He realized that even without a common source, they would
> eventually succeed without suitable trace ability as to "from whence they
> came, those of like mind, and how they came". The "trough" of funds, as
> he was a key member in charge of principle funding, is the common thread
> that documents their rise! The Fabled Hughes fortune ($21 Bil on the
> books in 1976 - far more off the books) is the seed of all that is
> happening now. The money trail and participants is documented! The only
> thing missing; "Does anyone really care to know the truth. Or have we
> become a nation of angry fearful little mice ready to march into the sea
> at the sound of the flute!"
> Our founder's foresight led him to "bring in" an individual that would
> eventually rise to become their dominant link. The "dominant link" is
> also its "weakest link" due to its "predictable" nature. The domionant
> link has risen in power to threaten the existence of other members (our
> founder predicted his expulsion by this individual and in fact counted on
> it and the ensuing concern by other members). Many trusted members of the
> NWO are awakening to the true nature and risks of their plan and will
> eventually engage the "Library" in like cause.
> This aspect of the "Library" (from its very inception) has only recently
> been realized by the dominant link. The search for OBL's funding would in
> reality only take 2 or 3 weeks with the doors to the banks open! The real
> search is for the "Library" funding. This too was foreseen!! The Hughes
> fortunes did not go to all places some might think!!!
> We are quite prepared to deal with pending incursions. Our objectives
> were clear from the start and current (and pending) events were predicted
> and prepared for!! Our greatest advantage; We know THEIR membership and
> weaknesses. They do not yet know ours!! Private showings of documents are
> being conducted worldwide. Key people are now being informed as to what
> TRUTH really is. A promise made to these people is being kept: "A war
> like you have never seen...A war you cannot win. That which you cannot
> intimidate, extort, or kill with guns...a war of TRUTH EMPOWERED". There
> really are more things in heaven and earth than we can imagine. We are
> not alone...
> The "Library"
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------
> (end of email received)
> Duncan
> Duncan M. Roads
> Editor, NEXUS Magazine
> PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
> Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381
> http://www.nexusmagazine.com
> "The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
> On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
> (Aldous Huxley)
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