-Caveat Lector-

This article ignores that Saddam's government is generally secular in
nature, not Islamic, and that Saudi Arabia is haging on to Iraq as part and
parcel of stability, as the US has done alternately with them and with Iran
(which is also part of generating an amount of instability in the region)
for decades. It also paints all Arab countries incorrectly with an Islamic
brush. There is, indeed, a problem with the cultures of Arab and Western
European coming to terms, but it does not reside in Islam. Nor do the West's
problems reside entirely in Israel. To see it in such simplistic terms is to
ignore the history, and the history runs much deeper than this. But we are
the Imperialists now, and we dictate the terms, right? But whose culture has
survived for thousands of years? Forget Islam, as that is but a new facet.

This article's author relies upon the very distinctions it wishes to decry,
which are made by some Arabs, in order to ensure the reader feels they are
fanatics, and seems to suggest the only answer, like Ann Coulter has, that
we just dispense of them all. Considering, however, that there are over one
billion Muslims in the world, many of whom are not Arabic, the author seems
to be lighting the kindling for the holy war of holy wars: the "long and
hard war against murderers and terrorists" (i.e. Arabs, Muslims, over one
billion strong, but not one in the same), and I wonder if Victor Davis
Hanson has considered that, or whether he rather relishes that.

Them craaaaaazy Arabs!

- jt

----- Original Message -----
From: "Edward Britton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/hanson/hanson.shtml

The 1930s, Again
A hard rain is going to fall.

By Victor Davis Hanson, author most recently of Carnage and Culture:
Landmark Battles in the Rise of Western Power.
March 25, 2002 8:30 a.m.

n some ways in our war against the terrorists we are like the democracies
of the late 1930s. They knew that there was more to Hitler than his avowed
quest for the return of the Sudetenland or the Alsace-Lorraine. They sort
of suspected that an entire, venerable culture in Germany and Japan had
gone off the deep end. And while there was a certain logic to Hitler's
diatribes that a moralistic England had no more right to distant India than
did Germany to nearby Danzig, most deep-down knew that such parlor-game
banter simply masked a much larger dilemma - how to corral a very powerful
dictatorship and its axis that wished dominance not coexistence, and whose
fuel was brutal force and autocracy, not democracy and freedom.

For England, most of Western Europe, and the United States, reeling under
recent economic depression and hardly recovered from the sheer horror of
the First World War - carnage unlike any in the long history of warfare -
the idea of forceful resistance was little short of insanity. Filmstrips of
German Panzers, thousands of Japanese shouting "Banzai!," and even
Mussolini's comically delivered, but hateful rants overwhelmed the senses.

How could one stop such madness? And might it just go away with proper
diplomacy? And why did "militarists" in the West insist on rearming and
thereby "provoking" war? And was not there some truth to German grievances
and Japanese hurts? And did anyone really wish to risk millions of innocent
Americans and British to kill equally innocent, although perhaps
mesmerized, Germans? Who was stirring up such animosity?

We are in a similar dilemma - in our hesitation about Iraq, our pressure on
Israel, and our worries about mission creep in pursuing the killers. Can't
the Jews and Arabs just get along? If Israel would just give back all of
the West Bank, wouldn't there be peace? Didn't we just fight in the Gulf a
mere decade ago? How do we know that Saddam Hussein really has such
dreadful weapons? Shouldn't our allies get involved too? Do these
undemocratic Muslim countries really dislike us all that much? Who can
trust polls anyway? Why are these saber-rattlers trying to get us into a

And so we Americans, like those 70 years ago who so wanted a perpetual
peace, pray for a return of sanity in the Middle East. We chose to ignore
horrific stories of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia - the embryo of 9/11. We are
more amused than shocked that madrassas have taught a generation to hate
us. When mullahs in Iran speak of destroying Israel we wince, but also
shrug. We want to see no real connection between madmen blowing themselves
up to kill us in New York and the like-minded doing the same in Tel-Aviv.
We put our trust in peace with a killer like Mr. Arafat, who packs a gun
and whips up volatile crowds in Arabic. All the while, no American
statesman has the guts to tell the Arab leadership that statism, tribalism,
fundamentalism, gender apartheid, and autocracy - not America, not Israel -
make their people poor, angry, and dangerous.

Rather than preparing for what our enemies are preparing for us, we look to
gestures of appeasement. Does not the Islamic world appreciate the presence
of General Zinni? Do we not give billions to Arab countries? Did we not
save Kuwait and Muslims throughout the globe? Who in the Arab world could
really think that the murderous Taliban were preferable to the present more
enlightened government in Afghanistan? And although Middle Eastern males
blew up our planes, people, and monuments, have we not had a national
discussion about the evils of profiling those from the Middle East in our
airports and stations? Don't Muslims tell their kindred back home how much
freer they are in America than in Iraq or Syria?

Like the dashed hopes of the 1930s such faith is not only misplaced, but
also dangerous. The efforts of countries like Iraq to acquire nuclear
weapons might under the present pressures grow dormant, but they will not
cease. A nuclear Pakistan is a tottering military dictatorship away from
Armageddon. Bribed autocracies in Jordan and Egypt are allies only in the
sense that their unelected leaders promise to jail their nuts and
fundamentalists who otherwise might turn on them as well as on us. Polls
everywhere in the Middle East reveal not mere anguish, but real enmity
toward Americans. Public pronouncements in Iran are not any less hateful
than what emanated from Berlin in 1936. Thousands of al Qaeda killers have
escaped - and thousands more are angry over the death of the comrades and
kin and planning carnage for us as we sleep.

Only a few of us Americans really take the Islamic world at its word - that
one in three is reported to think (representing, say, a small number of
around 200 million?) that the murder of 3,000 Americans was justified; that
two of three believed no Arabs were involved; and that even higher poll
numbers reflected real antipathy for the West.

After 30 years of listening to nauseating chanting from Teheran to
Islamabad to Nablus, hearing the childish rants about "The Mother of All
Battles" and "The Great Satan," and witnessing presidents from Carter to
Bush burned in effigy, the ritual torching of the American flag, the
misspelled banners of hatred, the thousands of paint-by-the-numbers posters
of psychopaths from Khomeini to bin Laden, televised threats that sound as
hideous as they are empty, Nazi-inspired anti-Semitism, embassy takeovers,
oil-boycotts, hijacked planes, cars, and ships, lectures from unelected
obese sheiks with long names and gold chains, peacekeepers incinerated in
their sleep, murders at the Olympics, bodies dumped on the tarmac of
airports, shredded diplomats, madmen in sunglasses in Iraq, Syria, and
Libya, demented mullahs and whip-bearing imams in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia,
and Iran, continual televised murders of Americans abroad, our towers
toppled, our citizens butchered, our planes blown up, hooded Klansmen in
Hamas and Hezbollah, killers of al-this and Islamic-that, suicide bombers,
shrill turbaned nuts spouting hatred on C-SPAN broadcasts, one day the
salvation of Kuwait, the next sanctions against the swallower of Kuwait,
the third day fury against the sanctions against the swallower of Kuwait,
the fourth day some grievance from 1953, the fifth another from A.D. 752;
and all the time sanctimonious fingerpointing from Middle Eastern academics
and journalists who are as bold abroad in insulting us as they are timid
and obsequious under dictators at home in keeping silent, I've about had
it. No mas. The problem is you, not us - you, you, you..

I don't listen any more to the apologies and prevarications of our whiney
university Arabists, our equivocators in the state department, and the
really tawdry assortment of oil men, D.C. insiders, bought and paid for PR
suits, and weapons hucksters. The truth is that a large minority of the
Middle Eastern world wishes a war with America that it cannot win - and
much of the rest is apparently either indifferent or amused.

So we should stop apologizing, prepare for the worst, hope for the best,
and accept this animosity - just as our forefathers once did when faced by
similar autocrats and their captive peoples who threatened us in 1941. I
don't know about the rest of America, but I am proud that thugs like
Khaddafi, murderers like Saddam Hussein, inquisitionists like the mullahs
in Iran, criminals in Syria, medieval sheiks in the Gulf, and millions of
others who do not vote, do not speak freely, oppress women, and are not
tolerant of religious, gender, or ethnic diversity don't like me for being
an American. I would find it repugnant if they did.

No, their hatred is a badge of honor, and I would have it no other way. I
am tired of the appeasers of the Middle East on our Right who fawn for oil
and trade, and those pacifists and multiculturalists on the Left who either
do not know, or do not like, what America really is. I'd rather think of
all the innocent dead on 9/ 11 than give a moment more of attention to Mr.
Arafat and his bombers.

The truth is that there is a great storm on the horizon, one that will pass
- or bring upon us a hard rain the likes of which we have not seen in 60
years. Either we shall say "no more," deal with Iraq, and prepare for a
long and hard war against murderers and terrorists - or we will have more
and more of what happened on 9/11. History teaches us that certain nations,
certain peoples, and certain religions at peculiar periods in their history
take a momentary, but deadly leave of their senses - Napoleon's France for
most of a decade, the southern states in 1861, Japan in 1931, Germany in
1939, and Russia after World War II. And when they do, they cannot be
bribed, apologized to, or sweet-talked - only defeated.

In that context, we see much of a whipped-up Arab world entering this
similar period of dangerous unreality. The problem is them and their
unelected and unfree regimes, not us - just as it was Hitler, not us; Tojo,
not us; Mussolini, not us; and Stalin, not us - just as it always is when
unelected maniacs take control and hijack an entire country and culture. We
can either step up and stop Islamic fundamentalism, Arab terrorists, and
Middle Eastern dictators or we can step back and watch it all continue to
grow. If 9/11 was the beginning of a war, then we should remember that wars
usually end when one, not both sides, win

Edward   ><+>

If you have fifty problems and one of them is government, you have only one

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