Herbert Kalmbach

Nixon's personal lawyer, Herbert W. Kalmbach, served as Stans' deputy fundraiser, who took charge of a $1.7 million surplus slush fund at the end of the 1968 campaign. These funds were placed in various bank accounts and parceled out to pay for political sabotage against Nixon's "enemies."

Kalmbach's background was as vice president at Security Title Insurance in Los Angeles and prior to that at Arizona Title Co. From 1964 through 1967 he was vice president and director of Macco Realty. He also formed a law firm in 1967 in Newport Beach, California, where his clients in 1969 included Atlantic Richfield Co. and one of its directors, Donald Kendall, who was chairman of Pepsico. He also represented the Great Southwest Corporation and Glore Forgan, Staats.

In 1970 Martindale-Hubbell shows Kalmbach's clients to have included the Flying Tiger Line--owned by Claire and Anna Chennault, which changed its name to Tiger International in 1974 and merged into Federal Express in 1989--and the Nixon Foundation. Later clients included Dart Industries, Marriott Corp., Music Corporation of America (whose president Taft Schreiber served on CREEP's finance committee in 1972), United Airlines, Morrison-Knudsen (which, along with Brown & Root, made a fortune in construction in Vietnam military facilities), and Northrop.

William Casey

The looting of the Penn Central could not have occurred in the form that it did without the work of Bill Casey.

Stans and his associates set up the company to be looted, but it was Casey who was in charge of the Securities and Exchange Commission while the assets were being stripped by Palmieri and his subordinates like Pug, and like John A. Koskinen, who has been Deputy Director for Management at OMB since 1994. Koskinen, a graduate of Yale Law School in 1964, did post-graduate work in international law at Cambridge University in England from 1964 to 1965. He worked for Palmieri Company for 21 years and was president for many of those. As such, he was responsible for "reorganizing the non-rail subsidiaries of the Penn Central Transportation Company and for development and disposition of the Penn Central's real estate and energy assets, served as an investment manager of real estate investments owned by the Teamsters Union's Central States; was Divestiture Trustee and manager for Levitt and Sons, Incorporated; successfully restructured Baldwin-United Corporation, a large diversified financial services company; provided management services to the Resolution Trust Corporation; and rehabilitated Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, the largest failed life insurance company in U.S. history." ( ).

The Penn Central assets were not sold for the benefit of the company or its former employees or their pension fund. They were directed to vultures who were ready to scoop them up for pennies and put them in reserve--vultures like Riklis and Lindner--with assistance from Michael Milken, a man who could not have done what he did if anyone other than Bill Casey had been at the SEC helm. Casey knew exactly what he was doing, as did his enforcement deputy, Stanley Sporkin. (9)

After participating in a game of charades during the 1970's at the SEC, Casey became Director of the CIA in 1981 following Reagan's election.

Sporkin, in 1980, shortly before leaving the SEC and knowing that he and Casey would not be able to continue their game, agreed to allow Meshulam Riklis to take Rapid-American private. Similar approval was quickly given to Lindner and Saul Steinberg of Reliance. By this action, these corporations were allowed to do their deeds in the dark.

Thanks to Desiree (Dee) Ferdinand, however, we have an even better picture of what William Casey was doing during his years in public office.

Mrs. Ferdinand is the daughter of Albert Carone, a CIA-Mafia connected money launderer who also held the rank of full colonel in Army Intelligence.

Carone was murdered in 1990. Bill Tyree knew Carone from the Watchtower missions and confirmed his role as a "money man." ( ). Carone carried on a very close business relationship with Casey while he was Director of the CIA, since Carone was the liaison between the mob, police, military and the CIA.

The Transcripts of the depositions which both Dee and her husband gave in Bill Tyree's lawsuit are extremely revealing about how these various factions of the syndicate worked together.

According to former FAA investigator Rodney Stich, "Carone had complex relationships." In his underground bestselling book Defrauding America: Encyclopedia of Secret Operations by the CIA, DEA, and Other Covert Agencies, Stich writes that Carone "was a member of the Gambino family with connections to other crime groups in the eastern part of the United States, a detective on the New York City vice squad, a member of the military and a CIA operative."

Stich writes that "Dee [Ferdinand, Carone's daughter] said her father was a detective and bagman in the New York City police department, collecting money that was distributed to captains and inspectors as payoffs for looking the other way where drugs were involved..."

"Referring to CIA-Mafia drug trafficking, she said she knew from what her father said that the drugs coming from South America, went to the Colombo, Genovese and Gambino families, and that it was a joint CIA-Mafia drug operation under the code name Operation Amadeus. She said that during World War II, Operation Amadeus was involved in transporting Nazi officers from Germany into South American countries. According to her father's notes, Operation Amadeus split into several other operations, including Operation Sunrise and Operation Watchtower."


FEMA was allegedly created by Executive Order 12148 which became law simply by its publication in the Federal Registry. In other words, Congress was bypassed for FEMA's authorization as well as its funding. But if Congress never authorized the "agency," where do operational expenses come from?

Tyree's lawsuit alleges that laundered drug profits were the initial source of funding.

According to the lawsuit, "the Plaintiff alleges the Defendants CIA and George Bush did intentionally engage in the complained of conduct herein to conceal: (1) the origins of FEMA and that profits from drug trafficking by the CIA were used in some part to originally fund FEMA and the drafting of the FEMA infrastructure."

The late Colonel Carone also claimed that "he took drug profits that were clean and laundered in 1982-1984 to the following: NSC -- Colonel Oliver North who used the funds to create and develop FEMA." [p. 88 of the lawsuit]

Colonel Carone also testified that "FEMA was one of those off-the-shelf creations that was funded through the giant black operations fund which came about from drug trafficking operations instituted by the CIA which Congress has no idea of and no control over," that "the FEMA Chain of Command, rules and regulations that he had seen violated the US Constitution, and actually established a succession to the Office of the President in the event of an emergency that circumvented the Vice- President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives."

Carone said "NSC used drug trafficking profits to start FEMA without congressional approval... a 1981 NSC Directive written by Frank Carlucci [states]: `Normally a state of martial law will be proclaimed by the President. However in the absence of such action by the President, a senior military commander may impose martial law in an area of his command where there had been a complete breakdown in the exercise of government functions by local authorities.'"

"Colonel Carone said a literal interpretation of the 1981 NSC Directive was that a local yokel national guard commander could institute martial law, and the actions of FEMA, without local citizens ever knowing how FEMA came to be, or what FEMA was originally intended to be about, would automatically be triggered without any type of presidential order... Congress doesn't even have the purse strings on this one. It's all from the Black Operations Fund which Congress will never force the US Intelligence Community to admit even exists." See also

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