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Title: EMERGENCY MESSAGE FROM FTW -- Mike Vreeland Speaks from Canada -- FTW Web Site Hacked in Apparent Attempt to Block This Story

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What the CIA Doesn’t Want You to Know

by Michael C. Ruppert

[Ed. Note: Just prior to the publication of this article the FTW web site was hacked for the second time in a month. This hacking -- accomplished via sophisticated methods -- has been apparently intended to prevent us from publishing the following interview. As a temporary emergency measure ONLY please direct emergency e-mail correspondence to [EMAIL PROTECTED]. FTW will be back up and running in an even more secure manner in the near future.-- MCR]

April 4, 2002, 1:00 PM PST (FTW) -- If all of its dark alleys were explored, the case of Delmart Edward Joseph “Mike” Vreeland is one which is worthy of a book that would rival “War and Peace.” It is a case that has sparked zealous attacks on FTW and me personally, and one which has seriously disturbed many officials in Washington. These attacks are an indication of the threat Vreeland poses to the credibility of the U.S. government. Only one question of any relevance exists. How was this man able to write details that described the events of Sept. 11 while locked in a jail cell, more than a month before the attacks occurred?

It matters little to a housewife in Kansas if Mike Vreeland has a very confusing criminal arrest record -- some of it very contradictory and apparently fabricated -- for a variety of petty criminal offenses including fraud. But it may be a matter of the gravest importance for the same housewife if this man knew accurate information about the attacks, tried to warn both the U.S. and Canadian governments about them, and was ignored. If a crazy man runs up to you on the street and says that a house is on fire with children trapped inside, and you smell smoke, who is the crazy one if you decide not to investigate?

The U.S. Navy says that Vreeland, arrested in Canada on Dec. 4, 2000 and currently fighting a U.S. extradition warrant, was discharged for unsatisfactory performance after only four months of service in 1986. But a growing pile of evidence, much of it filed in court records and undisputed by Canadian or U.S. authorities, establishes clearly that Vreeland was exactly what he says he was -- a spy. 

In three previous stories, FTW has described how his military records, acknowledged to be in excess of 1,200 pages, have been tampered with. We have described how, in open court on a speakerphone, his lawyers obtained direct confirmation from the Pentagon that he was a Navy officer. We have also reported that, as of March 14, all Canadian charges against Vreeland were dismissed. He was released on bail and also granted temporary refugee status by the Canadian government until his battle to beat the U.S. extradition request is settled.

Something that Canadian authorities have never disputed is that Vreeland wrote his ominous and hastily scribbled warning a full month before the attacks, and that the warning was sealed away by his keepers, beyond his reach, until Sept. 14, three days after the attacks.

If he loses his extradition fight, both Vreeland and his attorneys believe that his assassination will occur within days of his return to U.S. soil.

Mike Vreeland is not a saint. Covert operatives are not made from such material, and governments do not recruit or screen candidates for saintly qualities. By his own admission in Canadian court documents and in several conversations with FTW, Vreeland says he has done bad things. He has been on probation for petty offenses, and he has behaved the way covert operatives behave in the real world -- not in Hollywood.

I have been studying, interacting with, and talking to covert operatives for more than 25 years. It is for that reason that I avoid some of the questions being raised by dilettantes and neophyte journalists who take all of the threads of Vreelands stories and run with them into a wilderness from which no professional journalist could credibly emerge. Yes, I have listened to him talk about so-called “red mercury,” baseball-sized atom bombs, and Star Wars weapons systems. Yes, I have heard him talk about a great many things, and I believe that what he told me was truthful according to his knowledge of events and the documents he brought back from Moscow in December 2000.

Even by his own statements, Vreeland, now 35, was a relatively low ranking officer and an intelligence field operative.  Never in the history of covert operations has any government entrusted field operatives with total strategic knowledge because the knowledge held by those who make the plans is compartmentalized and locked away. Perhaps 80 percent of all intelligence work is disinformation, and governments know that their field operatives risk capture, interrogation and torture. Quite often field operatives are themselves fed disinformation so that if they talk, they will still spread lies that serve a larger strategic purpose. Quite often they carry documents that are deliberately inaccurate and their capture is engineered to give those documents credibility.

To the U.S. government, Vreeland is totally expendable. And those who run with every piece of information he has disclosed will themselves be proven fools in a fools game.

But one question remains. And it is a question that now stands vindicated by time and events. He knew something chillingly accurate about the 9-11 attacks before they happened. And if he knew something, based upon documents given to him by Russian officials indicating U.S. knowledge, and if the U.S. government went to great lengths to discredit him, rather than bring him in from the cold -- then there is real meat on the plate for journalists, the American government, and all of mankind.

I have asked him 35 questions, and now you can read Mike Vreelands answers as he speaks for himself. The first 32 questions were jointly submitted to both Vreeland and his attorney, Paul Slansky, for review. The remaining three questions were asked after the most recent hacking of FTWs website, which we believe was perpetrated by the CIA. This made the publication of this story an emergency and also made a statement about the survival of a free press in America:


    1.  What part of the U.S. government did you work for? Was it the CIA?

         I worked for U.S. Naval intelligence. What the CIA directs us to do is their business, so we have no way of knowing whether were working for them or not.

    2. Was your assignment primarily connected to terrorism/oil?

         Yes, on both issues, in part.

    3. Why were you in Moscow and Russia in the latter part of 2000?

    I was sent there by the U.S. government and the ONI [Office of Naval Intelligence]. I got my orders between Sept. 4 and Sept. 7, 2000.

    Marc Bastien departed for Russia on Sept. 7, 2000. I had orders to meet him. Bastien was going to work at the Canadian embassy regarding diagrams and blueprints of a weapons defense system. The U.S. government had a direct influence on his mission. The name of the defense system is SSST [Stealth Satellite System Terminator]. There are five different individual and unique defensive and strike capabilities of the system. The only portion that I have publicly spoken on is one frame regarding actual current orbiting satellites, which are not at this time owned by the US government. On advice of counsel I cannot discuss the other components.

    This one component is a satellite system. Within the confines of the system there are multiple, deployable space/orbital EMP [Electromagnetic Pulse] missiles that are not aimed at the ground. They are targeted at everyone elses satellites. These would kill worldwide communications. The satellites of some countries that are shielded with titanium are protected from these weapons. The protected countries are Russia and China, but U.S. satellites are vulnerable and Putin has told Bush that the U.S. missile defense system doesnt work, and that Bush knows it.

    The reason why I went to Russia was because I needed to meet with Bastien and another individual from the Russian Ministry of Defense named Oleg. The purpose was to get the Canadian diplomat who had made contact with Oleg to get the book of designs out of the ministrys R&D. That was done. We copied the entire book. Then we took certain documents, and we changed serious portions of the defense design so the program wouldnt work. They know this now.

    Additionally I was to pick up docs from other agents and bring them back.

    4. You told Canadian authorities that Bastien was murdered when?

    I never told them he was murdered. I wrote a letter to Bastien around June of 2000 from jail. I sent it to CSIS [Canadian Security and Intelligence Service] in Ottawa, to the director for his eyes only. I had restructured the diagram to put it back in its original state. But I never told anyone exactly how to turn it on and how to build it. CSIS already knew that Bastien was dead. He died six says after I was arrested on Dec. 6. I was discharged on Dec. 9. He was killed on Dec 12.

    CSIS sent RCMP [Royal Canadian Mounted Police] (Sgt. Mabe, Corporal Kispol) to visit me in jail on Aug. 8, 2001,…and they advised me that he was dead. They didnt say he was murdered. They told me he was dead. I told them that is Bastien was dead, it was murder, and that they should get a toxicology report. And I would tell you how it was done, and who did it.

    5. When did they finally admit that Bastien was murdered?

          They admitted that I was correct in mid-January.

    6. When did you first learn details of the attacks that were to happen on Sept. 11?

         In the first week of December 2000.

    7. How did you learn of the details?

    One document was written in English by a U.S. agent, who had picked up a copy of a document that had been sent to V. Putin by K. Hussein, Saddam Husseins son. This is what the translation of the doc indicates. The Iraqis knew in June 2000 that I was coming. I didnt get my orders until August.  The letter said that Bastien and Vreeland would be dealt with “in a manner suitable to us.” The letter specifically stated on page two, “Our American official guarantees this.”

    8. Who put the information on the attacks into the pouch, and what would have been their motive for doing so?

    I am not allowed to answer that. It would jeopardize the lives of active agents, and it would violate the National Security Act of 1947.

    9. After having learned of the details of the impending attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon, how long did you wait before trying to notify Canadian and U.S. authorities of the information?

         On Dec. 6, 2000 I told Canadian authorities to their face that I needed to contact the Canadian military immediately. I wrote it down. She [the Canadian official] was playing games, so I wrote down that I was a Russian spy and a weapons systems expert, and that I wanted to talk to them TODAY. I said I was a Russian because figured it would get their attention. The name they had on me was Mikhail Cristianov (Michael Christian), because I had ID that used this name.

    10. What was their reaction?

         The Canadians turned blue, walked away, and I never saw them again.

     11. How did it make you feel?

         I was pissed off. Its on video [referring to a standard jail surveillance/security video].

    12. Did the U.S. and Canadian response lead you to reach any conclusions? If so, what were they?

         I thought I was dealing with idiots who had no clue about what was about to happen. Its been put to me that there were certain officials who wanted the attacks to happen. No one ever had any intention of building the system I was after because it would have made the defense budget obsolete. One thing that happened after 9-11 was that the Pentagon budgets soared.

    13. Your written warning contains the statement, “Let one happen, stop the rest.” Who was going to let one happen? Who was going to stop the rest?

         I cant comment on the advice of counsel.

     14. Does that statement imply that the U.S. or some other intelligence agency had achieved complete penetration of the terrorist cells?

         That goes without question. Sometimes certain governments design, create networks like AlQaeda, which was really the government in Afghanistan. Those entities create specific problems at the creating governments direction.

     15. Do you know who had achieved this penetration?

         I cannot comment on that.

    16. Is it possible that the terrorist cells were being “run” without knowing by whom?


    17. The most common excuse people use to discredit you is that you have prior arrests on fraud charges, and there are several press stories linking you to alleged criminal activity. How do you explain this?

    The American Express charges are b.s., and Amex has stated on tape that the specific charges in question were approved. They admit that there was no fraud on this card. That card had been issued to Lt. Delmart Michael Vreeland. The Amex people admitted that the card was a U.S. Navy card.

    People have accused me of identity theft. If anybody checked with the police departments in the U.S., they would find that there is not one police report form any individual in the U.S. who has alleged that I have stolen any identities. There is not a single identified victim anywhere. Three judges in Canada have denied my requests to have discovery and disclosure on these alleged charges.

    The press stories that have circulated about my past are lies. Portions of the stories alleging fraud and ID theft are lies. I have threatened to sue these papers, and the stories have been pulled.

    Im working with ONI. Certain government officials -- politicians, brass, and high ranking military -- have 11th Amendment privileges and cant be sued. Another government agency has to go investigate activities connected to weapons smuggling, organized crime and drug trafficking. They use their power to break laws, and were not allowed to investigate them. Thus certain parts of the U.S. government designed an entity called UID (Unofficial Intelligence Investigation Division). It was designed by Adm. Jeremy Michael Boorda, who allegedly committed suicide. Boorda put this together prior to becoming CNO [Chief of Naval Operations]. He was not a bad guy.

    Intelligence officers are sometimes put into positions where they are given assignments to infiltrate specific organizations that are powerful enough to check out a newcomers background. Page 335 of the Charter Application in Canadian Court shows a copy of orders from Southern Command. These orders are dated April 18, 2000, concerning an anti-drug operation we were mounting. At approximately the same time the media released widespread stories that I was a wanted criminal.  This was a means pf providing cover and credibility for me with the people I was infiltrating.

    18. How many times have you been arrested on criminal charges?

         Maybe three. Some of this I did, like a DUI charge in New York. I had been at the UN, and I had definitely been drinking.

    19. How many times have you been convicted?

         I have never been legally convicted of any criminal, felony activity anywhere. The drunk driving charge is still pending, and I have admitted in open court that I did it.

    20. The Michigan warrant for credit card fraud is based upon the use of your own credit card. How do you explain this?

         It is a setup.

    21. Were your credit cards authorized or facilitated by the U.S. Navy or any part of the U.S. government?


    22. Could the U.S. government or any of its intelligence agencies have “inserted” the charges through state and local agencies?


    23. You were in custody in New York on the date the alleged Michigan offense took place. What was the charge, and what was the disposition of that case?

         That was the DUI charge.

    24. Was working with organized crime families a part of your duties with the Navy?


     25. Were any of the organized crime families in Michigan?


     26. For what reason were you working with organized crime?

         I was under orders to do so 90 percent of the time. Organized crime supplies the weapons and drugs that go to the people we investigate.

    27. Are you afraid that you will be killed if you are extradited to the U.S.? Why?

         Yes. Because I have spoken out.

    28. Can you explain why the Canadian courts will not allow your attorneys to introduce evidence that verifies your position with the U.S. Navy?

         Yes. The Canadians are totally subservient to U.S. intelligence interests. Theyre afraid of Uncle Sam. It would also prove that CSIS covered up Marc Bastiens death, and that there was a cover-up involving a member of a major drug organization that had planned assassinations against prominent Canadians. In fact, one individual was found dead in a vat of acid. He was a hit man.

     29. What do you want?

    I want my uniform back, my back pay at $4,210.90 a month and my honor. I want President Bush to give me a full and complete pardon and the amnesty of the U.S. government. I am owed that. I want Bush personally to know everything that I know, and what kind of threats there are against the U.S.

    Its never going to happen, so I am now seeking permanent refugee status in Canada and the protection of the United Nations.

    30. What do you think will happen next in your case?

         I dont know. My attorney is in court seeking a postponement of the extradition case because the Canadian government will not allow me to subpoena very important U.S. witnesses from the Pentagon and other places.

    31. Is the war on terrorism about something other than what the people of the world are being told?

         What war on terrorism?

    32. What do you think will happen next in the war on terror?

         Eventually, someones going to have to tell the truth. Once those people are dealt with according to law, there will be no more false terror spread across the globe.

    33. You have recently had dealings with an American journalist named Rick Wiles. What is your opinion of Wiles and what was your experience?

    My opinion of Wiles is that he is a psychopath, who will print anything that will make him money. My experience with him was that I had private conversations with him that he recorded, not telling me he was going to post them on the Internet and sell them to the world. Then once I contacted him and told him that he was not to do that, he said he would take them down right now. Instead of taking them down he placed a bigger ad. He made a bigger ad!

    In my opinion he is neither honorable nor professional. He has placed my story right next to a story about someone who talked to aliens 25 years ago. Yeah, that’s right where I want my story to be, right next to some bozo who talks to aliens. The idiot!

    So now he’s selling this phony exclusive interview with me for $20 and he’s making all the money. He never had my permission to do that.

    34. You have recently had dealings with an American journalist named J.R. Nyquist. What is you opinion of Nyquist and what was your experience?

    Don’t even get me started. My opinion: I think he might be working for the government. I did not know that he was writing a story about me. He asked me some questions. I answered some questions. I recorded it, and then he went off on a wild tangent about psychological crap, and I didn’t even read the whole story I was so mad.

    He went off about the Russians, and it’s all bs. He sent me this fax about you saying that Ruppert was not my friend. He was saying that the Russians had me boxed in. The truth is, the American government is boxing me in. He’s full of shit.

    35. Are all of these statements on-the-record?


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