-Caveat Lector-

A Beautiful MindGame        by andrew hennessey

I saw the film and analysed the book - of the life of professor nash, and
the bit that suddenly made real sense to me about his life were the bits
that were not in the film.

Now folks may or may not know that I have written an
icke-like book PLUS Telepathy called Monkeys of Eden,
which expounds the telepathic sabotage of the underling humans that the
reptilian race have forever trashed.

but my stall is set out due to personal experience -
regarded as schizo after an alien abduction - and where I then developed
free energy theory after tesla
www.zeroparadoxuniversity.com - I literally had the Men In Black turn up to
attempt to erase it from my mind - and the governement Did get involved - as
you may see from chapter 5 of monkeys of eden.

However - in my opinion - this puts me in the best position to judge what
happened to Nash - quite simply He Was GOT.
At University - the brilliant human scholar with no telepathic
signature/operancy comes up with an Economic Theory that will change forever
the balance of economic dominance on this planet - then guess what - he runs
into the subtle manipulation of reality that his rational mind cannot
explain - aliens only he can see - the overlord of antartica - where do we
all hear this before ?
The sexual deviance bit of his life sounds like reptilian manipulation -
reptiles like nothing better than the back passage and access to the
So to my way of seeing it what happened to John Nash was that a Human -
non-telepathic genius altered the status quo of economics to make it more
efficient, more civilised, more capable of growth and stability - and he was

The Reptiles want Anarchy and Chaos - and at the heart of their academia is
the ancient reptile conspiracy that perpetuates human incapacity eg the free
energy, unified theory, unified robotics etc - all the suppressed solutions
are there to keep the monkeys on this planet, dying and under control.
see www.thecosmicseduction.com the conspiracy of science

Nash upset that balance by producing civilising theories, constructive
theories - and the Beings that may or may not hang out in antartica, or
under the earth - the same old negative forces that tried to silence my
intellect in its quest to solve free energy theory - Got Nash.

Yes you can see Beings that other people can and cannot see - these entities
may or may not behave rationally - there are no rules to it - and these
beings Do exist - and may have come to deploy an agenda - in nash's case -
they came to derail him and prevent him from making the stockmarket more
efficient and perhaps prevent him from solving the many other artificial
paradoxes that keep the Human Race chained up to the dark Ages.

Nash was done by the reptilian conspiracy - I'm certain.

andrew hennessey

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