(Bush is condemned by his own words.  He has defined what a terrorist is and He is it.)

GW Bush on 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Robert Lederman

"We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th, malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty." GW Bush speaking before the UN GeGeneral Assembly 11/10/2001

When President Bush spoke of "outrageous conspiracy theories" he was for the first time acknowledging something of great significance. There are informed viewpoints completely missing from the propaganda war being relentlessly waged on Americans about 9/11 and its aftermath, viewpoints which are as opposite from the official story as it is possible to get.

The Bush administrations' official story has three basic premises. To briefly summarize, the first is that Islamic terrorists based in Afghanistan who hate American freedom plotted and executed an attack on America - an attack which the U.S. government had no prior knowledge of nor any connection to. The second premise is that in order to wage and win a war on terrorism we must invade Afghanistan and every other nation harboring, funding or otherwise supporting terrorists and that a simultaneous suspension of domestic civil liberties is necessary for internal security. The third basic premise is that our government is all good while theirs is the very personification of evil, the "evil-doers" as President Bush likes to call them.

The "conspiracy theories" Bush is referring to similarly have three basic premises and many divergent subsets. The first is that the attack was known about (and possibly, planned) by various elements of the U.S. government before 9/11 and was allowed to take place in order to bring about certain conditions, including the suspension of our guaranteed civil liberties. The second premise is that even if bin Laden and the al Queda network based in Afghanistan were immediately responsible for the attack that those supporting, funding and protecting them are not for the most part based in Afghanistan but are in fact closely connected to the Bush administration and to the allies President Bush has taken such efforts to rally to our side. The third premise is that a U.S. built oil pipeline through Afghanistan which has been in the planning stages for more than a decade is the real goal of the war and that a U.S. invasion of Afghanistan was in the works long before September 11th.

What makes these alternative viewpoints, "conspiracy theories"? It certainly isn't a lack of evidence.

In the American criminal justice system there are three basic kinds of evidence; direct, circumstantial and exculpatory.

Direct evidence of a crime might include a confession, fingerprints, DNA samples, credible witnesses or a surveillance tape proving guilt beyond any reasonable doubt. Circumstantial evidence is anything that lends credence to a defendant being guilty but in itself is not sufficient to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Exculpatory evidence on the other hand disproves a defendants' guilt or contradicts other evidence proving their guilt. In a recent NYC case involving exculpatory evidence, a homeless man charged with a vicious sidewalk assault on a tourist was found to be on a store surveillance tape recorded at the same time the assault took place. In the American system of criminal law prosecutors are required to share all exculpatory evidence with the defense.

The official story as told by the Bush administration and the U.S. corporate media is constructed of "evidence" the government frankly admits would not be admissible in any court of law. If anything, the Bush administrations' version of events is itself a very weakly constructed "conspiracy theory" challenged at every turn by an enormous amount of exculpatory evidence, much of it from the Bush administration itself. No wonder Bush insists on trials by military tribunals for suspected terrorists, trials in which virtually none of the evidence will be revealed to the defendants or their Bush-appointed defense attorneys.

It's absurd to claim that such trials will have any similarity to those at Nuremburg after WWII. The accused Nazis were given every opportunity to mount a full defense and were directly confronted by hundreds of witnesses for the prosecution who they were able to fully cross-examine.

There is one very striking similarity to Nuremberg however. Like today's accused terrorists, the Nazis were funded and supplied by some of Americas' wealthiest businessmen including GW Bush's grandfathers who operated Wall Street banks, shipping companies and other businesses as fronts for the Nazis [1]. Osama bin Laden, the Taliban and the largest sources of financing for terrorism are also intimately connected to the Bush family and to Wall Street, to some of Americas' leading corporations and to members of both Bush administrations.

The need for complete control of all information and media coverage along with a 24 hour a day propaganda effort to depict support for the Bush administration as a patriotic duty becomes obvious once one has even briefly considered the exculpatory evidence. Not only might it be difficult to convict the so-called terrorists in a legitimate court of law but support for either the war or the Bush administration would be virtually impossible once the full facts were known.

Nevertheless, being a loyal American I must support the Presidents' position in the war on terrorism with one additional point. The American people should hold President Bush to his own professed standard as explained in the following quote.

In his remarks, the president again laid out what the White House called the Bush Doctrine. "If you harbor terrorists, you are terrorists. If you train or arm a terrorist, you are a terrorist. If you feed a terrorist or fund a terrorist, you're a terrorist, and you will be held accountable by the United States and our friends." NY TIMES 11/22/2001 Bush Says War May Go Beyond Afghan Border

In other words, the President, the CIA, his father and many of their business partners, cabinet appointees and so-called allies are - based on the President's own words - terrorists. Only by bringing them to justice can we ever hope to win the war on terrorism.
-end article-

"....and evil has found a willing servant."
-G.W.Bush, fake conservative, phoney Christian, Skull and Bones member, Bohemian Club Member, CFR, New World Order puppet and bootlicker, L-I-B-E-R-A-L, globalist, coke-head, United Nations supporter, tyrant, Clinton-clone, and other well-earned titles.

"Here's to the new boss...same as the old boss..."
-The Who, from the song, 'Won't get fooled again'.

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