The Journal of Historical Review -- March-April 2000, p. 63.

Defining "Jew" has never been simple. Is he someone who practices
Judaism, the Jewish religion, or is he identified by his ancestry? While
many Americans assume that Jews are essentially a religious group, Jews
themselves take for granted that their community is much more
ethnic-national than it is religious.

Benjamin Netanyahu, until recently Israel's prime minister, frankly
regards Jews as members of a racial group. Speaking in February to a
gathering of nearly a thousand Jews in southern California, he said: "If
Israel had not come into existence after World War II than [sic] I am
certain the Jewish race wouldn't have survived." (Daily Pilot, Newport
Beach/ Costa Mesa, Feb. 28, 2000, front page)

The Israeli leader went on to exhort his audience: "I stand before you
and say you must strengthen your commitment to Israel. You must become
leaders and stand up as Jews. We must be proud of our past to be
confident of our future." (Similarly forthright appeals by non-Jews to
racial-ethnic pride are, of course, routinely condemned as "racist" or "neo-Nazi.")

Echoing Netanyahu, an influential Jewish community paper with a
nationwide readership recently referred to Jews as a racial group. An
editorial entitled "Some Other Race" in the March 17, 2000, issue of the
New York weekly Forward urges readers to fill out the federal government
census form. It goes on to suggest: "... On question eight [of the form,
which asks about race], you might consider doing what more than one
member of our redaktzia [editorial staff] has done: checking the box
'some other race' and writing in the word 'Jew'."

Charles Bronfman, a main sponsor of the $210 million "Birthright Israel"
project to "sell Jewishness" to American Jews, expresses a similar
sentiment. He is co-chairman of the powerful Seagram company, and
brother of Edgar Bronfman, Sr., president of the World Jewish Congress.
"You can live a perfectly decent life not being Jewish," says Charles
Bronfman, "but I think you're losing a lot -- losing the kind of feeling
you have when you know [that] throughout the world there are people who
somehow or other have the same kind of DNA that you have." ("Project
Reminds Young Jews of Heritage," The Washington Post, Jan. 17, 2000, p. A19)

Theodor Herzl, the founder of the modern Zionist movement, stressed in
his seminal book Der Judenstaat ("The Jewish State"), published in 1896,
that Jews around the world constitute a Volk, that is, a people or
nationality, with interests different than those of the non-Jews among
whom they live. Accordingly, Israeli political figures and Jewish
community leaders in the United States routinely speak of "the Jewish people."

Consistent with that, Jewish leaders express alarm that so many Jews are
marrying non-Jews (an attitude that is denounced as "racist" if
expressed by non-Jews). Charles S. Liebman, a professor at Bar-Ilan
University in Israel, bluntly declares that intermarriage "violates the
most basic norms of Judaism [and] threatens Jewish survival." (Los
Angeles Times, April 17, 2000)

For decades a small number of American Jews -- notably Alfred
Lilienthal, author of The Zionist Connection, and Rabbi Elmer Berger,
leader of the American Council for Judaism -- worked hard to persuade
fellow Jews to reject Jewish nationalism (Zionism), and instead regard
themselves essentially as a religious group. Overwhelmingly, though,
Jews have rejected such pleas. Indeed, some of the most prominent Jewish
personalities of the past century -- including Albert Einstein, Ilya
Ehrenburg, and Israel's first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion -- have
been non-religious.

As a matter of basic state policy, Israel actively encourages
immigration of Jews -- defined by ancestry -- from around the world,
while at the same time strongly discouraging settlement by non-Jews,
even forbidding immigration of non-Jews who were born in what is now Israel.

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