(After all the jobs go overseas and Americans lose their jobs or take a pay cut, WHO is going to buy all those products imported back into the US?  American Companies that send their factories to Mexico and everywhere else are SELL-OUTS.  NAFTA is NOT free trade, nor was it designed to be.  It's purpose was to weaken America and further the globalist agenda. Right, Rush?)

America's Corporate Traitors
Didn't 9/11 Do Enough To The US?

By: Dorothy Anne Seese

The fact that America has been on an economic down cycle since mid-2000 is no secret, or shouldn't be to anyone who has been watching or listening to the news.   What isn't so well known is that many of the jobs that disappeared during the recent cutbacks, layoffs and "downsizing" operations won't return this time around.

The companies are moving operations to China, Mexico, and other cheap labor countries.

Thanks a lot!  Just what America needs is corporate traitors who don't believe enough in the USA to provide jobs for the people who made their companies successful through their work and through the purchase of their products.

Latest to announce its plans is Emerson.  I have a 1994 Emerson television and I suddenly feel like kicking it even though it works.  The built-in VCR died, but then all television is going high density by 2005, and the new thing is DVD rather than VCR, plus I seldom turn on the TV except to watch an event.  I do not use it for entertainment as much as information.  The only things I've watched recently that qualify as entertainment are the World Series, the Superbowl, and The Ten Commandments.

It's doubtful that we would have a recession in America if so many American companies had not moved out of the country, leaving holes where there used to be a workforce, and supplying third-world whiners and other enemies of the US with jobs for their people.   Then these folks want the UN to tax the remaining American workers to pay third world dictators as penance for being part of a once-rich nation.

Okay Emerson ..Okay Black and Decker... Okay General Electric ... and whoever else ... if I don't see a "made in America" label on your products, I will not buy them.   And I hope a whole lot of Americans join me.  If you are going to take away our jobs and our pensions, then I will be the first in line to see to it that you are forced sell your goods where they are made, to your underpaid cheap labor.  In China.   In Indonesia.  In the Philippines.  In all those nations that hate the US.  You are a frothing bunch of traitors who got rich off America and have joined the globalists that intend to take America down?  You deserve nothing but disdain in this nation, and I hope you get a swift kick in the grass from American workers and consumers.

I don't shop Wal-Mart or Target because of their huge amount of junk made in China.   If I see a "made in China" label I avoid it.  The last mistake I made was to pass by the Japanese microwaves (in 1994 also) and buy a General Electric. When I got home and opened the box, it said "made in Indonesia."  It was a frustrating moment, but I didn't take action when I should have, in 1994 I didn't own a computer, the internet wasn't what it is today, I didn't realize how extensive the corporate traitor movement had grown.

It's time for Real Americans to BUY AMERICAN.

It's time for Real Americans to understand that when we owe billions to nations who are our enemies, we're their slaves.

It's time for Real Americans to insist on buying "made in USA" only!

Dollars are corporate votes just as ballots are political votes.

And it's time to let these companies know that we don't intend to let them take away our jobs and thank them by purchasing their products, even if those products are some of the best available.  American entrepreneurs can come up with new companies that will do just as well or better, and it's those companies we need to support.

I have no use for traitors.  That goes for elected officials, common citizens who are spies for foreign nations, and corporations that are willing to sell out the US to line their pockets.  American investors should be ashamed to own stock in companies that are traitors to their own nation.

Speaking of which, it's time we took back our nation also.  Somehow ... it just isn't the America we once had, but it's all we have left and the only place we can start to rebuild.

First we boycott the corporate traitors ... then we vote out the illegitimati who are playing footsie with our enemies from their bureaucratic fatbutts ... then we remind D.C. that they're our servants riding in OUR limousines.  And I want mine back.

Can we get together on this?  Or are we still in a hazy mental state from taking all the German pills imported to this country (as advertised on TV).

It's time for an American uprising ... with dollar votes and with ballot votes.   We need to get our country back or there won't be one left ... we'll be part of some damned global village with no borders, no laws and no Constitution.

BUY "MADE IN AMERICA" and support our nation's workers.  Maybe we can get an army of working class Americans back on their feet enough to want to march on Washington and dump a few politicians into the Potomac for a cold bath. Most of them have cold feet anyway when it comes to standing up for America.

Ron Paul, you are not alone, just keep on fighting and sooner or later a whole bunch of us will join you.  It just takes us time to wake up to what's happening.

Dorothy Anne Seese is a freelance political writer for Patch Work papers and a regular columnist for Ether Zone.
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