-Caveat Lector-

another desperately poor effort from JAH, uh?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Staffan Enbom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 10:54 PM
Subject: [CTRL] FW:I am Proud of my Jewish Heritage

> -Caveat Lector-
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Leah Feinstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 4:28 AM
> >Subject: I am Proud of my Jewish Heritage
> >A friend of mine wrote me and said that there are Christians on
> >this
> >website, http://www.blessedcause.org/ - who do not like Jews
> >and are
> >writing bad things about Jews. Well I just had to come here and
> >respond.
> >First of all let me say that Jews are wonderful people.
> >In my opinion, Jews make America a better place in a 1000
> >different ways.
> >My friend told me that Jews have been attacked in this forum by
> >a Christian Right-winger and he is wrong, wrong, wrong.
> >Jews are not the CANCER OF AMERICA.
> >It is Christians who are the CANCER OF AMERICA.
> >For example, look at how much Christians hate *homosexuals.
> * http://100777.com/homosexuality.htm
> >But Jews show love towards homosexuals, not mean spirited
> >hate like Christians. Jews want homosexuals to have all the civil
> >rights that are afforded to heterosexuals, including the right to
> >marry and adopt children and share health insurance through
> >one spouses job.
> >Jews know that Adolf Hitler was a Christian and we look at what
> >he did. Don't say that he was a *Catholic and therefore he was
> >not a Christian, we have heard that one too many times.
> >The truth is that we need to have more Jews in America and
> >less Christians.
> >The truth is that Hollywood, the ACLU and the Jewish Left have
> >made America a better place by fighting the evil Christian Right.
> * http://100777.com/pope00.htm
> >For instance, if it were not for Jews and Jewish influence in
> >politics, there would be almost no gun laws on the books. Can
> >you imagine America with no gun control laws? The Jewish Left
> >has proudly fought to get reasonable gun control laws passed
> >and I am sure that most good Christians support gun control
> >laws, don't you?
> >If you are Jewish I know you agree with me that Jews have
> >made America a better place. And if you are a REAL Christian
> >who is tolerant towards homosexuals and people of other
> >religions, I know you also agree with me that the Jewish Left has
> >helped America to become the great nation she is today.
> >Did you know that Adolph Hitler was a Christian? My Rabbi
> >proved it with quotes right from the mouth of Hitler himself. That
> >is why Jews are 100% dedicated to trying to destroy Christianity
> >in America. We look at the destruction of Christianity as the
> >salvation and safety of Jews in America. If you want to see the
> >Adolph Hitler Christian quotes, I will search for them on the
> >Internet and post them.
> >But make no mistake, Christians have tried for 2000 years to
> >destroy the Jews. They have try to convert us by persuasion
> >and by force. They have tortured us and subjected us to
> >Inquisitions and chased us out of nation after nation, century
> >after century. This is a war and we Jews are going to win
> >because the Christian Right does not even know that we are at
> >war with them. This truly is a war and we Jews are going to win
> >because the head in the sand escapist Christian Right is stupid
> >when compared to the brilliant long term strategists who are
> >leading the organizations in the Jewish Left.
> >This is a real war and we Jews are going to win because we are
> >coming in under the radar using stealth technologies of *mind
> >control via the media and the popular culture. Just try to tell the
> >average guy on the street anything that I am telling you and he
> >will laugh in your face because we have him in the palm of our
> >hand and he does not even realize that he is a "mind-numbed
> >robot" incapable of independent thought. We are almost in total
> >control. It won't be long now. At this point in time our power and
> >control is so strong that we no longer have to hide what we are
> >doing because the soporific masses have been lulled to sleep
> >by their TV's and they will never wake up in time to stop us. We
> >are out in the open now, confident that we cannot be stopped.
> * http://100777.com/brainwashing.htm
> >My Dad was Jewish and my mom was Catholic, so technically I
> >am not a Jew, but I identify with the Jewish side of my family. I
> >attend synagogue weekly and I plan to dedicate my life to
> >helping Hollywood and the ACLU to destroy Christianity. Right
> >now I am employed in a low-level job in Hollywood, but I have
> >friends who are friends with some of the most important directors
> >and producers in the film industry. Trust me when I say that we
> >are bent on destroying the morality of American Christians
> >intentionally for the purpose of breaking the hold of the Christian
> >Right over this nation.
> >We have worked tirelessly to lower the birth rates of American
> >Christian women by promoting birth control, sex for pleasure,
> >feminism, sexually liberated women and working mothers. We
> >are going to make America into a secular nation and Christianity
> >will soon be a laughing stock, forgotten and mocked by all
> >public school children. The next step we are going to take in
> >marginalizing the Christian right is to subtly suggest in the
> >upcoming election year that those intolerant "Fundamentalist"
> >Republican Right-wing Christians are similar to the Taliban in
> >Afghanistan.
> >In contrast, we will point out that Jews are the most decent
> >people on earth. Jews are promoting tolerance, homosexual
> >rights, globalism, environmentalism, the elimination of poverty,
> >the elimination of racism and the elimination of all intolerant
> >religions. I am proud of my Jewish heritage. I wish I was a full
> >blooded Jew. I urge all of you who are nice and loving people to
> >support the Jewish transformation of America. We areproud of
> >what we are trying to do. Join us and help us make the world
> >abetter place.
> >Shalom from Leah Feinstein.
> http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/2012/rabbis.htm
> >PS - Look at the way we are changing America for the better via
> >immigration. We worked for decades to change America's
> >immigration policy to favor immigration from third world nations.
> >Because of the 1965 Immigration Act which we forced through
> >Congress, whites will be a minority in America in just a few
> >years. They are already a minority in California. Christian
> >Right-wingers, your days are numbered. Get ready to be
> >overwhelmed by millions of non-european, non-Christians from
> >all over the world. You are going to be the losers of history. It is
> >payback time for Christians. Us Jews are going to have our
> >revenge for all the terror we have suffered at the hands of
> >Christians for centuries. It will be a sweet, sweet revenge. But we
> >will not do to you what you have done to us over the centuries.
> >We will just make you and your religion go out of style until no
> >one will want to be a Christian and Christianity simply
> >disappears. It is already happening thanks to our friends who
> >control the public schools, Television, Hollywood and the music
> >industry. Good Luck. You will need it.
> For further clarification see:
> http://100777.com/keyfiles.htm#jewry
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