-Caveat Lector-

It's much more convenient to label people such as the one described
below as 'mentally ill' than it is to make a *serious* effort to
determine if their claims are true...



DOCUMENT NO. Z-578-28-2683-D4
Issued to: Ernest R. Johnson


This appeal has been taken in accordance with Title 46 UnitedStates Code
239(g) and Title 46 Code of Federal Regulations 5.30-1.By order dated 2
June 1976, an Administrative Law Judge of theUnited States Coast Guard
at San Francisco, California, revokedAppellant's seaman documents upon
finding him guilty of misconduct.

The specification found proved alleges that while serving as an able
seaman on board the United States SS PRESIDENT MCKINLEY under authority
of the document above captioned, on or about 23 December 1975, Appellant
without provocation committed wrongful assault and battery with his
fists upon the vessel's Boatswain.At the hearing, Appellant elected to
act as his own counsel and entered a plea of not guilty to the charge
and one specification.The Investigating Officer introduced in evidence
five exhibits and the testimony of three witnesses.In defense, Appellant
offered in evidence his own testimony.At the end of the hearing, the
Judge rendered an oral decisionin which he concluded that the charge and
one specification hadbeen proved. He then served a written order on
Appellant revoking all documents issued to Appellant.The entire decision
and order was served on 2 June 1976. Appeal was timely filed on 21 June


On 23 December 1975, Appellant was serving as an able seaman on board
the United States SS PRESIDENT MCKINLEY and acting under authority of
his document while the ship was in the port ofYokohama, Japan. At about
2130 hours on this date the vessel's Boatswain was engaged in preparing
the vessel for departure. TheBoatswain ordered an able seaman to call
the deck crew, which included Appellant, so that the gangway safety net
could be taken aboard. After the deck crew had been summoned, the
Boatswain noticed Appellant's absence. He then went to Appellant's
quarters and ordered him to help take in the gangway safety net.
Appellant responded that he had not been called. The Boatswain returned
to the deck and questioned the able seaman whose duty it had been to
summon the deck crew. The able seaman stated that he had notified the

At this time, Appellant came on deck. TheBoatswain informed him that the
able seaman had said that he had alerted the Appellant whereupon
Appellant called the Boatswain a liar. The Boatswain replied, "Well,
that's all I can go by." Appellant then attacked him with his fists,
knocking the Boatswain to the deck and pummelling him when he attempted
to get up.The altercation was not logged by the ship's Captain until 4
January 1976. The Captain testified that he had been requested by the
ship's Deck and Engine Room Union delegates not to log Appellant as they
were fearful of his reaction.On 16 January 1976, a hearing was held
concerning a charge ofmisconduct and one specification against Appellant
for wrongfullyassaulting the Boatswain. Following presentation of
evidence, the Judge ruled that a prima facie case had been established
against the Appellant.The Appellant testified in his own defense,
alleging that the charge had been, "arrange to have a record against my
papers," andinvolved, "intentional and lying testimony by all involved."

Appellant became increasingly incoherent during testimony, statingthat
the source of his troubles stemmed from an "electronic device"which had
allegedly been implanted in his head and that he was being persecuted by
a group of religious radicals.The Investigating Officer made a motion
that Appellant be examined by a Public Health Service doctor for
psychiatric evaluation. The Judge issued an interlocutory order to that
effect on 13 February 1976 ordering Appellant to report to the Public
Health Service Hospital in Washington, D.C., a location Appellant had

The doctor who examined Appellant diagnosed his condition as "paranoid
schizophrenia, manifested by paranoid delusions, auditory hallucinations
and emotional withdrawal." This conclusion issupported by Appellant's
handwritten brief in which he refers to alump on his head as the source
of voices and other "undesirablefunctions."

BASES OF APPEAL(1) The testimony of the Master and Boatswain in which
theydescribed the altercation and the crew's apprehension of Appellant's
potential for violent behavior is false.(2) The Public Health Service's
diagnosis of Appellant'smental health is incorrect.APPEARANCE: Appellant
pro se.OPINIONII find that the evidence required to conclude that
Appellantcommitted wrongful assault and battery upon the Boatswain
issubstantial and probative.

This evidence included the testimony ofthe ship's Master and the
individual assaulted, as well as that of a crewman who witnessed the
altercation. As has been stated by many times, it is the function of the
trier of facts to assign weight to the evidence and resolve conflicts.
Although the testimony of the ship's Master was hearsay, it may still be
given whatever weight the Judge determines that it is worth. The
solelimitation is that his findings may be based upon hearsay alone(see
Appeal Decision No. 1770 (CAREY)). The Judge had declared that he found
a prima facie case against Appellant to have been proved following the
testimony of the Boatswain. The affect of aprima facie case was
discussed in Appeal Decision No.477(BECKFORD):"Thus, the Investigating
Officer's prima facie case was basedon a rebuttable presumption which is
sufficient to establishthe case so long as there is no substantial
evidence to the contrary. Although the burden of proof did not shift,
theaffect of this prima facie proof was to put the burden on
theAppellant of going forward with the evidence."

Appellant's contention that the evidence presented by thewitnesses was
fabricated as part of a continuing conspiracy failsto refute the prima
facie. The findings of the Judge will not bedisturbed absent a showing
that the Judge was arbitrary orcapricious. As the record does not
indicate that the Judge actedin an arbitrary or capricious manner, his
findings are upheld.IIAppellant's assertion that the Public Health
Service doctor'sdiagnosis of his mental state is erroneous collapses in
view of thestatements made by Appellant during the course of the
Hearing.Throughout, Appellant alleges that the case:

"was set up strictly to make a bad record, and establishfurther bad
record and relieve me of four to five thousand dollars." Appellant also
makes reference several times to an electronic device implanted within
in his skull which he maintains is thecause of his difficulties. In
short, Appellant's own words best illustrate the accuracy of the
doctor's diagnosis. In connection with the framing of an appropriate
order, it is well to keep in mind that the primary function of the
administrative hearing is the promotion of safety of life andproperly at
sea. The Public Health Service doctor has stated that the Appellant,
especially in view of his refusal to take medical treatment, is likely
to interpret:"any problems on board the ship as being connected to his
paranoid delusional system; this could lead to furtherdifficulties, such
as the fight on board ship that was theoccasion for the court
hearing."As was stated in Appeal Decision No. 1931 (POLLARD)."An
individual who cannot exercise a great deal of self-restraint during
minor disagreements in not fit to pursue such an occupation."

In the present instance, Appellant has not only demonstrated aninability
to cope with minor disagreements, but has been diagnosed and shown
himself capable of manufacturing illusions which maycause him to react
violently. In view of these factors, there is no alternative but to
revoke Appellant's seaman's documents.


It is concluded that substantial evidence of a reliable and probative
nature has been presented to support the findings of the Judge that
Appellant, without provocation, committed wrongful assault and battery
upon another crew member. It is also decidedthat the Judge's finding
that Appellant is not fit for duty at sea s amply supported by the
diagnosis of the examining doctor andAppellant's testimony.


The order of the Administrative Law Judge dated at SanFrancisco,
California, on 2 June 1976, is AFFIRMED.


MARtin F. ABErnathy --- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] --- 04/01/02

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