-Caveat Lector-


>>>This is the guy that caused Ollie the North One to install his security system. <<<


Number 31
April 8, 2002


by Gordon Thomas (EXCLUSIVE)

Abu Nidal is alive and well in one of Saddam Hussein's magnificent villas on the
outskirts of Baghdad - according to intelligence reports received recently by the CIA,
Mossad and French intelligence.
All three services conclude that this most feared of terrorists who has remained out
of sight for a year - and has not attacked a Western target for ten years - is planning
some new outrage for his new host paymaster: Saddam Hussein.
In a career that spans over thirty years - and includes plotting the Munich massacre
of Israel's Olympic athletes - Abu Nidal and his small but ruthless orgnisation have
killed or injured over 900 persons in over 20 countries.
His terrorist "CV" includes the Christmas massacre at Rome and Vienna airports in
December 1985; the hi-jacking of the Pan Am flight in Karachi in 1986; the
destruction of a ferry in Greece in 1988. Later there were the assassinations of the
PLO deputy chief, Abu Ilyad, and Yasser Arafat's security chief, Abu Hul in January
Nidal's organization, ANO, has operated under a number of other names; including
Black September and the Revolutionary Organisation of Socialist Muslims.
Dr. Jerrold Post, an American ranking expert on Abu Nidal, says: "He remains a
significant threat. In comparison, when it comes to terrorism, Osama bin Laden is still
in the learning stage."
The CIA profile of Abu Nidal, prepared by Dr. Post, remains a classic of its kind.
"He is the textbook loner. He has one ambition - to become supreme at the
profession he has chosen. He is dangerously special. Within him will be an incredible
vitality and life-force. He is obsessed by perfection in the way he works. Killing for
him is an art form. He will spend endless hours concocting new ways to do so. In that
sense he is the consummate professional. He has no need for human contact as
Confirmation that Nidal is now in Iraq has sent all Western intelligence agencies to
full alert.
"The only certainty we have is that the further he is from the last outrage, the closer
he is to his next," Yoel Ben Porat, a senior member of the Israeli intelligence
community, says.
Certainly Abu Nidal would be a perfect choice to create it. A brutal survivor of the
terrorist outrages of the 1970's, his specialty is creating what Dr. Post called
Both CIA and Mossad sources now say there is growing evidence that Nidal
"coached" bin Laden - and that Nidal was the real mastermind behind the bombings
of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and last September's outrages.
His return to Iraq is all the more significant for Western intelligence analysts - 
that Nidal was forced to leave the country when he quarreled with Saddam.
Fighting with his benefactors has always been a trait of Nidal's. An early member of
Arafat's organisation, he fell out with the PLO leader. That led to a PLO court
handing down a death sentence against Nidal. The sentence remains in force.
He has also quarreled with the governments of Syria, Libya, Algeria and Lebanon -
all of whom previously provided substantial funding for his activities.
That finance enabled Nidal to turn his full fury against Israel. His men bombed a
Jewish infant's school in Belgium, destroyed a synagogue in Vienna and almost
assassinated the Israeli Ambassador to London.
Then he vanished. He was reported to be in Yemen, Pakistan and Egypt. He was
said to have undergone plastic surgery to change his appearance in a Cairo clinic
run by a former Stasi (East German intelligence) doctor.
As the months, then years, passed-and there was no positive sighting of Abu Nidal -
the feeling grew in Tel Aviv, Washington and elsewhere that he was a spent force.
Now his confirmed presence in Baghdad has sent a collective shiver through
Western capitals.
Counter-terrorism experts say their ground intelligence suggests Nidal has solved a
problem for Saddam: giving him what he lacks - a ready-made terrorist organisation
able to operate world-wide.
Nidal's ANO is believed to now number no more than 200 followers. Mossad believe
that over the past few months they have slipped into Iraq via Jordan.
Many of them are veterans of terrorist attacks in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
Rafi Eitan, a former Director of Operations for Mossad counter-terrorism, told Globe-
Intel: "Nidal and Saddam have a tortured history and their relationship is hardly
based on mutual trust. Saddam financed Nidal's early activities - only to discover that
Nidal was also working with Syria - to Iraq's disadvantage. Nidal left Baghdad in a
But now he is back. And, for the moment at least, Nidal's well-known history of
conducting terrorist attacks on behalf of his host, almost certainly has led Saddam to
welcome him.
Dr. Ariel Merari, who lectures on terrorism at Tel Aviv University, fears that "the
combination of two evil minds can unleash a terrorism the world has not seen. Nidal
will be looking for something spectacular to mark his return. Saddam will expect no
less - and will find the hard cash to finance Nidal's needs."
To track him is going to be a major headache for Western intelligence services.
Many radical Arabs regard him as a modern-day Scarlet Pimpernel and as hard to
pin down. No one is certain what he now looks like. The last photograph of him on
Western intelligence files is ten years old.
Born Sabri al-Banna in Jaffa, he chose the name Abu Nidal because it means
"Father of Struggle."
No one is doubting that the struggle to stop him before he strikes is fraught with

Gordon Thomas is a writer on intelligence for a number of leading European
newspapers (the Sunday Express, UK; El Mundo, Spain; Welt am Sonntag,
Germany). His work is also syndicated internationally by World Wide Syndication.
Any use of the above must carry a clear attribution to both Gordon Thomas and
Globe-Intel. He is a Contributing Editor to Globe-Intel, an international newsletter
devoted to intelligence matters.

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