Lockerbie Libyan 'is innocent'

The Commons' longest-serving MP has told the House that the man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing is innocent.

Labour's Tam Dalyell called on the Government to examine the case following claims that vital documents had gone missing in the investigation.

Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi this month lost his appeal at a Scottish court in the Netherlands against his conviction for the biggest mass murder in British history.

Mr Dalyell, using Parliamentary privilege in a Commons debate, questioned Megrahi's conviction: "This Easter, an innocent man, innocent of the monstrous crime he was found guilty of committing, languishes in Barlinnie prison in Glasgow.

"His name is Abdelbaset Al Megrahi. Before Parliament rises, the House ought to get an undertaking that the British Government, yes the British Government, and not a highly controversial devolved Crown Office in Edinburgh, will address certain questions."

He said that not one of the 129 members of the Scottish Parliament had been prepared to take a "sustained, in-depth view" of the Lockerbie case.

Some 270 people died when Pan Am Flight 103 exploded over Lockerbie on December 21 1988.

Mr Dalyell said a former police constable, Mary Boylam, had been asked to give a statement to the procurator fiscal regarding her activities at Lockerbie.

As the request had come almost 11 years after the event, the retired WPC phoned Livingstone Police Station to ask for her notebook only to be told it had gone missing.

Mr Dalyell said: "Who gave the instruction for the destruction of the notebooks? After all this was the biggest murder trial unresolved in Scottish legal history. The answer to this question is more likely to be found not in Edinburgh but in London."

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