Title: Re: [CTRL] Israel To Reopen Concertration Camp For Palestinians
Is any prison camp or internment camp a ‘concentration” camp?

on 4/6/02 4:28 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Israel will reopen detention camp for Palestinian prisoners

Copyright 2002 by Agence France-Presse (via ClariNet)

/ Fri, 5 Apr 2002 9:10:12 PST

JERUSALEM, April 5 (AFP) - The Israeli army is to reopen an internment camp in southern Israel's Negev desert for Palestinians detained during Israel's current military sweep in the West Bank, Israeli military sources said Friday.

"Preparations are being made to reopen the camp at Kseiot", which housed thousands of Palestinians in the first intifada, or uprising, that began in 1987 and ended with the Oslo accords of 1993,

The camp, a classic structure of barbed wire fences and watchtowers, is located some 60 kilometres (35 miles) southwest of Beersheba, near the border with Egypt. It was dubbed Ansar 3, after Ansar 1 in occupied southern Lebanon and Ansar 2 in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli general staff's planning department chief, General Giora Eiland, told a press conference that so far 1,200 Palestinians had been arrested in the week-long sweep, "including several dangerous terrorists."

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                                   Justice Louis D. Brandeis

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