-Caveat Lector-

these may be very heavy for survivors

Delayed Discovery Exception Applies in Child Sexual Abuse Cases Law Reporter
- April 03, 2002 Originally Published:20020401. Delayed discovery exception
applies in child sexual abuse cases.  Jasmin v. Ross, 33 P.3d 725 (Or. Ct.
App. 2001). The Oregon Court of Appeals held that an individual who, as an
adult, first discovered the connection between her psychological problems and
past sexual abuse, timely filed her claim under the state's delayed discovery
exception to the statute of limitations. The exception provides, in part,
that an individual injured by sexual abuse is allowed to sue up to three
years from the date of discovery of the causal connection between the injury
and the abuse....Plaintiff's Counsel  David L. Slader, Portland, Or

This may be very heavy for survivors. Teen Strangled Sorcery Ritual - 4/4/02
- Phnom Penh (Reuters) - A 14-year old virgin girl was strangled in a good
luck sorcery ritual in Cambodia, police said Wednesday. Police said two men
-- a 22-year old sorcerer and his student -- were charged with the murder in
court Wednesday. Another four were charged with conspiring to commit murder.

Sexually Abused Boys Have Persistent Somatic, Psychological Problems London
(Reuters Health) Mar 25 -- Boys who were victims of sexual abuse at a school
in the UK did not seem to experience an excess of health problems, but those
they did have were likely to continue for longer than a year after the abuse
was stopped and the perpetrator jailed...Arch Dis Child 2002; 86:164-167.

This may be very heavy for survivors.
Teenage girl torturers shock nation - Schoolmate left for dead because she
was 'too pretty' The Europe pages - Observer special Paul Webster in Paris
3/24/02 The Observer "An abandoned old people's home where a 14-year-old high
school girl was tortured by two of her schoolmates in a crime that has
shocked France...Neither had a reputation for violence, but a public
prosecutor has pointed out that the older girl had just seen Scream and the
younger one had taken part in Satanic practices with skinheads in the local

This may be very heavy for survivors.
Police have suspect in cat head hate crime by Dana Brundage 3/21/02 -
Charlestown -  Police say they have a suspect in last month's hate crime
involving the decapitated head of an animal. Sgt. Patrick McMahon of the
Charlestown Police Department said Monday that they believe a man in his
20's, along with another man around the same age, are responsible for leaving
the head of a cat in an army boot on the front of the Shannock Baptist Church
on March 1. A woman delivering a package to the church found the boot that
morning and contacted police. Along with the boot was a letter written in a
satanic language.


Warren church struck by vandals by Karyn-Lynn Fisette - Warren - St. Mark's
Episcopal Church was the most recent of three churches in the state to be
desecrated by vandals with a satanic agenda.

Police alerted to massive prostitution ring - Cassandra Szklarski - Canadian
Press "...The unusual tip led police to a Toronto-based criminal group that
operated out of several escort services and victimized scores of women - many
of them underage, said the city's police chief....But the operation itself
involved dozens of supposedly legal agencies fronting for pimps, comprising
about "90 per cent" of escort advertisements in the city's yellow pages, said
police. The agencies' owners spent an estimated $800,000 a year on ads
spanning 20 pages in the phone book. The arrests of 12 people represented a
significant blow to the city's underground sex trade, said police."


Amnesty International USA - Action Center

Improve Defense for Capital Cases-- Help Pass the Innocence Protection Act

For every eight executions carried out during the last 29 years, one person
was sentenced to death and later freed because of evidence of innocence. A
common reason for these gross errors in capital punishment cases is
incompetent representation. As a result of federal legislation passed in
1996, funds were sharply cut for the Legal Services Corporation (which
provides legal services for indigent defendants) and funds were eliminated
for centers that provide attorneys for death row inmates.


Blair opts for delay on Iraq - U-turn on Saddam: No 10 postpones 'damning
dossier' to avert a Labour backbench backlash, reports Kamel Ahmed

Observer Worldview - Terrorism crisis - Observer special
Sunday March 31, 2002 - The Observer

Tony Blair executed a last-minute U-turn on plans to publish a dossier of
evidence against Saddam Hussein because he feared it would increase the
frenzied speculation about an immediate war against Iraq, leading to an
overwhelming backlash from his own MPs.  In a significant move which reveals
the first softening of the line against the Iraqi dictator, Blair ordered
that the report be pulled a few days before the Foreign Office was due to
publish it.  He was also concerned that nervous Arab countries would see it
as giving a green light to military action against Saddam, something they are
set against.
The news comes five days before Blair is due to travel to the United States
for a summit with President George Bush. At Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas,
Blair will privately argue for a more cautious tone on Iraq and say that any
military action is 'a long way off'. He will also say that all diplomatic
avenues should be explored and that the United Nations should have a key role
in backing any coalition operation against the country.

Democracy Now! In Exile - The War And Peace Report With Amy Goodman

A 21-year old US Citizen, Suraida Saleh, is gunned down by Israeli soldiers
in Ramallah, with her 9 month old baby on her lap. The State Department
knows, but does nothing.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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