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Send Flowers to CNN VP Sue Bunda for Hiring Begala and Carville is proud to announce a campaign to thank CNN for hiring Paul Begala and 
James Carville. For only $26.50, you can send a "Fair and Balanced Bouquet" of red, 
white and blue flowers to Senior VP Sue Bunda, the CNN executive responsible for 
putting Begala and Carville on the air. Please click below to learn more about this 
special offer and to place your order. does not receive any money for 
this, we just want to fill a room at CNN's headquarters in Atlanta with flowers for 
the woman who made it possible for us to see Begala and Carville!


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___.COMPOSITION______In This Issue_______________________________

Greg Palast Tour Hits Washington DC, then the Windy City

Anti-Bush Protests

Get Your Tickets Now for an Evening with Julie Hiatt Steele!

Carville and Begala Bushwhack the Bullies on Crossfire, Leaving Them in a Collapsed 

Thanks to Michael Moore's 'Stupid White Men,' Millions of Americans are Learning How 
Bush Stole Election 2000

Use Your Mail to Remind the World that Shrub is Illegitimate!

Here's Another Dirty Bush Secret - Bush Relies on Polls to Deceive the Public About 
his Policies

Bush's 'Nuclear Offensive' for Peace is Beyond Orwellian

Bu$h Ain't Exactly Dale Carnegie These Days

Bush Fiddles While the Middle East Burns

William Rivers Pitt: This Is Not Foreign Policy - It Is Chaos!

Instead of a Call to Arms, Dennis Kucinich Issues a Call to Peace

Bush's Homeland Security Pipeline

Andersen Lied About Its Insurance Coverage, Committing 'Treachery of the Highest Order'

Andersen is Broke, So Enron Investors Will Target Enron's Lawyers and Banks Next

Rich, White and Republican: The American Dream For Some, Paid for By the Rest of Us

And the Conservative Idiot Oscar Goes to ...

Human Rights Group Slams Bush Administration for Failing to Condemn Nigerian Massacre

Kissinger May Finally Be Held Accountable For His Role in Chilean Bloodshed

A Candid Interview with President Bush: A Fantasia of Hope

__Greg Palast Tour Hits Washington DC, then the Windy City

Investigative reporter Greg Palast had a hugely successful tour through the West 
Coast, and is now on the East Coast. On Wednesday, April 3, Greg will be featured live 
on C-Span's Washington Journal from 7:45-8:30 am. Then Greg will speak at the 
Communications Workers of America, 501 3rd St. NW (3rd and E), at 12 noon. Then Greg 
will speak at the Martin Luther King Jr. Library, 901 G Street NW, from 6-8 pm, 
co-sponsored by On Thursday April 4, Greg speaks at the University of 
Iowa, 100 Phillips Hall. On Friday April 5, Greg speaks in Chicago at 3111 North 
Ashland Ave. at 3 pm, then at the Jung Institute, 1567 Maple Avenue Evanston, IL at 7 
pm, both sponsored by Buy Back our Government.

__Anti-Bush Protests

On Wednesday 4/3, protest Cheney in Denver CO. On 4/15, protest Bush in Cedar Rapids 
IA. On 4/20, participate in major demonstrations against Bush's War in DC and SF.

__Get Your Tickets Now for an Evening with Julie Hiatt Steele!

If you happen to be in the nation's capital on April 27th, join at James 
Carville's restaurant to thank Julie Hiatt Steele for "for letting us keep our last 
legally elected President. Abraham Lincoln once asked us to appeal to the better 
angels of our nature. Come meet one of them"! Get your tickets while they last.

__Carville and Begala Bushwhack the Bullies on Crossfire, Leaving Them in a  Collapsed 

Monday night James Carville and Paul Begala made their debut on CNN's Crossfire, and 
made the more experienced Bob Novak and Tucker Carlson look like amateur bullies 
masquerading as political analysts. If you missed it and don't want to pour through 
the transcript then at least read our favorite exchange. Neither Carlson nor Novak can 
manage to craft a coherent sentence in defense of the Bush Administration's incoherent 
and indefensible policy toward the outbreak of full scale war in the Middle East. Way 
to go, "Carvala"!

__Thanks to Michael Moore's 'Stupid White Men,' Millions of Americans are Learning How 
Bush Stole Election 2000

In his BuzzFlash interview Michael Moore says, "The chapter that's received the most 
attention in the book - and I'm kind of surprised... - is the chapter "A Very American 
Coup"... We know all those facts about Florida and what Katherine Harris did, and the 
private firm that took African-Americans off the voting rolls and prohibited them from 
voting. But I've been surprised in this first week how many average Americans were not 
aware of all of the trickery and deceit that took place in the year before the 
election to fix it for George W. Bush. And if people read that - I mean, you should 
see some of the letters I've received - they have the sickest feeling in their gut... 
They cannot believe that the Bushes got away with this. And they're sick about it 
because they're Americans, because it goes against everything we believe in. Because 
they have people in their families who died for this country, for that very basic of 
rights, which is the right to vote and have your vote counted."

__Use Your Mail to Remind the World that Shrub is Illegitimate!

Join's "protest by mail" campaign. While supplies last, Political 
Amazon will send you 30 Bush protest labels to adorn all your mail. Just send them a 
self-addressed stamp envelope. While you're at it, you might want to order some of 
their "Read My Lips: He Did Not Win" activist baseball cards, too!

__Here's Another Dirty Bush Secret - Bush Relies on Polls to Deceive the Public About 
his Policies

Have you ever wondered why Bush emphasizes certain words in his sentences, like they 
were manufactured? Wonder no more - they were! "A Washington Monthly analysis of 
Republican National Committee disbursement filings revealed that Bush's principal 
pollsters received $346,000 in direct payments in 2001. Add to that the multiple 
boutique polling firms the administration regularly employs for specialized and 
targeted polls and the figure is closer to $1 million. That's about half the amount 
Clinton spent during his first year; but while Clinton used polling to craft popular 
policies, Bush uses polling to spin unpopular ones---arguably a much more cynical 
undertaking. Bush's principal pollster, Jan van Lohuizen, and his focus-group guru, 
Fred Steeper, are the best-kept secrets in Washington... They toil in the background, 
poll-testing the words and phrases the president uses to sell his policies to an 
often-skeptical public." When will the media expose Bush's poll-manufactured 

__Bush's 'Nuclear Offensive' for Peace is Beyond Orwellian

David Corn writes in Alternet, "Will someone please buy George W. Bush a dictionary? 
It's not that he needs to expand his vocabulary -- though a synonym for 'evildoer' 
might be useful -- but his administration has been misusing common words and, in the 
process, perverting political discourse. Days ago, The Washington Post reported the 
Bush administration's recently-drafted nuclear posture review -- the master plan for 
developing and structuring the U.S. nuclear force -- notes that nuclear weapons will 
be part of the U.S. 'offensive deterrence.' Offensive deterrence? Is this Orwellian, 
or merely Strangelovian?"

__Bu$h Ain't Exactly Dale Carnegie These Days

Talk about "making friends and influencing people" - other than the campaign 
contributors his policies cater to, Bush doesn't seem to be pleasing anyone these 
days. From the European Union to the usually supportive, most right-leaning members of 
his own party, Bush is as popular as a bee at a picnic. Party stalwarts like Trent 
Lott have recently been openly critical of what he considers to be meddling in state 
primaries, and even mild-mannered Dennis Hastert was quoted in the NY Times as saying 
"One of the things the White House will find is that the nature of Congress is not to 
stand up and applaud every time the White House does something. Do we need to send a 
birthday card every time?" Ouch! You gotta love it when Bush can't even keep members 
of his own party in Congress happy.

__Bush Fiddles While the Middle East Burns

As the Israeli-Palestinian conflict erupts into full-scale war, anti-American protests 
are heating up in several Arab countries, and critics are taking Bush to task for 
failing to stop the violence. If Bush spent a little less time planning an attack on 
Iraq and a little more time brokering peace, perhaps the region wouldn't be in the 
mess it's in now! Even former Reagan administration official Geoffrey Kemp, who ran 
Mideast policy at the National Security Council, is criticizing Bush on his inaction. 
"The supreme irony is that the greatest power the world has ever known has proven 
incapable of managing a regional crisis. A 2-year-old could have seen this crisis 
coming. And the idea that it could be brushed under the carpet as the administration 
focused on either Afghanistan or Iraq reflects either appalling arrogance or 
ignorance." How about both - Bush officials are both arrogant AND ignorant!

__William Rivers Pitt: This Is Not Foreign Policy - It Is Chaos!

As William Rivers Pitt points out in a editorial, Bush is captain of a 
"sinking ship of fools" when it comes to his foreign policy in the Middle East. "This 
administration has allowed the Middle East to become a bloodbath as it attacks the 
Stone-Age nation of Afghanistan, all the while failing to capture any of the agents 
behind the September 11th attacks... Meanwhile, the administration plans for war in 
Iraq while virtually ignoring Saudi Arabia, the birthing bed of international 
terrorism, because of its interests in the oil game...This is not foreign policy. It 
is chaos. If this is what happens when the adults are back in charge, the world yearns 
for the rule of those children who believed constructive engagement served the 
purposes of peace. We sail on dangerous waters, a jagged reef yawns before us, and no 
one is steering the ship." Too bad the illegitimate crew of that ship would take us 
all down with them.

__Instead of a Call to Arms, Dennis Kucinich Issues a Call to Peace

As Shrub leads us into a new dangerous era of embracing war and "bunker busting" 
nuclear weapons, House Progressive Caucus chair Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) calls for 
clearer-thinking heads to speak out for peace. "We have reached a moment in our 
country's history where it is urgent that people everywhere speak out... to protect 
the peace of the nation and world within and without. We should speak out and caution 
leaders who generate fear through talk of the endless war or the final conflict... 
Because when one person thinks: fight! he or she finds a fight. One faction thinks: 
war! and starts a war. One nation thinks: nuclear! and approaches the abyss. And what 
of one nation which thinks peace, and seeks peace?" Write your representatives today 
and urge them to support Kucinich's bill, HR 2459, to create a Department of Peace.

__Bush's Homeland Security Pipeline

"George W. Bush has been keeping quite a few things secret in the name of homeland 
security.  After all, we need to stop terrorists from harming Americans on American 
soil, don't we? Of course, I like to feel secure. And, if I felt Bush were drafting 
energy legislation to help oil companies exploit Afghanistan, then I'd have to say he 
allowed 9/11 to happen. 9/11 essentially cleared the way for Halliburton, Unocal, 
Enron, and other oil and gas entities to make the Afghanistan pipeline possible. And, 
9/11 enabled Bush to send U.S. troops to Afghanistan to clear away militant Taliban 
forces that are hostile to this pipeline project." So writes Harry Neville.

__Andersen Lied About Its Insurance Coverage, Committing 'Treachery of the Highest 

The NY Times reports, "A recent settlement by Andersen in a separate fraud case 
involving a former nonprofit client, the Baptist Foundation of Arizona, appeared to 
collapse. Andersen notified plaintiffs' lawyers and state officials by letter late 
Thursday that an offshore insurer partly owned by the accounting firm had refused to 
pay for the $217 million agreement, citing troubles with its own financial position... 
'This is treachery of the highest order,' said John P. Coffey, lead trial lawyer for 
the BFA Liquidating Trust, which took over the assets and businesses of the Baptist 
Foundation. 'It's a second stab in the back to everyone who lost money.' Mr. Coffey 
said that in mediation talks, Andersen lawyers had described Professional Services as 
a company that was controlled by the firm and would follow through on whatever 
agreement was reached." Yeah right - just one more big lie by Andersen, whose 
executives deserve LONG prison terms.

__Andersen is Broke, So Enron Investors Will Target Enron's Lawyers and Banks Next

One week ago, two judges overseeing lawsuits against Arthur Andersen by Enron's 
investors appointed a mediator. But "Andersen sent only one lawyer to the talks, and 
the lawyer was unable to answer questions about the firm's finances." So the mediator 
went to Andersen's HQ in Chicago, and apparently discovered Andersen is pretty much 
broke (although the NY Times won't quite say it). That means Enron's investors have no 
reason to settle, and will soon turn their fire to the pockets that appear to be 
deeper - Enron's law firm, Vinson & Elkins, and its banks.

__Rich, White and Republican: The American Dream For Some, Paid for By the Rest of Us

Many Americans who "make it" join the GOP as if it were an exclusive country club. 
"They see their voting card designation not as evidence of their right to stand up for 
what they truly believe as Americans, but as their ticket into an exclusive club. 
Instead of having a strong political philosophy founded on a personal belief system 
and knowledge of their party's history, they simply ape the boss or the rich neighbor 
down the street. When you question them too closely, you discover they don't really 
have any clue what being a Republican really means, what the party's pathetic history 
is. All they see is that 'rich powerful people are Republicans.' Therefore, if you 
vote Republican, some riches and power might rub off on you, too." So writes Cheryl 
Seal in Unknown News.

__And the Conservative Idiot Oscar Goes to ...

In honor of Oscar week, presents its "second annual Academy 
Awards for Excellence in the Field of Conservative Idiocy." Trent Lott's momma should 
be proud of his award as "Best Supported Hairpiece in a Losing Role", and Nixon must 
be spinning in his grave to learn he's won the "Lifetime Achievement Award for 
Paranoid Rants by Dead Presidents"!

__Human Rights Group Slams Bush Administration for Failing to Condemn Nigerian Massacre

The Bush and Blair traveling snake oil show has once more come under fire for its 
cavalier treatment of human rights in an ever-growing list of sites around the world. 
In a new, hard-hitting report, Human Rights Watch says the U.S. and UK looked the 
other way and remained silent after more than 200 unarmed civilians were massacred by 
the Nigerian army. Why the silence? Because Bush and Blair view Nigeria as a "critical 
strategic partner" and could care less about their human rights offenses. The attack 
came just 6 weeks after 9/11 - during a period when Bush was trumpeting to the world 
how all terrorism must be condemned and the perpetrators brought to justice. But only 
when it's convenient and doesn't interfere with "strategic partnerships," eh Bush?

__Kissinger May Finally Be Held Accountable For His Role in Chilean Bloodshed

Just when you start to wonder if the bad guys will ever have to face the music, a ray 
of light breaks through the darkness of impunity accorded the powerful. This week 
Henry Kissinger has been formally asked by an investigating judge in Chile to respond 
to questions about the killing of an American citizen, Charles Horman -- a journalist 
and filmmaker whose disappearance was made famous in Costa Gavras' film "Missing," 
starring Jack Lemmon and Sissy Spacek. There is overwhelming evidence that the U.S. 
government was actively involved in the coup that overthrew Chile's democratic 
government and the terror that followed (1973-1976). The evidence against Kissinger in 
particular can no longer be ignored. Btw - guess who served as Sec. of Defense 
1975-77, during the awful period of U.S. abuse of power overseas (including the East 
Timor invasion)? Yep, Donald Rumsfeld. And BushDaddy was CIA Director -- with a 
covered-up part in the car bombing of Orlando Letelier, Pinochet's adversary.,7369,675745,00.html

__A Candid Interview with President Bush: A Fantasia of Hope

President Bush seemed flustered by my question. "In our family," the President said, 
with something of a pained smile, "that period and those episodes are regarded as 
ancient, and somewhat embarrassing, history." "I certainly understand that, Madame 
President," I persisted, "but surely you have a personal view of what happened at the 
turn-of-the-century." There was a long silence. Her struggle to formulate an answer -- 
or even whether to formulate an answer -- was almost palpable.

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