-Caveat Lector-

on 3/31/02 1:39 AM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Very interesting stuff

A few thoughts:

> ** First and foremost:
> Right off the bat, we smell something fishy in the fact that on
> September 11 at 8:30 AM Engine 7 -- the fire station closest to the
> World Trade Center -- received what turned out to be a spurious report
> of an "odor of gas" about a half-mile AWAY from the WTC to the north.
> This potentially serious but false report served to take the 7th
> Battalion's chief Joe Pfeiffer and a crew TRAINED in dealing with
> explosive/incendiary conditions AWAY from the Trade Center location...
> at the EXACT TIME the first plane impacted the tower.

This is only significant if such "spurious" reports happen rarely. If the
happen frequently, it is less so. Without that data this is only half a
fact. ( this is so oft the case, people use half statistics, as proof - its
a basic innumeracy in our culture)

I don't know what this number is - so I can't say......

> ** Second:
> Ranking NYC fire official Chief Pfeiffer notified higher
> authorities WITHIN MOMENTS of the plane's impact that the incident was
> CLEARLY a deliberate attack; an intentional act of mass death and
> devastation. As the small crew that had eye-witnessed the first plane
> hit the WTC was racing to the location, Chief Pfeiffer sounded red
> alerts over the radio and phone; specifically stating that what they
> witnessed was a "DIRECT ATTACK," that the plane was clearly being
> directed straight at the building and the incident was definitely NOT
> any kind of accident.

One call in a situation like this is not as telling as the author makes it
out. In hectic situations like this there is a lot of info flying around,
little of it coordinated - less of it verified.

> When the above-noted fire crew and cameraman Jules Naudet
> arrived at WTC's tower one along with other fire crews and entered the
> building's
> ground floor lobby, they were to a one completely puzzled -- actually
> astonished -- to find SIGNIFICANT and widespread damage to the entire
> lobby area; although NOT of a deep, structural kind. Moreover, NOWHERE
> was there ANY indication whatsoever of an incendiary-type explosion or
> ANY kind of fire in this area.
> Yet the incredible number of blown-out windows and other extensive
> though rather superficial damage throughout the lobby area was
> profoundly perplexing to these EXPERIENCED professional firefighters in
> relation to the impact of the plane eighty stories above. As one put it:
> "The lobby looked like the plane hit the lobby!"

> According to this visual evidence, it is OBVIOUS and irrefutable that OTHER
> EXPLOSIVES (apparently of a non-incendiary kind such as concussion
> bombs) HAD ALREADY BEEN DETONATED in the lower levels of tower one at
> the same time as the plane crash -- before ANY fire crews and rescue workers
> arrived at the scene!

Here the author wants it both ways. if a non incendiary explosive can
explain this damage, so can the shock wave of a plane crash and explosion.

> ** Fourth:
> ALL the hundreds of professional firefighters massing at
> tower one AND their chiefs and superiors -- a number of whom had
> eye-witnessed the plane's actual impact -- along with other emergency
> services personnel familiar with and trained to deal with such
> disasters, were VERY surprised to find that EVERY SINGLE ONE of the
> north tower's elevators was OUT OF COMMISSION. Despite the obvious
> severity of the impact and the ensuing explosion and fire in parts of
> the building eighty stories above, these professional firefighters and
> rescue workers were at a loss to explain how EVERY SINGLE elevator
> could have been knocked out. Clearly, SOMETHING ELSE besides the plane
> crash was responsible for this truly dangerous state of affairs, which
> was a big factor in the large number of fatalities which ensued.

While I donąt ask elevator repair men about fires, I donąt ask rescue
workers about elevators - but the plane did cut through the entire building,
didnąt it?
Wouldnąt this cut elevator lines, and disrupt power?

> ** Fifth:
> After the attack on the first tower, which had been reported
> by Chief Pfeiffer and other officials to higher authorities as a
> DELIBERATE AND HOSTILE ATTACK, the occupants of tower two were in the process
> of being evacuated. But THEN, obviously issuing from some diabolical source,
> word was spread throughout tower two's communications system that there
> was NO FURTHER DANGER and that ALL OCCUPANTS should return to their
> offices! Thus: Although clearly and SUSPICIOUSLY there was a VERY low
> attendance rate in both WTC towers that day, SOME agency or other took
> very deliberate steps to ensure that whoever WAS there that day was
> almost certain to die.

A bureaucratic response is not always intentionally evil. Panic is what
usually causes deaths - not expecting the building to collapse, some idiot
thought he was doing the right thing, by telling people to stay put.

The workday had not quite begun  so the buildings were not filled yet

They only people who died were those ABOVE the crashed planes.

> ** Seventh:
> Explosions of varying loudness can be heard going off
> repeatedly throughout tower one during the time fire crews had set up
> their command post there after the first attack. WHAT WAS CAUSING THESE
> EXPLOSIONS? This is never even commented upon: but what else is there to SAY
> about this other than OTHER EXPLOSIVE DEVICES were DEFINITELY being
> detonated throughout the building after the plane had hit?!

Ever been in a fire? Things that burst into flames in closed areas sound
like explosions (hence the phrase "burst into flames". Gas lines igniting,
power junctions explode - in short shit blows up. Get a clue.

> The south tower, which suffered far less damage than tower
> one, somehow or other crumpled to the ground. Professional fire and
> rescue workers on-site were in a state of near-total disbelief. THIS
> And THEN the same thing happened to the north tower.

Steel doesnąt have to melt for a building to collapse. It just has to deform
enough to not be bearing the load anymore. That happens at a far lower temp.
than melting.

> And even MORE unbelievable: other than 3-4 inch thick steel beams
> jutting out everywhere which showed NO sign at all of having become
> softened, melted or anything
> similar, there was literally NOTHING LEFT of these gargantuan structures
> but DUST.

Again - you can't have it both ways. If there is nothing left but dust, its
hard to say if there is any sign of melting or softening.

> Moreover: EACH of the Trade Center's twin towers had a TWO HUNDRED
> THOUSAND+ GALLON water tank atop it. That's nearly a HALF-MILE gallons
> of water atop those two buildings. And not a single drop of it reached
> the ground.

Is the author saying the water wasnąt there?

> In the words of Engine 7's Joe Casaliggi: "You have two 110-story office
> buildings. You don't find a desk; you don't find a chair; you don't find
> a telephone or a computer... . The biggest piece of a telephone was half
> of a keypad.
> "There was nothing left of those buildings BUT DUST."
> And we're supposed to believe that was caused by burning jet fuel --
> THAT'S BASICALLY KEROSENE, folks -- which had LONG SINCE burned
> off in the initial fireballs.

Jet fuel. Plastics. Wiring. Paper. Wood. Masonry. Furniture. computer.
Bodies. Rubber. Chemicals. Etc. they all burn. It all counts.

I'm not saying my explanations are right and these in the article are wrong
- but things are not so clear as the author tries to make out.

All the thoughts of a turtle are turtle

                                  Emerson, Journals, 1855

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